Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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Ubuntu for the past 8+ years. I tried Fedora at first too but preferred the .deb manger to the .rpm manager. I've occasionally been known to throw in a live CD and fux around from time to time.
Started with RedHat 5.2 and just rolled a Fedora Core 23 server. My son prefers Ubuntu.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I don't know much about it. Looks cool though. I got a Roku and I like that. I don't watch much of anything these days though. Just Netflix once a month it seems.
I watch something like 19.2 minutes of tv per day, the rest of the family mostly watches Netflix. I looked at Roku not too long ago, but didn't buy for some reason or other. Wouldn't mind getting rid of cable. I think that's the idea anyway.


Well-Known Member
I watch something like 19.2 minutes of tv per day, the rest of the family mostly watches Netflix. I looked at Roku not too long ago, but didn't buy for some reason or other. Wouldn't mind getting rid of cable. I think that's the idea anyway.
Thats exactly what I did, get rid of cable. I didn't even watch traditional tv at the end. The only thing I really miss is the occasional hockey game.