2,000 doctors say Bernie Sanders has the right approach to health care


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"More than 2,000 physicians announced their support Thursday for a single-payer national health care system, unveiling a proposal drafted by doctors that appears to resonate with Bernie Sanders' call for "Medicare for All."

In an editorial and paper published in the American Journal of Public Health on Thursday, the doctors call out the "persistent shortcomings of the current health care system." They warn about the risks of continuing along the path laid out by the Affordable Care Act: "down this road, millions of Americans remain uninsured, underinsurance grows, costs rise, and inefficiency and the search for profits are abetted."

The future of health reform has been widely discussed in the presidential campaign, and for years health reform has sparked a raging and divisive political debate among politicians. The proposal, however, is endorsed by hundreds of physicians who have an inside view of the effects of the law on patients and medical care. It grew out of discussions in late 2014, when a small group of physicians began to assess the effects of health reform and found it coming up short.

"Those discussions led us to feel that we needed to put out in public, first of all, a clear statement that problems haven’t been solved," said David Himmelstein, an internist who practices in the South Bronx and a professor at the City University of New York School of Public Health at Hunter College.

Himmelstein and his colleagues call the right to medical care "a dream deferred," despite health reform.

About 12.7 million people are insured through the state and federal marketplaces created by the law, according to data released in February. But the Congressional Budget Office has estimated that about 28 million people will be uninsured in 2026.

On top of that, Himmelstein said he began to notice insured patients having more trouble paying for and accessing care, as their plans have been designed with narrower networks of physicians and growing deductibles -- issues that Himmelstein argues are ripple effects of the law. That's because the insurance policies sold through the marketplaces cover less than traditional employer plans did previously, "and we're seeing employers race to the bottom, once the Affordable Care Act says that's what coverage consists of," Himmelstein said.

Jeffrey Flier, the dean of Harvard Medical School, said the proposal is "massively backward," adding that the one thing it points out correctly is that health reform has been unable to deliver on its promise of affordable health care.

"I don't think it's a very meaningful contribution," Flier said. "It conjures up five-year planning by Stalinists."

The new single-payer proposal doesn't get into many specifics of how it would be funded, other than to estimate that the increase in government health care spending would be balanced by shrinking administrative costs and reductions in the cost of health care services and drugs. The doctors argue that a progressive tax, aimed at reducing income inequality would be an attractive way to fund the system.

"Frankly, there's so much fat in the U.S. health care system -- we're wasting so much money -- that we can afford to give everyone in this country everything that we know is useful without restriction," Himmelstein said.

Kenneth Thorpe, a professor of health policy at Emory University who has been critical of the feasibility and expense of Sanders' single-payer plan, said that the new proposal would cost more than the status quo. It overestimates the administrative savings that would be possible from a single-payer system, Thorpe argues.

"You can’t do what they’re talking about doing with the same amount of money that we’re currently spending," Thorpe said.

He said in addition to a switch to single-payer being disruptive, it's likely to be politically unpalatable. Thorpe's analysis has found that 71 percent of people with private insurance would pay more in a single-payer system than they currently do because taxes would outpace savings from premiums and other health care costs.

However, he noted that many of the ideas embedded in the proposal -- such as new payment models -- are already being experimented with today, under the current system.

Himmelstein said that today, hospitals must collect their operating budget "Band-Aid by Band-Aid and aspirin tablet by aspirin tablet, fighting with hundreds of different insurance plans." The physicians propose funding hospitals with a lump sum to cover all operating expenses, bypassing the large billing departments that today accrue hospital income piecemeal. But Thorpe pointed out similar ideas are already being tested in Maryland hospitals.

"We don’t need to completely blow the system up and disrupt it to generate the savings," Thorpe said."

The physicians propose funding hospitals with a lump sum to cover all operating expenses, bypassing the large billing departments that today accrue hospital income piecemeal.

What a brilliant idea!!! Then the hospitals cut expenses and care in an effort to maximize profit!!!

Could you guys come up with a worse way to fuck things up or is that about it?
So 2,000 out of about a 1,000,000.

Sounds legit.

1,000,000 / 50 = 20,000

80 = Average number of hospitals per state

20,000 / 80 = 250 doctors per hospital.

Yea bro. 1 million doctors sounds legit. I can totally see that there are 250 doctors per hospital. No seriously. Makes sense. I mean, hospitals are nearly swarming with doctors. Shit, there are more doctors than there are nurses. Amirite?

As of 2014, there were roughly 760,000 beds, in all the hospitals in the United States.

Your claim is that there are more doctors than there are available beds.

You're a dumbass. And your penis is very tiny.
The physicians propose funding hospitals with a lump sum to cover all operating expenses, bypassing the large billing departments that today accrue hospital income piecemeal.

What a brilliant idea!!! Then the hospitals cut expenses and care in an effort to maximize profit!!!

Could you guys come up with a worse way to fuck things up or is that about it?

You should try all caps next time. All bold isn't working out for you. Oh, and you're a dumbass. And your tiny penis is very tiny.
1,000,000 / 50 = 20,000

80 = Average number of hospitals per state

20,000 / 80 = 250 doctors per hospital.

Yea bro. 1 million doctors sounds legit. I can totally see that there are 250 doctors per hospital. No seriously. Makes sense. I mean, hospitals are nearly swarming with doctors. Shit, there are more doctors than there are nurses. Amirite?

As of 2014, there were roughly 760,000 beds, in all the hospitals in the United States.

Your claim is that there are more doctors than there are available beds.

You're a dumbass. And your penis is very tiny.

You might want to do a simple Google search before you embarrass yourself again.

Of which, many are considered "part time". And a percentage of the total are residents.

Oh, and your penis is tiny.
Wtf do doctors know about health care?

The know medicine. But when you say health care you do not mean managing a patient's health. You mean delivering health care to the highest number of people as possible.

Doctors aren't experts on this. A few may be. But just being a doctor doesn't make one worth listening to on this issue

Argument from authority is a fail.
Wtf do doctors know about health care?

The know medicine. But when you say health care you do not mean managing a patient's health. You mean delivering health care to the highest number of people as possible.

Doctors aren't experts on this. A few may be. But just being a doctor doesn't make one worth listening to on this issue

Argument from authority is a fail.
Every other western first world country on Earth has universal healthcare

It's clear the verdict is in; it's better
The physicians propose funding hospitals with a lump sum to cover all operating expenses, bypassing the large billing departments that today accrue hospital income piecemeal.

What a brilliant idea!!! Then the hospitals cut expenses and care in an effort to maximize profit!!!

Could you guys come up with a worse way to fuck things up or is that about it?

It's an idea.

Why do you hate intelligence so much?
Wtf do doctors know about health care?

The know medicine. But when you say health care you do not mean managing a patient's health. You mean delivering health care to the highest number of people as possible.

Doctors aren't experts on this. A few may be. But just being a doctor doesn't make one worth listening to on this issue

Argument from authority is a fail.

So the 'for profit' health insurance companies and pharm who pay billions in lobby know better than the doctor issuing your care?
Wtf do doctors know about health care?

The know medicine. But when you say health care you do not mean managing a patient's health. You mean delivering health care to the highest number of people as possible.

Doctors aren't experts on this. A few may be. But just being a doctor doesn't make one worth listening to on this issue

Argument from authority is a fail.

I was going to say this.

And have said this.. in the same way drs diagnose and pharm treats. Because there is a degree and we work in this industry means nothing
too bad Bernie is being soundly rejected by the majority of the people. I think Hillary will adopt some of his better ideas. Vote Dem come Nov 8th to avoid America looking like a fool.
1,000,000 / 50 = 20,000

80 = Average number of hospitals per state

20,000 / 80 = 250 doctors per hospital.

Yea bro. 1 million doctors sounds legit. I can totally see that there are 250 doctors per hospital. No seriously. Makes sense. I mean, hospitals are nearly swarming with doctors. Shit, there are more doctors than there are nurses. Amirite?

As of 2014, there were roughly 760,000 beds, in all the hospitals in the United States.

Your claim is that there are more doctors than there are available beds.

You're a dumbass. And your penis is very tiny.

Holy shit, you're stupid.

You think doctors only practice in hospitals?

1 million is almost exactly right, you fool.

There were 970,000 doctors of medicine in the US in 2009.
There were 1,026,788 in 2012.

Kaiser has it at 908,000 active doctors in 2015.

It appears YOUR lap pinky is very tiny.

Hospital beds...lol...what a maroon.
It's an idea.

Why do you hate intelligence so much?

Intelligence? Just give someone a bunch of money not tied to performance or having any relation to costs is intelligence?

The social education system has won in this country. There just isnt any intelligence left in our youth...