Is she ready?


Well-Known Member
Start your flush, those leafs look too dark for me.
I just flushed with 5 gal of pure pH water and wow the runoff started out so gross and green I was disgusted. Good thing I did that, I flushed until the runoff was clear. Great call, thanks


Well-Known Member
I just flushed with 5 gal of pure pH water and wow the runoff started out so gross and green I was disgusted. Good thing I did that, I flushed until the runoff was clear. Great call, thanks
Don't flush with that much water, just don't use any fertilizers for the next week and just give plain water, excessive water is bad for your plant, you can drown it.


Well-Known Member
Water till you see a little run off each time than clean that run off up. After about a week of that your plant will be ready to harvest. Hopefully it should start to fade a little bit, that's gonna make your smoke smoother.


Well-Known Member
Don't flush with that much water, just don't use any fertilizers for the next week and just give plain water, excessive water is bad for your plant, you can drown it.
Ok, i won't water it again for a while. Good thing its in a fabric pot. I hope it will dry out fast. So until harvest just water as needed now? And yes I just used that much cause I thought I wanted to get all that green crap out of the dirt. But i understand what you mean now about flushing incrementally not all at once.


Well-Known Member
Ok, i won't water it again for a while. Good thing its in a fabric pot. I hope it will dry out fast. So until harvest just water as needed now? And yes I just used that much cause I thought I wanted to get all that green crap out of the dirt. Should I be good or can I take any other steps?
Your good, wait for it to dry out than use only water for the rest of the time, hopefully she fades a little right before harvest this way you get that smooth smoke with that nice white ash. Good luck to you :) Hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Well-Known Member
Yea bro those look like some Fire I think mine are getting close to not sure how much longer I should let them go I tried to check the trics but my magnify glass sux gotta get new one but let me know what you guys think I still got white pistols here n there well here's some pic



Well-Known Member
Hey budzbudda are you saying my plants got a week to ten days till left the one swelled up really good in the past week but the other is still hasn't got as big but I think one is platinum gsc and ones sup to be Hollister kush but its my first time flowering any kush I got a og i just flip to flower


Well-Known Member
@chuckie86 nice flowers, they look healthy just like mine, but looks like you have slightly more white pistils than me. So I would say probably 12+ or more days for you. How long has it been since you flipped to 12/12?

Here's another update for my plant
20160527_112010.jpg 20160527_111941.jpg 20160527_112058.jpg
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