And the noose continues to tighten..

You bring up a good point Fogdog

What scientists are getting rich in this global climate change conspiracy theory?

Deniers love to point to Al Gore and say that he's a hypocrite for financially benefiting from the film 'An Inconvenient Truth' while he flies around in a private jet to promote it, but for this conspiracy theory to work, that means that all of the thousands of independent researchers across the globe have to be in on it too. Being a numbers kind of guy, I thought it might be interesting to take a look at how much money these guys are actually making to see if it could potentially influence their findings, this is what I found..

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they’re doing it wrong

Salary for Climate Change Analysts


Climate Researcher Salaries


"As of 2012, environmental scientists working in the United States earned an average of $68,970 per year. The median-earning 50 percent reported salaries ranging from $47,840 to $84,690 per year"

The Average Salary of a Climate Change Analyst

Climate Scientist Salaries

So help me out.. what incentive does some independent researcher have to perpetuate this global conspiracy theory since obviously the motivation isn't financial?
You bring up a good point Fogdog

What scientists are getting rich in this global climate change conspiracy theory?

Deniers love to point to Al Gore and say that he's a hypocrite for financially benefiting from the film 'An Inconvenient Truth' while he flies around in a private jet to promote it, but for this conspiracy theory to work, that means that all of the thousands of independent researchers across the globe have to be in on it too. Being a numbers kind of guy, I thought it might be interesting to take a look at how much money these guys are actually making to see if it could potentially influence their findings, this is what I found..

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they’re doing it wrong

Salary for Climate Change Analysts


Climate Researcher Salaries


"As of 2012, environmental scientists working in the United States earned an average of $68,970 per year. The median-earning 50 percent reported salaries ranging from $47,840 to $84,690 per year"

The Average Salary of a Climate Change Analyst

Climate Scientist Salaries

So help me out.. what incentive does some independent researcher have to perpetuate this global conspiracy theory since obviously the motivation isn't financial?

You got any data on what the climate change deniers are earning? I'm gonna bet it's a bit more than these guys.
We can't protect what we've already lost. This is true. Things can get a lot worse, however. What you propose, letting it all burn means the death and misery of hundreds of millions and possibly nuclear war. So, it's just not an option for me. And I don't think the wealthy oligarchy 1% have things completely locked up. So, this dog aint through yet. There is a lot of barking and some biting to be done before I'll give up.
You're going to need it Hillary is being paid off by big oil..

Stop barking start biting actions speak louder than words like the Boston Tea Party. Nothing much has come from peaceful protest in the history of mankind.
You're going to need it Hillary is being paid off by big oil..

Stop barking start biting actions speak louder than words like the Boston Tea Party. Nothing much has come from peaceful protest in the history of mankind.

Mr Gandhi would disagree.
You're going to need it Hillary is being paid off by big oil..

Stop barking start biting actions speak louder than words like the Boston Tea Party. Nothing much has come from peaceful protest in the history of mankind.
Nope. I'm no fan of Hillary but the oil lobby isn't a big contributor although there have been relatively small donations directly from employees of the oil industry. Indirectly through Wall Street, yes, and its one of the reasons I don't support her as candidate for the Democratic party. I don't know right now if I'll vote for her in the Fall. Her stance politically is to reduce fossil fuels but OK, how much?

A vote for a republican would just be a vote in support of unchecked global warming.

I'm no pacifist and there is nothing wrong with self defense. Actively seeking out and committing violence doesn't solve anything unless you are talking about genocide. In which case you have other issues.
I believe in global warming impacted by man.
Still, everytime you turn around there are other things that lessen the impact of man.
While ice is thawing in the arctic, in Antartica, ice is growing.
The sun is getting hotter.
El Nino is now turning into La Nina (a cold wave).
You got any data on what the climate change deniers are earning? I'm gonna bet it's a bit more than these guys.
No hard data on people's income. But look at the size of the grants listed below and they are just the tip of the iceberg because PACs don't report details that individual foundations must. The grants don't support any research, its all going to writers and their organizations. This is good times for people who don't mind living a lie. Not to mention speaker's fees that go to some of the most popular deniers.

Also, check out the credentials of the so-called experts. Most usually are retired professionals from other industries or disciplines, such as electrical engineering. They aren't dummies but they aren't real experts in climate science. its like being paid for having an opinion.

Global Warming Skeptic Organizations
American Enterprise Institute: AEI received $3,615,000 from ExxonMobil from 1998-2012 [5], and more than $1 million in funding from Koch foundations from 2004-2011.

Americans for Prosperity: Koch foundations donated $3,609,281 to AFP Foundation from 2007-2011.

American Legislative Exchange Council: ALEC received more than $1.6 million from ExxonMobil from 1998-2012 [18], and more than $850,000 from Koch foundations from 1997-2011.

Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University: BHI has publicly acknowledged its Koch funding [21], which likely includes at least some of the approximately $725,000 the Charles G. Koch foundation contributed to Suffolk University from 2008-2011.

Cato Institute: CEI received around $2 million in funding from ExxonMobil from 1995-2005 [35], though ExxonMobil made a public break with CEI in 2007 after coming under scrutiny from UCS and other groups for its funding of climate contrarian organizations. CEI has also received funding from Koch foundations, dating back to the 1980s.

Heartland Institute: Heartland received more than $675,000 from ExxonMobil from 1997-2006 [41]. Heartland also raked in millions from the Koch-funded organization Donors Trust through 2011.

Heritage Foundation: Heritage received more than $4.5 million from Koch foundations from 1997-2011. [50] ExxonMobil contributed $780,000 to the Heritage Foundation from 2001-2012. ExxonMobil continues to provide annual contributions to the Heritage Foundation, despite making a public pledge in 2007 to stop funding climate contrarian groups.

Institute for Energy Research: IER has received funding from both ExxonMobil [54] and the Koch brothers

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research: The Manhattan Institute has received $635,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998 [59], with annual contributions continuing as of 2012, and nearly $2 million from Koch foundations from 1997-2011.

More can be found here.:
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Stop barking start biting actions speak louder than words like the Boston Tea Party. Nothing much has come from peaceful protest in the history of mankind.

Neither has burning down your own neighborhood for the actions of an outsider.

But that seems to be the cool thing to do these days.
I believe in global warming impacted by man.
Still, everytime you turn around there are other things that lessen the impact of man.
While ice is thawing in the arctic, in Antartica, ice is growing.
The sun is getting hotter.
El Nino is now turning into La Nina (a cold wave).
Yeah, its complicated. Which is why people study for the subject for decades.
Nope. I'm no fan of Hillary but the oil lobby isn't a big contributor although there have been relatively small donations directly from employees of the oil industry. Indirectly through Wall Street, yes, and its one of the reasons I don't support her as candidate for the Democratic party. I don't know right now if I'll vote for her in the Fall. Her stance politically is to reduce fossil fuels but OK, how much?

A vote for a republican would just be a vote in support of unchecked global warming.

I'm no pacifist and there is nothing wrong with self defense. Actively seeking out and committing violence doesn't solve anything unless you are talking about genocide. In which case you have other issues.
We don't need to kill anyone just come with a force large enough to break every damn thing in Wallstreet enough so that they can't arrest anyone. Hit them where it hurts and they have no choice but to give the people what we want. A bit like the Boston Tea Party.

Hillary will not legalize marijuana Trump might which is the only thing that can help with global warming. Biodegradable plastic, plenty paper, hemp oil, ethanol, building material, etc., etc.

Without looking into things like hemp the environment is fucked Democunts don't care they just want to tax!! We don't need a fucking tax we need a solution.
I believe in global warming impacted by man.
Still, everytime you turn around there are other things that lessen the impact of man.
While ice is thawing in the arctic, in Antartica, ice is growing.
The sun is getting hotter.
El Nino is now turning into La Nina (a cold wave).

Ice is definitely NOT increasing in Antarctica, some of the biggest icebergs in recorded history have been calving off the continent.

Average global temperatures are now rising at a record rate. Every month is is the hottest ever- and interestingly, by record margins as well.

Personally, I'm expecting scientists to record a big jump in sea level in the next couple years, on the order of several inches.
Ice is definitely NOT increasing in Antarctica, some of the biggest icebergs in recorded history have been calving off the continent.

Average global temperatures are now rising at a record rate. Every month is is the hottest ever- and interestingly, by record margins as well.

Personally, I'm expecting scientists to record a big jump in sea level in the next couple years, on the order of several inches.

How many people is that going to kill?
We don't need to kill anyone just come with a force large enough to break every damn thing in Wallstreet enough so that they can't arrest anyone. Hit them where it hurts and they have no choice but to give the people what we want. A bit like the Boston Tea Party.

Hillary will not legalize marijuana Trump might which is the only thing that can help with global warming. Biodegradable plastic, plenty paper, hemp oil, ethanol, building material, etc., etc.

Without looking into things like hemp the environment is fucked Democunts don't care they just want to tax!! We don't need a fucking tax we need a solution.

That provides the authorities with a prefect excuse to go on a rampage, killing protesters by the dozens.

There's a better way; elect leftists like Bernie. We need to do it all the way down the ticket for it to be effective, however; local and state races all need real progressive candidates, as opposed to the bought and paid for variety now in place.
Very few Americans, but likely many thousands of islanders, Bangladeshis, and other vulnerable populations in low lying areas.

But they're foreigners, so I'm sure you don't give a shit.

How is several inches of water going to kill all those people? Do they sleep on their faces?