Buying SEEDS??

which seed bank is safer and better to buy from?

  • Herbies

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • king crop seeds

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters


I have question, how safe would it be to order some cannabis seeds online like herbies? What would happen if customs find them, do you get in trouble? do police go nocking on your door? Is it safe to have them shipped to your P.O BOX Or what could happen? I would like to order some so any info would really help. (:
Herbies is solid and I wouldn't worry at all unless you like to tell everyone your business , also don't use p.o. box just another middle man between you and herbies. Good luck and post up your Pickens and results.
Herbies are cool..they've always packed my orders up in a "stealthy" DVD case, even though I live in Europe where it's legal...I understand they bung a T shirt in for stateside customs...
Don't let anyone say you're being paranoid though;You're not. You're being aware :blsmoke:
I did and real name along with my own debate card , its a Souvenir and things are changing but to be honest do a trial run before you make any major 100$ plus purchase. Other than that enjoy and let us know your choices. Also on the subject Guerilla seed bank throw awesome promotions and give awesome contest along with The Vault , will be amongst my next orders amongst the two , good peoples that you can get viable information from directly on this sight hard to beat that.
I had a seized order this year and they resent another package straight away on the date they state to contact them. Thankfully that lot got through. First bust if seeds I've had before.
Sorry I should add I used my real name, card etc. But my order was small that's the way to do it. There not going to waste time sending a pig to your house over 10 seeds. Hell I've had powder taken by those cunts and still not a knock on the door.
I buy and sell rare coins online and a few years ago spent some time with a US postal inspector as she investigated some of my insured coins lost in the mail. She said they, US Customs, look at every package coming into the US from abroad. They are particularly looking for explosives and components for making bombs. If Customs feels a package is "suspicious" they drill 2 small 1/8th inch holes into the package and use a "sniffer" to sniff for dangerous items. She said that when pot seeds are located they will snatch the seeds and send the package along with a sticker on it saying US Customs confiscated some material from the package. Customs will never try to arrest or investigate these seed grabbings. Over the years I have received half-a-dozen small packages with 2 small holes drilled into the package then taped over. They must have sniffed my packages and found to be legal. She said that was usually the case. Don't worry about foreign seed purchases coming back at you.

I order through Attitude and have had seeds snatched twice. If you use the "discrete shipping" option, $10 or so, Attitude will re-ship your confiscated order for free. They are 2 for 2 for me. So order and use an option to best protect your investment.

Good luck, BigSteve.
I have question, how safe would it be to order some cannabis seeds online like herbies? What would happen if customs find them, do you get in trouble? do police go nocking on your door? Is it safe to have them shipped to your P.O BOX Or what could happen? I would like to order some so any info would really help. (:

Vouch for herbies. Awesome seeds and awesome stealth/ shipping/ customer service. Everything spot on!. They hide the seeds in craft beeds, making them pretty damn difficult to detect. If customs happens to find them, you will just get your package in the mail with some writing that says "confiscated, don't do it again, etc, with the seeds removed.". But they can't do anything. Cops won't show up, and nothing will happen.

They can't prove you ordered them without a serious investigation, which aint gona happen unless you get caught multiple times, even then, slim chance. Customs isn't gona waste money on it unless you're a drug kingpin\

If you're really paranoid, use a friend or relatives address and a prepaid visa card, and just use your initials as your name. For instance if your name is John Williams, put J. Williams
I have ordered from a few different banks...I use my physical address and bank information...never had a shipment seized at customs...and I have certainly not had any badge wearing, gun carrying Neo-Nazi Facist assholes come busting down my door.
BTW I recently used Discreet Seeds...they fucking ROCK!!! I bought one seed and got 2 free. With shipping included my total was less than $24.00 USD

P.S. I am not now nor have I ever been employed by or owned any part of Discreet Seeds. I am not getting remuneration for my endorsement.

They are the Jessica Alba Titties of the seed bank world!.Just my humble opinion.
Gonna agree with $bkbbudz$... Discreet is new here, but have been quick to ship, good packaging and nice discounts and freebies... but then most seedbanks on RIU have been good to me, ranking is tough, but Discreet, The Vault, and Gorilla have good service and reps here..
Many orders from Herbie's with no intercept going through Chicago. But I order stateside unless I can't get what I want.
So would better to use a prepaid card? If so which brand of prepaid card and were can you get it from? I have heard that you have to find a prepaid card that can be used internationally, so if anyone has ever used a prepaid card let me know what kind,brand, where you can find it and if you can use it internationally?
So would better to use a prepaid card? If so which brand of prepaid card and were can you get it from? I have heard that you have to find a prepaid card that can be used internationally, so if anyone has ever used a prepaid card let me know what kind,brand, where you can find it and if you can use it internationally?

Any visa prepaid works, I think. You might want to email herbies and ask them if they take it, and if they need mastercard or w/e.
I just received another order from Attitude. Once payment was cleared I had my seeds in 5 business days. That's from their shipping point to the mid-west. I also requested breeders packs without the discreet, guaranteed shipping. No problems.
I'm in Canada and has used Cropking, Attitude(2x), and Nirvana. I used my own address and banking details all were successful.
Just thought I'd give a little heads up on The Attitude's monthly promotion. They're also giving away UFOs depending on how much money you spend.Untitled.png
Prepaids dont work for international anymore, none that I've ever tried and thats been a few including GreenDot,Visa & Mastercard.
I will say that Discreet Seeds delivers. I've had a few international orders and they were almost all nabbed @ Ohare in Chicago. @Discreet Seeds is among one other that ever got orders to my door going through that port. Top notch in my book for sure.