1000w, 4X4 tray ebb and flow


Active Member
Have 1000w with 4X4 ebb and flow tray with 50 gallon reservoir. Want to get at least 2 pounds. Have a lot of expereance but need help. How many plants, how long veg, any help Please!!


Active Member
Have 1000w with 4X4 ebb and flow tray with 50 gallon reservoir. Want to get at least 2 pounds. Have a lot of expereance but need help. How many plants, how long veg, any help Please!!
get exactly 2 more set-ups like you have now,lights and tubs!!!!!then you will grow 2 lbs.......good luck!


Well-Known Member
I have a 4X4, ebb flow system but use a 600w. I average 1/2 pound every grow. Should i up to the 1000w, or is the 4X4 space a little small for a 1000w? Id say Veg 3-4 weeks, then flower. I do 9 plants in my set up, seems to fit the room nicely.


Active Member
Thankx Yota. I have done 9 before and yeah it does fit well. I have maxed out at .65 per watt though. Im sure your 600w is fine for your space a 1000 adds a lot of heat too.


Well-Known Member
What are the details of your grow that you can get 1.5lbs out of 4x4 tray? Or do you mean you got 1.5lbs under the 1k growing another way, like 4'ers in soil?

New to hydro?
Just trying to speed up your grow?


Active Member
25 with a veg of 2-3 weeks makes 1.5 in a 4X4 with hps 1000w. Knowone can seem to tell me how to get closer to 1 gram per watt.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any pictures to show the current setup with plants just after veg and just after flowering is done?

You're already doing very well so it's kind of hard to say what would make it better without actually seeing how the plants are arranged, how closely packed they are, what it all looks like etc.

25 plants in a 4x4 res vegged 2-3 weeks. Are they growing bushy or single colas? Lately I've seen a lot of grows using a TON of small thin single cola plants with 2 weeks veg or less giving more bud than plants allowed to get bushy like 3 weeks might give. Chino is right that less plants allowed to get larger will give a larger yield but I'm guessing you want to crop out as fast as possible so a longer veg might not make sense for your desires and in that case going the opposite way may be best for you.

Lastly do you chop the whole plants down and crop out all at once? If your lower buds are not maturing as fast as top buds you can crop just the top half and give the lower buds another week or so, that also increases yield, but again at the expense of time.


Active Member
Thankx Chino and Oregonmeds!!

Sorry no pics yet. I am getting 2-3 main colas not single. I would like to do as you say and save time with single colas but I have not had success yet. Will update.


New Member
here's mine george....sog style 1.25 lbs every 2 weeks.....had to stop it for a while , but i'm almost back at full capacity.


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here is my hps that i blew due to hot starting...the hydro guy was telling me about a soft start thingy....can i make one of these/do i need one?

here's a shot of my freshly ...end of the third week...s.o.g. pruned beauties ...16 of them staggered. i'm still workin out which mums the bees knees

wide shot of the flower room....big ones in day 24 of flower and the 2nd batch went in late due to cloner issues. you can see the carnage in the bottom of table 4.

i had to force myself to go back over them a second time to really take it off......it was painfull, but i'm over it. and i think i'll be happy when i see the results.



Well-Known Member

You sure do a lot of pruning on those plants. Looks to me like you are vegging too long with all that wasted height and pruning too much.
You could probably get the same or better yield with a much shorter veg and no pruning. If you changed to running more smaller single cola plants in smaller containers I bet you'd seriously increase your yield.

Ever tried that?

Not knocking your grow or your skills, just thinking that it seems a bit pointless to spend all that time growing height and leaves just to chop it all off. I know what lollypopping can do, but SOG with small plants seems better and faster. IMHO


New Member

You sure do a lot of pruning on those plants. Looks to me like you are vegging too long with all that wasted height and pruning too much.
You could probably get the same or better yield with a much shorter veg and no pruning. If you changed to running more smaller single cola plants in smaller containers I bet you'd seriously increase your yield.

Ever tried that?

Not knocking your grow or your skills, just thinking that it seems a bit pointless to spend all that time growing height and leaves just to chop it all off. I know what lollypopping can do, but SOG with small plants seems better and faster. IMHO
no offense taken....your right about a couple of things. this batch was overpruned by a couple of inches.....but i do not veg at all. the white widow is a sativa dominant hybrid and i had the light too far away .....live and learn. so there will be a noticeable difference when the next set is pruned. good eye though.


New Member


so my clones are doin good, looking great ...still no roots on day 7. i'll wait patiently cause they are pretty. (funny thing how apparently all types of girls make us do that.:cuss:)

but i was gone for 3 days and my tanks were not topped up with fresh h2o so the nutes shot up to between 15 and 1600ppm.

some are lost for sure i think i'm gonna lose 12 out of 18:sad::sad::wall::wall:

anyway here are some depressing pics to bum everyone out with.
fuckin full blown claw and browning ....ick

the first pic is one of the 6 that are still doing awesome...they were ther strong ones. the liluns burnt up like nobody's buisness:dunce:

fuckin 7000.00 investment and rising so far and i do this stupid shit.:dunce::wall::wall::wall: