TGA By Others

Chernobyl. Been in flower for 5 weeks. I'm hoping to push this one to 9 weeks because I been cutting them down a bit early lately. Starting to miss the ones that are a bit more mature. Was using it as a mother for a bit in 5 gallon. Now In a 10g with more super soil. She's just a bit under 6 feet tall. I only been giving her RO water and a little Nectar For The Gods Zeus Juice and Aphrodite's Extraction every other watering. Only because I got stuck with them and am using them up. I'll try to keep pics of this one posted. One of the bigger Chernobyls that I've had in a while. It's under a 600 but I'm getting tempted to just switch it with the ones under the LEDs. Got some beautiful Jesus next door. The Lord has been good to me.

My last Ace Of Spades. I'm going to miss it but my friends voted it out. It's at about 8 weeks under a 600.
ace.JPG ace close.JPG

Jesus OG Kush my pheno #1 Turned off the reds/blues and dimmed the white light for the pic but it still was a bit bright. Also a little ambient lighting from the HPS nearby. All these Jesus are in 5 gallons, super soil, about 7 weeks in. Damn I should of did 10 gallons and topped more. :wall:j1.JPG

Same thing under the LED full power just for fun. I love how it makes them look. j1 led.JPG

Jesus #2 my favorite so far especially since the it has a nice high bud to leaf ratio. The clone I made of it died so I'm probably going to reveg this one. I hate reveging but I think I need to keep this pheno. People are probably going to go nuts for clones.j2.JPG

Jesus #3 j3.JPG

Jesus #3 close up j3 close.JPG
I've taken notice that Roots is coming with the 'root aphids' or whatever the hell they are, again. Kinda like fruit flies or something. No problems all winter but now they're showing up in the Roots again plus I think Roots is running a little hot now, at least the last batch I bought it. It was a fresh batch just shipped in, the guy at the grow store said.
Mason, I am having the exact same problems lately with Roots Organic, both those weird root aphids and I feel it's running hot. Also, I usually get thrips with Roots. Do you also have this problem?
Mason, I am having the exact same problems lately with Roots Organic, both those weird root aphids and I feel it's running hot. Also, I usually get thrips with Roots. Do you also have this problem?
Yup,, I have the same problem w/ the thrips. We're buying bugs! lol I really love Roots so I'll just deal with it. :)
Yup,, I have the same problem w/ the thrips. We're buying bugs! lol I really love Roots so I'll just deal with it. :)
Anything you can treat with while it's cooking? I know its been mentioned, I utilize neem cake pellets in my mix and the bugs stay clear though I did notice previously that plants are more susceptible to root aphids if the environment is too moist.....
Anything you can treat with while it's cooking? I know its been mentioned, I utilize neem cake pellets in my mix and the bugs stay clear though I did notice previously that plants are more susceptible to root aphids if the environment is too moist.....
I really don't know to be honest. Those small thrips or whatever they're called are coming from the Roots base soil I use when I fill up the pot after I put SS in. I would think they die while the SS is cooking....I don't know.
thrips are minor. spinosad rocks their world.

maybe soil drench with spinoasad or neem cake.
Right with the spinosad. They're not too bad but they're there. Since spring is here and temps will be going up, keeping my room clean and as cool as possible is my #1 priority to keep spider mites away. Plus, right before anything goes into bud, I spray the plants down with 'mitey wash' as a prevenative.
Damn I been missing all the fun. lol I hate bugs. I thought I had gnats and turns out they were aphids. They weren't terrible until I flowered my mothers(soil) in the hydro room. BIG MISTAKE. I wouldn't wish that shit on anybody. I'm sure some have come from bags of soil but most of my bug issues have come from taking in cuts. SMH...

Anyway nice pics fellas. I'll add some querkle later. :bigjoint:
I'm sure some have come from bags of soil but most of my bug issues have come from taking in cuts.
Yes gnats, aphids, and thrips can come from soil. Unfortunately it is sort of their home. I have never got spider mites from soil but they are not normally soil dwellers. For sure taking in cuts along with outdoor plants is usually the cause of spider mites. Also don't buy house plants from the store and put them in a grow. Lot of times they have mites. I know fox farm is terrible for fungus gnats. If you look real close in the soil you can see all the almost microscopic grub worm looking larva. And a shit load of them. Earth Juice Amazon Bloom also has them real bad. I loved using Roots Organic, it seemed to do better than others for me except the aphids got to me. Honestly though I prefer to do everything on my own from seed, to mother, to clone. I also like the aero cloners because you can be assured the roots have no aphids when giving out clones. Hydro is much easier to be bug free but harder to be organic from my experience. I have nothing against hydro but it is also not normally efficient for people like me that have a perpetual harvest. For now I only use hydro for cloning.

Spinosad did nothing but make me sad. It did nothing against aphids. I've tried it many different times, followed instructions, then other times tried making it stronger. I've tried soil drenches and spraying it. I'm not sure about fungus gnats and aphids though. I hope others have better luck than I did with it.
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man I swear Subcool doesnt keep dads around and just gets new dads from batches down the line. my querkle from the early days looks nothing like many of the querkles I have seen. many of my subcool gear actually.

first batch of jillybean was killer, most recent attempt yielded no keepers and frustration. whispy airy buds.

but hey- cherrygasm and a forum cookie x timewreck cross available at James bean yall12976419_1605046306384503_750381419_n.jpg
I hope everyone got some TimeWreck. It hasn't been listed on the TGA site in a long time and it's all gone over at Attitude too. Got a feeling it isn't coming back because if it was, it would still be listed on the site. Glad I got mine when I did.
Fck. Missed them. Wanted to try them but they werent an outdoor candidate at the time. Sub didnt recommend them though could have run indoor.....Anyway, ah well plenty more goodies to choose.
I think Sub's working on bringing it back. He mentioned on Instagram about a month or so ago that he expects it back in 6 months, if I can find the old post I'll share it here. He must have acquired an Arcada Trainwreck cut and I assume would mean he'll be making more Chernobyl and Qrazy Train, along with Timewreck. Also coming back is Spacedawg.