
Well-Known Member
fuck vikes, i'm on max dosage, still have constant throbbing pain at best and piercing agony at worst. i need something better.

oh ya, and i fucked up my relationship with my best friend cause i said some stupid thibgs in my drugged up state

Awww, that sucks. Are you sure it's totally fucked up? A lot of times things are more fixable than you realize...

heroin. better than sex. so i've been told.


Well-Known Member
heroin. better than sex. so i've been told.
i aint ready to shoot anything, but damn i could use some oxys or something'
its probably not totally fucked, but this girl is my ex, see, and i've never quite gotten over her.....


Well-Known Member
i think my iranian neighbor is building something of destruction next door, theres always sawing, drilling, pounding etc... at 3am almost every morning..maybe its a spaceship, or a bunker in his garage for 2012, im not quite sure yet...

Oh and i had chicken tenders for dinner 2day


Well-Known Member
i think my iranian neighbor is building something of destruction next door, theres always sawing, drilling, pounding etc... at 3am almost every morning..maybe its a spaceship, or a bunker in his garage for 2012, im not quite sure yet...

Oh and i had chicken tenders for dinner 2day
go over and ask. when the noise is going on.

with a fat blunt puffin in your mouth as a sign of peace


Well-Known Member
haha!! I should, he grows opium in his garden so0o0o maybe that has sumthin to do with it idk...

i would laugh my ass off if it was an underground shelter for immigrants and i knocked on the door and all you hear is.."GO PEDRO GO!"


Well-Known Member
well in that case, instead of blunt im goin there with some vaseline, duct tape, some cereal, and a rubber duck for sure....and some washingtons...

Just hope they dont have gonaherpasyphlaids....


Well-Known Member
well in that case, instead of blunt im goin there with some vaseline, duct tape, some cereal, and a rubber duck for sure....and some washingtons...

Just hope they dont have gonaherpasyphlaids....

worthless post to help the cause!

10k posts here we come!