Why are Republicans so scared of Hillary Clinton?

But once asked, his ability to be a lying sack of shit was very clear. Much like his wife and many of her bullshit stories.

If you can't tell the truth about once thing, its apparent you are capable of lying about anything.

Hyperbole is one thing. Most if not everyone is guilty of this at one point or another. However, not everyone is a lying sack of shit.
7 years of investigation, millions of dollars spent.
For what? We find out Bill got a bj.
And you promote this kind of shit?
Problem with America is people like you
The problem with America is people who want to push their preferences on everybody else, and get paid while their at it all the while doing nothing but complaining about not having this, that, etc.. and those same people are the ones electing this nonsense and when it all goes to hell and there's nothing left to take, they will be crying all the way home from their empty bank accounts. But then they still won't accept that is was their inability to understand economics and how to get off their butts and get a job, no matter how lame it is. I flipped burgers for ten years and worked for just a couple of dollars over minimum wage in a convenience store while going to college at night to be able to pay for my kids clothes, shoes and supplies they needed for school because I refused to go to charity. Charity is for the truly needy not the truly lazy. Period.
7 years of investigation, millions of dollars spent.
For what? We find out Bill got a bj.
And you promote this kind of shit?
Problem with America is people like you

I never said if I did or did not promote it. I simply said he was a lying sack of shit once asked.

I agree with you though, It wasn't anyone's business but his lying piece of trash wife's.

Problem with America isn't me dude, try again.
I never said if I did or did not promote it. I simply said he was a lying sack of shit once asked.

I agree with you though, It wasn't anyone's business but his lying piece of trash wife's.

Problem with America isn't me dude, try again.
No it is exactly people like you
The Repubs are not afraid of Hillary...they are afraid of what she will do...in her own words..the Constitution is outdated and should be ignored ..she will rip all our rights from underneath us as soon as she can...she is not for the people..more for herself and self intrests....look at whats going on now with the Dem's...they give you what they want you to have..not what the people want...

what is it with you retards and ellipsis abuse?
Too many times she's lied and been exposed. I'm a conservative, and not ashamed to say that there's no way in hell this country can afford to have another four years of this party in office. It astounds me that so many want our country socialised.

I'm all for helping those that can't help themselves but people need to understand someone, somewhere HAS to foot the bill, and it's on all of us, whether they understand that or not. Its great to help those who at least try to help themselves, another to encourage entitlement among those who don't want to earn their own way, which is exactly where this country's at right now.

oh, great.

another shitbag republican who doesn't work but instead sits around popping pills all day and getting drunk out of her mind telling us all how to be responsible.

by the way, there's no way we can afford not to have democrats in office again. every time we let republicans in, they skyrocket the debt and deficit. every time we let a democrat in, they either balance the budget or cut the deficit by a record amount.

and yes, i know you are a pill popping alcoholic who doesn't even work, so spare me.
But once asked, his ability to be a lying sack of shit was very clear. Much like his wife and many of her bullshit stories.

If you can't tell the truth about once thing, its apparent you are capable of lying about anything.

Hyperbole is one thing. Most if not everyone is guilty of this at one point or another. However, not everyone is a lying sack of shit.

why are you so scared of her?
7 years of investigation, millions of dollars spent.
For what? We find out Bill got a bj.
And you promote this kind of shit?
Problem with America is people like you

You forgot about his bombing people in Europe to distract from the situation.

Bill Clinton is an egotistical psychopathic killer, like nearly every President.
If she would let Bill do the work it would be cool. But that beeyatch won't listen...Who gives a shit about benganzi. Does everyone know / care about Bengazi. whats up with that. I just figured it out after pretending i knew what she did for ever..lol That's all they are bitching bout. BUT They are both ALIENS! Cocieted, PRIVLIDGED. top eschelon.... They don't give a shit, but they are VERY SIMILAR...oh I could count the ways. I bet hes fucked her. They have no idea what life is like for human. There is a documentary on pres ford (Watergate nixons vp.. WHERE ARE THE MEN WITH BALLS GONEave no jimmy carters, no Kennidies, betty Ford:). , I am not political but I am becoming more so. who would legalize it, rump and collect the $ ..IDK. Trum IS KUTH LESS!.its going to be crazy but I just watched ford debate carter. All my friends/fam are like "Hillary will break us" but they don't say why. I am from Atlanta and you would not believe how good a man he is. My Dad is like trump. He's shallow. He not cultured. He's "Nuevo riche". I drive the people on their boats.... I ME am a tax paying - starting a small business.... 40 year old. who is bests 4 me?
Colin Powell cooperated with the IG investigation. Despite what Hillary Clinton publicly said she refused to be interviewed and instructed her top aids to refuse interviews as well.

Hillary is dirty, dirty, dirty....

Your countries "Fifth amendment" applies to government workers not just the constituents. There is another candidate that is scheduled for cases regarding willful tax evasion, tax fraud, and bankruptcy fraud.
I kniw about bengazi. She fucked up, but what else. She has that look. but trump. He embarrases me, I guess I just gotta get over it.
Do plants leaved drop when loghts are out.