I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

Got seeds for you but got to pay the rent before shipping freebies and testers. Got 40 beans going out for an order tomorrow. Got 150 for a seed bank as a bulk deal to re brand and 50 packs plus 50 freebie packs each for to seed banks but that is consignment so never know how long that will take. Got put back a week or two and a cabinet remodel so got to hustle now
Nice shots Doc

That cpg#3 is calling ........looks great bro
This is only the 2nd year I have started plants in Feb-Mar here, usually they were already running or I started after the rainy season humidity in Aug-Sept. I reckon if I had these girls in some big girl pots they would get huge. 5 of them are just about my height (6'2''). Just lollipopped the bottom third, still getting bigger, come on flowers. Aloha Grape Stompers, Copper Rhinos, & the TH Deep Chunk do their business well here :)
It all looks good dr,now you just need lots of deer meat.if your ever in ky, let me know and we will get you a TRUCK LOAD OF DEER MEAT for you to take home.we are over run with deer here..ky
It all looks good dr,now you just need lots of deer meat.if your ever in ky, let me know and we will get you a TRUCK LOAD OF DEER MEAT for you to take home.we are over run with deer here..ky
I like to bow hult and would love to kill an elk. They say it is really good meat and there is a fuck ton i can do with the other parts too. I am part Cherokee and Creek and they would use everything bro. No waist
I like to bow hult and would love to kill an elk. They say it is really good meat and there is a fuck ton i can do with the other parts too. I am part Cherokee and Creek and they would use everything bro. No waist
I am also part Cherokee my great grand mother onley spocke the Cherokee language,my dad said he could not under stand a word she said.my mamal tried to teach me but I still can not speck the Cherokee language.when papal got pised at us he said we acked like appichie if I spelled it rite.I eat a lot of wild game..ky