Should food be a right?

Should food be a right?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 63.8%
  • No

    Votes: 17 36.2%

  • Total voters
Uncle buck and fogdog wins the match. Fuck this gay site. Can't even have people I know in real life back me up with the facts they know 100% because of some dumb ass bs users here they don't want to offend lmao. Fuck it. Peace the fuck out :hump: have fun with this larping bullshit. I'm out.
IF you listen to them two they will run you crazey as they are and gay.LOL LOL
I live only on ss,and don't owe one dam
Hey, don't get me wrong, if you are entitled to ss and I don't doubt that you are, then I'm glad you collect it. I don't know why you look down on others that take advantage of assistance when they need it and I don't know why you support the party whose leaders would would deny aid to you and others but that's your bag.
IF you listen to them two they will run you crazey as they are and gay.LOL LOL
Lol for real brother! It's crazy! Fogdog must have missed the whole post I made saying you CAN NOT get MEDICARE until 24 months AFTER you receive ssdi, of your younger than 59 years old. Like, these people talk about this stuff alot and have NO fucking idea how anything works at all man. It's straight up fucking comedy! They THINK they are trolling like a pro, but they look like complete utter idiots to anyone who knows anything. It's so fucking comedic, yet annoying at the same time, knowing these people vote.
Lol for real brother! It's crazy! Fogdog must have missed the whole post I made saying you CAN NOT get MEDICARE until 24 months AFTER you receive ssdi, of your younger than 59 years old. Like, these people talk about this stuff alot and have NO fucking idea how anything works at all man. It's straight up fucking comedy! They THINK they are trolling like a pro, but they look like complete utter idiots to anyone who knows anything. It's so fucking comedic, yet annoying at the same time, knowing these people vote.
Hey, don't get me wrong, if you are entitled to ss and I don't doubt that you are, then I'm glad you collect it. I don't know why you look down on others that take advantage of assistance when they need it and I don't know why you support the party whose leaders would would deny aid to you and others but that's your bag.
I don't even know what to say because you'll call it narcissistic! I'm 100% entitled to it, I didn't want it at all and I tried to go back to work and fucked my back up even more and it was pretty much mandatory from my Dr in NY and turn when I moved to California, the Dr here said I needed it. Fucking sucks and I don't want to be on it and it hurts to do any hard labor I'm supposed to do, to be 100% honest. I feel like shit being on it, and even more so have people like uncle buck saying I don't deserve it because I made good money before I got broken! That shit pisses me off more than anything! And that's why I'll figure out a working living some how so I don't need it anymore, so liberals like uncle buck can't bitch about disabled people. Straight up!
illegal mexicans pay for your welfare through false social security numbers.
Hey, don't get me wrong, if you are entitled to ss and I don't doubt that you are, then I'm glad you collect it. I don't know why you look down on others that take advantage of assistance when they need it and I don't know why you support the party whose leaders would would deny aid to you and others but that's your bag.
ILLEGAL imargants means they should not be here no mater there raise.And some may pay taxes BUT THERE MOOR that don't pay taxes and it needs to stop American tax payers are broke and can not keep this up..The people that I don't like that take advantage of assistance are the people that I know personley that has never worked and never will and raise there kids to do the same shit in life to get free stuff,there just to dam lazey to work for I have even in the past offered them great jobs and they say no I get moor free stuff by not working..and that kind of people are in EVERY STATE by the thousands.If some one needs help let them have it but don't let them make a job out of not working.I would help any person in need if they try to help there sealfs when they can when there abeal to
I don't even know what to say because you'll call it narcissistic! I'm 100% entitled to it, I didn't want it at all and I tried to go back to work and fucked my back up even more and it was pretty much mandatory from my Dr in NY and turn when I moved to California, the Dr here said I needed it. Fucking sucks and I don't want to be on it and it hurts to do any hard labor I'm supposed to do, to be 100% honest. I feel like shit being on it, and even more so have people like uncle buck saying I don't deserve it because I made good money before I got broken! That shit pisses me off more than anything! And that's why I'll figure out a working living some how so I don't need it anymore, so liberals like uncle buck can't bitch about disabled people. Straight up!
Fuck them. There is nothing wrong with disability assistance or using it when you need it. So fuck anybody that says otherwise. All I'm saying is, why do people on assistance or have been on assistance vote for people that would deny It?
ILLEGAL imargants means they should not be here no mater there raise.And some may pay taxes BUT THERE MOOR that don't pay taxes and it needs to stop American tax payers are broke and can not keep this up..The people that I don't like that take advantage of assistance are the people that I know personley that has never worked and never will and raise there kids to do the same shit in life to get free stuff,there just to dam lazey to work for I have even in the past offered them great jobs and they say no I get moor free stuff by not working..and that kind of people are in EVERY STATE by the thousands.If some one needs help let them have it but don't let them make a job out of not working.I would help any person in need if they try to help there sealfs when they can when there abeal to
Fuck them. There is nothing wrong with disability assistance or using it when you need it. So fuck anybody that says otherwise. All I'm saying is, why do people on assistance or have been on assistance vote for people that would deny It?
Fuck them. There is nothing wrong with disability assistance or using it when you need it. So fuck anybody that says otherwise. All I'm saying is, why do people on assistance or have been on assistance vote for people that would deny It?
Disability, even ssi, ssd and ssdi I am 100% for, Medicaid and Medicare I am 100% for. I'm not Republican or Democrat, I'm independent with both conservative and liberal views. Some democratic views I'm for and some Republican views I'm for. Both sides have good ideas! It should never have to be pick this side or that side, it's not fair, neither side has all of the ideas! And I voted for Obama 2x, he has done alot of Good and also some fucked up things, same with Bush, though I didn't vote for Bush.. But this political side war needs to end because it's like having Michael Jordan on one side and Shaq on the other, bring them together and make a great damn team! Ugh, I'll never know why no one gets what I'm saying
I have voted strait dem, all my life but this year I voted for who I thought in ky, would be the best govener and I did vote for a rep, one and he won his raise.IF the burn gets to run for president he will get my vote but I will vote for trump befor I vote for that no good pray I get to vote for Bernie and if its her or trump in the end trump will beat her ass for people know what she is and she is no dam good.i like to hunt and fish and can not vote for her and every dem, I know will not vote for her but they will vote for Bernie if given the chance but not
I voted for oboma the first time and never voted for no one the second time for I felt like it was a waist of gass that election.but I will never do that again but all you can do is try to vote for the less evel and that's
Disability, even ssi, ssd and ssdi I am 100% for, Medicaid and Medicare I am 100% for. I'm not Republican or Democrat, I'm independent with both conservative and liberal views. Some democratic views I'm for and some Republican views I'm for. Both sides have good ideas! It should never have to be pick this side or that side, it's not fair, neither side has all of the ideas! And I voted for Obama 2x, he has done alot of Good and also some fucked up things, same with Bush, though I didn't vote for Bush.. But this political side war needs to end because it's like having Michael Jordan on one side and Shaq on the other, bring them together and make a great damn team! Ugh, I'll never know why no one gets what I'm saying
I'll just pick one area of difference between the two parties for an example of where I sit with regard to the political divide in this country.

Dude, the illegal immigrant stuff is just a sham used by Republicans to get votes. On balance, the group called out as illegal immigrants are a net benefit to this country.

Let me ask you, have you ever lost out on a job to an illegal immigrant? I don't think so because you wouldn't work for those wages. The Republican party and Trump are all over illegal immigrants but its really just a different form of race baiting. They play on unrealized fear, the fear of what might happen and actually will not. Because in balance, illegal immigrants who take advantage of our system and don't contribute in return are a small problem but has racial undertones. That is useful to those who don't have a good argument.

Demagogues like Trump use racial issues to draw passionately racist followers because they can depend on them when it comes to voting. Its just about gaining power to them. That he uses it is a red flag that he is up to no good. Like Hitler.

Same goes for food stamps, SSI, disability, school lunch programs and even public education. These programs help people and should be better funded because the net benefit is greater than the cost. For example, you are on assistance now You and many like you will get better and contribute way more to society than they took out of the program. That's how its supposed to work and for the most part that is how it does work. Yet Republicans would shame people who are on hard times and take advantage of it. Its hard and fuck anybody who dishes dirt on you for taking the assistance that this country offers to its citizens. It can be a struggle to make ends meet even with assistance. Be proud that you are coping.

So,there is a meaningful difference between the two political groups. I'm not saying the Democrats are golden and free of corruption but the Republicans would make this society much meaner and nastier than it already is. As in eliminate access to healthcare, food, housing and education for people who can't pay for it. In my opinion, we need more of these services and not less.
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Hey, don't get me wrong, if you are entitled to ss and I don't doubt that you are, then I'm glad you collect it. I don't know why you look down on others that take advantage of assistance when they need it and I don't know why you support the party whose leaders would would deny aid to you and others but that's your bag.

How does a person become "entitled" to something that other people own and there is no voluntary exchange used ?
Lol for real brother! It's crazy! Fogdog must have missed the whole post I made saying you CAN NOT get MEDICARE until 24 months AFTER you receive ssdi, of your younger than 59 years old. Like, these people talk about this stuff alot and have NO fucking idea how anything works at all man.

yep, i should leave you to be the welfare expert here.
...and raise there kids to do the same shit in life to get free stuff,there just to dam lazey to work

like you?

you sit on your ass and collect welfare for a living.

why not go get a customer service job and stop abusing the welfare system?
Hand out seeds and info. Too lazy to grow then too lazy to benefit from the labor of others.I know I get sick of trucking for 60+ hrs a week and pull up next to a person using "food stamps" and they have 20" wheels on a newer vehicle than im driving (99 dodge). Oh and thier kids all have the latest cell phone models standing in line while using that government credit card. Makes ya wonder-oh wait no it doesn't.

Blame the poor, fucking classy. Maybe you should work smart, not hard, or you could just shut up about what you think other people deserve. You don't know their situation. The rims could be a gift, maybe they bought them before they had to get food assistance. You don't know, so don't pretend you do. The media has trained you to believe there's a whole class of welfare leeches, but it is actually a tiny tiny percentage. Blaming poor people for being poor is disgusting, shame on you. You're a decent dude in other ways, but this line of thinking is nothing more than propaganda designed to distract us from the real problem;

White Collar Criminals, who are the ones actually robbing the fuck out of you, me, and those broke-ass hungry people with nice rims.

About a third of the people in this thread have no clue how civilization actually works.
How does a person become "entitled" to something that other people own and there is no voluntary exchange used ?
It is the responsibility that comes with being a citizen of this nation. There are both rights and responsibilities to citizenship, the latter seem to be forgotten by a lot of us. With a rudimentary understanding of civics you wouldn't be asking this. Honestly, the selfishness on display in this thread is depressing. I'm opposed to welfare abuse, everyone is. Like saying you love your kids, it doesn't make you special in any way. But throwing away important, even essential, social programs because of abuse by a few individuals is idiotic.
Which is why a system based solely on charity would immediately fail

People are selfish
I agree, and I'm not for a charity-only system. I'm in favor of raising the bar a little bit, that's all. Food, housing, shelter, health care and education for everyone is completely possible, but we're busily profiting from killing people, I think we should profit from saving them. Equally possible scenarios, it is mostly a shift of perception.