USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

Results are only viewable after voting.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'd be embarrassed to travel internationally. What a global embarrassment we are. Jesus H Christ

"We" . Pfft. Snort.

Just because your Plantation masters have said you belong to the USA tax farm, it doesn't mean you should be held personally responsible for the bad actions of your owners. - Jesus Fucking Christ


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That poll is funny. The only thing that drives up cost, is greed. Not wages rising.
The ultra rich want you to think that everything is going to cost more if they have to pay people more. Not true.
They are playing our fears. The Clintons and trumps of the world want nothing more than for us to fight amongst ourselves about A FEW DOLLARS, while they count their money.
Are we for the people, or for the dollar???

You are correct that politicians apply distractions to keep the game going. I suspect your "cure" may confound things though.

Supply and demand as well as labor costs do impact pricing and production costs.

The best cure for increased consumer benefit, is to get rid of protected monopolies and let peoples freely chose from an unlimited range of service providers to determine who will provide the best services for them. This creates the proper feedback to suppliers of goods and services, if they listen they thrive, if they don't they perish.

A regulated and government intervention skewed market subverts that necessary feedback loop and you end up where things are now. So MORE regulation is going to prevent potential suppliers from entering a given market and create less choice for the consumer and often higher prices.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If ALL jobs were minimum wage your cost scenario might make sense- but when labor costs are less than ten percent of overall costs even at fast food joints and Walmart it doesn't even make sense then.

If the regulatory and licensure barriers to entry were removed, the "employees" could start their own businesses and succeed or fail based on their own efforts. Your plan is a plan for "better treatment of the wage slaves". Mine is to break their chains and give them the freedom to compete.

Now go grow some weed, you're good at that, because you suck at diagnosing and solving problems created by government.


Well-Known Member
You are correct that politicians apply distractions to keep the game going. I suspect your "cure" may confound things though.

Supply and demand as well as labor costs do impact pricing and production costs.

The best cure for increased consumer benefit, is to get rid of protected monopolies and let peoples freely chose from an unlimited range of service providers to determine who will provide the best services for them. This creates the proper feedback to suppliers of goods and services, if they listen they thrive, if they don't they perish.

A regulated and government intervention skewed market subverts that necessary feedback loop and you end up where things are now. So MORE regulation is going to prevent potential suppliers from entering a given market and create less choice for the consumer and often higher prices.
I think that if the playing field is level, we have a shot at fairness.
Look at Minnesota MMJ. 25,000 to apply to grow, must have distribution and warehouse set up.
This allowed a few rich investors to own both facilities in mn. Monopoly. They control the price.
But as far as wages go, they can go up. Small biz may need protections, but in general wages need to rise, if the rich people expect us to buy stuff.
Supply and demand determines market value.
Higher wages won't affect what goods are sold, and who sells them. This is myth, perpetuated by the rich folks.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think that if the playing field is level, we have a shot at fairness.
Look at Minnesota MMJ. 25,000 to apply to grow, must have distribution and warehouse set up.
This allowed a few rich investors to own both facilities in mn. Monopoly. They control the price.
But as far as wages go, they can go up. Small biz may need protections, but in general wages need to rise, if the rich people expect us to buy stuff.
Supply and demand determines market value.
Higher wages won't affect what goods are sold, and who sells them. This is myth, perpetuated by the rich folks.

If the market is comprised of people (not corporations) who don't face legislated barriers to entry and regulations which increase startup and operating costs, the field WOULD be level.

Wages are an issue between the involved parties and are a secondary issue to the real problem. Besides, what two people who aren't under duress decide for a wage isn't my business.

The duress is CREATED by government when they favor some people and disallow others from entering a given market BY arbitrary regulation, licensure etc. These things are purported to be consumer protections, when in reality they are barriers used to prevent increased competition from common people.

Like I said, right now a wage earner is severely restricted from starting his own business, giving him more bread and a more comfortable bed is the answer to a more comfortable servitude, not the answer to how a playing field is made fair. Free markets, NOT crony markets are the answer. Peace.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think that if the playing field is level, we have a shot at fairness.
Look at Minnesota MMJ. 25,000 to apply to grow, must have distribution and warehouse set up.
This allowed a few rich investors to own both facilities in mn. Monopoly. They control the price.
But as far as wages go, they can go up. Small biz may need protections, but in general wages need to rise, if the rich people expect us to buy stuff.
Supply and demand determines market value.
Higher wages won't affect what goods are sold, and who sells them. This is myth, perpetuated by the rich folks.

Government needs to get the fuck out of regulating a plant (and everything else too) and let the weed be free. Prices will drop and people will smile more.

Instead, people will vote for being "allowed" to have a couple of plants and think that is freedom. A revocable privilege with arbitrary limits etc. is not freedom. Free markets = free the weed.


Well-Known Member
Government needs to get the fuck out of regulating a plant (and everything else too) and let the weed be free. Prices will drop and people will smile more.

Instead, people will vote for being "allowed" to have a couple of plants and think that is freedom. A revocable privilege with arbitrary limits etc. is not freedom. Free markets = free the weed.
Well, we live in idiot land.


Well-Known Member
That poll is funny. The only thing that drives up cost, is greed. Not wages rising.
The ultra rich want you to think that everything is going to cost more if they have to pay people more. Not true.
They are playing our fears. The Clintons and trumps of the world want nothing more than for us to fight amongst ourselves about A FEW DOLLARS, while they count their money.
Are we for the people, or for the dollar???
You are for the corporations that run our country I'm for the little guy.

Until you stop voting for the lesser of two evils we will keep getting fucked. Sure minimum wage should be higher but double? Yeah that won't help the big corporations get a monopoly and damn sure won't hurt the small business owners. (Sarcasm)


Well-Known Member
You are for the corporations that run our country I'm for the little guy.

Until you stop voting for the lesser of two evils we will keep getting fucked. Sure minimum wage should be higher but double? Yeah that won't help the big corporations get a monopoly and damn sure won't hurt the small business owners. (Sarcasm)
Say what now? I'm for What?
I'm for not getting fucked over by sleazy corporations.
In definitely not voting for the lesser of two evils. How did you get any of that from my comment?
Double the minimum wage? Yep. My "minimum" wage is pretty high, and my company pays me and thousands more our union minimum wages.
If a small business owner can't afford to pay an employee, they can do the work themselves, or reconsider their failed venture.
Reality is that if anyone is to get a fair crack, the inequality has to stop.
Isn't it the big corporations making it impossible for small businesses to survive? It's not the wages.


Well-Known Member
I'd be embarrassed to travel internationally. What a global embarrassment we are. Jesus H Christ
It turns out that most outside observers of our political system are lot more sophisticated than we give them credit for- mostly, I believe from long personal experience of talking with people of foreign origin, because they're a lot more politically sophisticated than we are.

It's easy to make friends when abroad; just disavow the belligerence of our right wing government. If you're dumb enough to be overseas and out yourself as a republican you deserve the scorn and ridicule you'll get.


Well-Known Member
Say what now? I'm for What?
I'm for not getting fucked over by sleazy corporations.
In definitely not voting for the lesser of two evils. How did you get any of that from my comment?
Double the minimum wage? Yep. My "minimum" wage is pretty high, and my company pays me and thousands more our union minimum wages.
If a small business owner can't afford to pay an employee, they can do the work themselves, or reconsider their failed venture.
Reality is that if anyone is to get a fair crack, the inequality has to stop.
Isn't it the big corporations making it impossible for small businesses to survive? It's not the wages.
Small business is alive right now you double minimum wage the corporations will eat them. Walmart will not be taken down a peg from this shit they will thrive.


Well-Known Member
Wow, entire crowds attacking individuals for supporting a candidate.

Who the fuck are they kidding? None of this garbage is going to change a Trump supporters opinion. If anything, its going to get more voters to the ballots come November in favor of Trump just to spite these people.

Fuck em, I hope Trump really does put them to work. They obviously have nothing better to do.

There are many more videos of the same kinds of shenanigans. Youtube is full of them.

One old redneck sucker punches a black guy at a rally months ago and the haters ignore everything that's happening on the other side since. They seem to think that since dude got sucker punched it's a free-for-all. It's going to get a lot worse before it's all over.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
actually he got a charge for felony assault.

and it's "lesson" you retarded racist geezer.

don't get punched in the throat.
Buck, That video is more than likely a family heirloom now. I wonder if he gets checks from youtube for all the hits. LOL nitro


Well-Known Member
There are many more videos of the same kinds of shenanigans. Youtube is full of them.

One old redneck sucker punches a black guy at a rally months ago and the haters ignore everything that's happening on the other side since. They seem to think that since dude got sucker punched it's a free-for-all. It's going to get a lot worse before it's all over.

are you crying?

because all i do is laugh when racists get what is coming to them.

i laugh and laugh and laugh.

do you cry?


Well-Known Member
Buck, That video is more than likely a family heirloom now. I wonder if he gets checks from youtube for all the hits. LOL nitro
your dog was ugly and i am glad he is dead. you will be dead soon too. possibly even before the election. you are old and frail and weak.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
your dog was ugly and i am glad he is dead. you will be dead soon too. possibly even before the election. you are old and frail and weak.
Buck, You seem to have a lot of hate built up. Man I hope you can hang in there for a few more months. nitro