Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: "Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women, They Become ‘Feminized Men’

Yeah if i saw a transperson go in first I would make my child wait. See it's not even a problem I'm not asking for anything I wouldn't do. Not a bigot because I don't want a scientifically proven male to go in the restroom with my daughter. I'm not intolerant to transpeople I just don't want them in the bathroom with my child. My question for you is why do you want an adult male in the restroom with my child?

what proof do you have that transgender people are more likely to be pedophiles than the rest of the population?

because if you have zero proof and zero evidence of that, which is the case here, than you are just a retarded bigot like the rest of the right wingers.

you aren't retarded, are you?
what proof do you have that transgender people are more likely to be pedophiles than the rest of the population?

because if you have zero proof and zero evidence of that, which is the case here, than you are just a retarded bigot like the rest of the right wingers.

you aren't retarded, are you?
I asked one question and you're ignoring it bro. I'll ask again and then I'll answer your question. Why do you want a genetic male in the bathroom with my daughter?
I asked one question and you're ignoring it bro. I'll ask again and then I'll answer your question. Why do you want a genetic male in the bathroom with my daughter?

and i'm turning it on you.

what evidence do you have that transgender people are more likely to be a danger to your daughter than the rest of the population?

because unless you can prove that the transgender person is more dangerous, than i do not have to answer your question.

i can just call you a retarded bigot and laugh.

btw, i know the answer already. so i am calling you a bigot and laughing at your dumb ass.
and i'm turning it on you.

what evidence do you have that transgender people are more likely to be a danger to your daughter than the rest of the population?

because unless you can prove that the transgender person is more dangerous, than i do not have to answer your question.

i can just call you a retarded bigot and laugh.

btw, i know the answer already. so i am calling you a bigot and laughing at your dumb ass.
Naww you just can't bring yourself to type an answer that doesn't make you sound like a sick pedo. I can give lots of evidence that males in females restrooms are way more likely to try and touch or show my kid things she doesn't need to see yet.
only our pedophile govt would come up with laws like this. both sides cons and dems have had tons of pedophiles now they are using the news to loosen your views on the action. YEAH BABYLON!!
Naww you just can't bring yourself to type an answer that doesn't make you sound like a sick pedo.

nope. you just know how bad of a trap you'd fall into. you don't want to sound like more of a bigot than you know you are already.

I can give lots of evidence that males in females restrooms are way more likely to try and touch or show my kid things she doesn't need to see yet.

then show it already. it should be easy if there's so much of it, right?

The attack by a man on an 8-year-old girl in a women’s restroom last week in a Chicago restaurant is raising alarm about opposite-sex access to public facilities in the name of transgender rights.

Police say the man, 33-year-old Reese Hartstirn, entered the women’s room May 7 at Jason’s Deli in Chicago’s South Loop and choked the girluntil she passed out."
Does this guy look transgender to you?
i dont suppose you noticed they merely made an affirmative statement without any citations AT ALL to back up the claim.

You know buckyfuck, youre really good at making a common logical fallacy by appealing to authority as your lame attempt at proof, but poor you, logic just doesnt work that have to actually offer evidence to make your case and youve shown yourself amply capable of doing nothing but making very crude gradeschool level insults to go along with your a priori bullshit.

I have to say i do occasionally actually feel sorry for those who have been so tragically mentally wrecked by the architects that they appear to be complelely unaware of how obvious their programming is. And what is really rich is they often have a narcissism thats disproportionately large compared to their actual intelligence and skillset.

going a bit further through the bafoonish web md website buckyfuck wants us to accept as the ultimate authority for what is a mental will find a linked "mental illness" partway down which you can click on to take you to another page of the site.......on this page you will find at the bottom of the page a description of mental illnesses.......and THIS is where it gets good.....

so remember guys, they are listing mental ilnesses right? ok just wanna make sure were all on the same page here......

buckyballs linked to a webmd page that said that the MISMATCH between body and internal SENSE of gender is not mental illness.

When you read the definition of GENDER DYSPHORIA is sounds exactly like a person who feels there is a mismatch between their body and their sense of it......

its on page 2 here

whats that near the bottom? oh yeah, gender identity disorder.....and theyre calling it a mental illness.....geee........

now if you dont think feeling a mismatch between your body and your inner sense of gender (whatever the fuck thay is) is gender dysphoria........then i think you must need your head checked.

What is Gender Identity Disorder?
Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who experience significant dysphoria (discontent) with the sex and gender they were assigned at birth

Now you all are welcome to make up your minds about the rediculous word play and spin that people are putting on this......but i know bullshit when i see it.......and this issue has agenda stinking like bucks rotten shit written all over it in piles and mounds of shit....

did anyone ever read Platos Republic? .

I am about to pick up platos republic just because of this post. Cheers mate!
you don't have a point. just bigotry and tears about how no one likes you when you open your stupid hateful mouth.

go cry now.

What do you consider your trolling to be? Friendly banter? lol... you are more hateful than I ever will be old man. Only liberals cry over someone calling them names.
nope. you just know how bad of a trap you'd fall into. you don't want to sound like more of a bigot than you know you are already.

then show it already. it should be easy if there's so much of it, right?
For the 3rd time answer why should a genetic male should be in the restroom with my daughter? I'll start posting the tabs I have open when you answer the question.