My NorCal Backyard Grow 2016


Well-Known Member
The wife just had too much to drink the night before and had a little fit....:wall: I found out the cops didn't actually show up so that makes me feel slightly better. Her ass ain't drinking ever again....

Sucks your wife pulled some shit like that, I'd be fucking pissed.

At least it was not the cops though, consider it some closure to not have to worry about your next ladies getting chopped!

Happy to hear you got the ball rolling again, hope you don't run into some bs again.

Hopefully you got.all the seasons drama out the way early on!

Best of luck my.friend

Stay free stay high


Lmao, there's alway some type of bull shit drama throughout the season!!

Just gotta be ready for it! The other day, the winds got real nasty and pushed my greenhouse wall into one of my bigger autos and smashed half the plant and broke a branch :cuss:

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
The wife just had too much to drink the night before and had a little fit....:wall: I found out the cops didn't actually show up so that makes me feel slightly better. Her ass ain't drinking ever again....
I was afraid it was something like that when I saw the pictures. That didn't look like cops had done it. Do you think your other plants will be safe? Trust is slippery. It can slip right through your fingers.

Good luck.

ky man

Well-Known Member
Yea, woman are the devil!
they had a open season here one year to kill all the woman till they found out that they had 99 percent of all money and 100 percent of all the pu88y.SO we had to close the season on them and let them live..When I was a kid a older man told me that..LOL is short that's why I never took no bs from my 3 x wifes..LOL..the lady iam with now we been togeather around 14-15 years and no mager fite but I will never marie again even thoe I love her with all my heart..


Well-Known Member
Hey man are your autos flowering yet, mine are doing wierd things getting hairs but not stacking and some wanting to reveg which shouldn't happen with autos. I'm pissed I'm coming up on like my 6 month and about to toss them or bring them inside and 12/12 them see if they makes them bud.
I was sketched out when I saw them in the zip lock bags this year, last time they came in breeder packs.
Hope your having better results then me.


Well-Known Member
Ouch.... I feel your pain... My county just passed some ridiculous ass ordinance too.

Something along the lines, "All unincorporated cities of LA county are prohibited from cultivating, processing, etc. for 45 days to conduct some environmental tests"

Some bull shit like that.... Cops around here don't really give a shit about pot anymore and my street isn't really an active street, so I just hope they don't come and pull some crap like this to me.
Ah shit i just read that,bummer man


Well-Known Member
Hey man are your autos flowering yet, mine are doing wierd things getting hairs but not stacking and some wanting to reveg which shouldn't happen with autos. I'm pissed I'm coming up on like my 6 month and about to toss them or bring them inside and 12/12 them see if they makes them bud.
I was sketched out when I saw them in the zip lock bags this year, last time they came in breeder packs.
Hope your having better results then me.
Would love to hear an update from tanner! And I recently experienced the same type of flowering with almost half my autos that in started in Feb. they all looked like revegging after practically fully flowering and I decided to just harvest them before it got worse.

Ah shit i just read that,bummer man
Yup, and they recently extended it until the 28th of this month where they vote on extending it all the way to the finish line of this outdoor season.

Fuck em' anyways I'm still growing.