getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

patch 2 done for guerilla grow using wheel barrel made things a lot easier we did the patch from hell first and this patch was real easy and we had the rest of the crew this time only me and momma do the really hard spots but the crew does the easy ones oh ya our pit bull stupid is on patrol when in the bush we take him along because he doesn't bark at anything but will not miss anything and will let us know if anyone is around on the wood road we use he know where we are going and always runs ahead of us right to the garden and waits


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we got the guerilla patch done this morning started at 1 am and all done at 6 just me and momma today kids are out lobstering today momma is tough as they come and stubborn as a plow horse
I may be mistaken, but I think I spotted Big Foot in that last picture. You guys guard your Beef Jerky when you are out there.

Looking good. Best wishes for Mamma's recovery. But it doesn't look like she missed much time.