Why do you always meme when you get stuck for an answer.
Why do you always meme when you get stuck for an answer.
When you file, who all do you claim ?
Bernie will probably take Kentucky and Oregon today.
They're tearing themselves apart. What a shit show.
LAS VEGAS -- The Nevada Democratic Convention turned into an unruly and unpredictable event, after tension with organizers led to some Bernie Sanders supporters throwing chairs and to security clearing the room, organizers said...
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We will see if he gains on delegates. He down by 283 pledged delegates. Kentucky and Oregon are closed primaries.Bernie will probably take Kentucky and Oregon today.
why are Bernie supporters so violentAnd the fascists line up at the stage...
and yet you still can't dispute, Why did Bernie allow his wife to take 200,000 after she failed her job? hypocrite much
I get a better deal with my taxes. Speaking of which, how do you file ?
why are Bernie supporters so violent
We will see if he gains on delegates. He down by 283 pledged delegates. Kentucky and Oregon are closed primaries.
I will be glad when you come back normal to us. We miss the Sky we can all get along with.Now, now you know that's a sore spot for him..
When is Cali scheduled?
Typical Bernie fan. Wants everybody else to do the work for them.
That is not voter suppression. That's somebody not doing what they supposed to do. She should have registered as a Dem when Bernie announced he was running Dem. The only reason you would not is because you are a low info voter.Having shown up and cast my vote at the Colorado caucus (a closed primary, don't let the label fool you), I saw a large number of Bernie backers who definitely don't fit that description.
Did you attend your primary?
@schuylaar was quite clear about the reason for her inability to attend; she registered as a Democrat after the deadline. Just so it doesn't go unsaid, THAT'S VOTER SUPPRESSION!
and because I love her to pieces I respect how she feels about bikes.
Now back to Bernie, Why is he not fussing at his wife for taking all that money for failing her job. I mean the chick takes 200,000 and the now the college is closing due to debt. Let me see how you defend this shit.