• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Palin ....


New Member
First I would like to start by saying I'm not a fan of Obama, or Biden or McCain or Palin.

What scares me about Palin is that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. If you can't keep your own household/family in line, how the hell are you going to deal with an entire country? The daughter is pregnant by one of her senior aides. That also means she can't seem to keep her employees in line either.

It would be nice for someone to clean up Washington, stop the corruption and get this country's shit together, I just don't feel real comfortable about her in light of her home situation.

Oh yes, and the 17 year old is going to marry the baby's father. Who here thinks that is a really bad plan? Pregnancy is the worst possible reason to marry. At least we'll all be there for the ugly mud slinging divorce.


Well-Known Member
There it is, the I aint got any more, so I'll just repeat myself, you're pathetic. The truth eludes you old boy, time to take your memory pill. I don't want to play with you anymore, it will just degenerate into chaos. Take your toys and go home!

You're always looking for a fight, I give up, you win, now go away.
Who are you to tell anyone to leave? :)

Uhhh, I think this might be construed as hostility. And BTW, what makes you the guy to tell someone to leave???
Hypocritical much??


Well-Known Member
Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks to me like the scientists of the world agree that man is causing climate change. They stated it as "very likely". That's not absolute, but that indicates 90% certainty that we are causing climate change.

As for the average global temp declining, well, that's just a bald-faced lie. Here's a chart on Wiki showing the global temps since the 1800s. Looks like as global industrialization proceeded, the temps rose right along with it. Some areas are colder, of course. But the globe itself is decidedly hotter, and growing hotter each year.


I mean, logic dictates that 6.5 billion people are going to have some effect. You think the billions of tons of pollution we emit each year don't do *anything*? And hey, what about all those dead spots growing in the oceans? Or the state-sized islands of pollution floating in the world's oceans? You really honestly think this is all caused by natural events and that 6.5 billion peoples' worth of pollution has no effect on things?

Fortunately, the vast majority of scientists who have analyzed the data don't believe such idiocy. Where's your list of thousands of global warming deniers? Have any of them published their conclusions, and the 'science' behind them, in any respected peer-reviewed publications? No? Didn't think so.


New Member
The haters will never believe that we humans have an effect on the planet. It is so rediculous. How could 6+ billion people and a billion automobiles not have an effect?


Well-Known Member
Entirely taken out of context, but you are an expert at that, aren't you?
Not taken out of context even in the slightest, medoman-

Not only are you hypocritical as usual, you try to play off that I take things out of context regularly, which is a blatant lie and I am going to call you out on it, you just said it because its an insult thought without merit sounds good.


New Member
China had yet another earthquake today. I wonder, You take a bunch of stuff from under the ground and stick it ontop of the ground and then expect the ground to support it?

I like they way they want people to send them tents. Aren't the fucking tents made in China? Like ship them clear over here so we can donate them and ship them back. Fucking duh, just run on down to the tent factory and load up a truck.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO, Wiki was your 'self research'- really dug deep there huh? Um.. you do know Wiki isn't a credible resource right? You do know both you and I can go onto Wiki and change it...

Global Warming Petition Project
There's you petition website, and there's plenty of peer reviewed research on the matter- this debate has happened many many times on this site since I have been here and I really don't feel like having to think for yet another person. Just search the threads here on global warming. Do some real research, if you had googled "global warming fraud" you would have gotten more information than that garbage Wiki. How about googling "global warming sunspot activity". Instead of researching any of the things I pointed out to you, you just ran to Wiki.. ugh..


Well-Known Member
Btw, no one EVER said we have NO effect on the planet- all we've ever stated is that our CARBON OUTPUT IS NOT CAUSING TEMPERATURE CHANGES.

Chopping down the lungs of the earth for shopping centers is hurting our ecosystem- that needs to change!


Well-Known Member
Must I explain everything? Wiki has these things called 'links', that go to other sources. For example, in this case, the links point to the scientific climate body for every single industrialized nation on this planet. A 'link' is one of those pieces of underlined text that take you to another site.

Anyone else need an Internet 101 class here? I thought links and how they work were, like, common knowledge. I'm guessing you musta missed those classes. Wiki's are a beginning, not an end.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO, Wiki was your 'self research'- really dug deep there huh? Um.. you do know Wiki isn't a credible resource right? You do know both you and I can go onto Wiki and change it...

Global Warming Petition Project
There's you petition website, and there's plenty of peer reviewed research on the matter- this debate has happened many many times on this site since I have been here and I really don't feel like having to think for yet another person. Just search the threads here on global warming. Do some real research, if you had googled "global warming fraud" you would have gotten more information than that garbage Wiki. How about googling "global warming sunspot activity". Instead of researching any of the things I pointed out to you, you just ran to Wiki.. ugh..
What is truly ironic is that the whole Climate Change issue will resolve itself.

The world passed peak oil production sometime in the last three years. This means the era of cheap energy is over. Economies driven by petroleum will shrink as a natural response to an ever-diminishing petroleum supply.

The U.S. faces a mighty challenge as we compete for an ever-shrinking supply of energy. We use 25% of the worlds petroleum and comprise 5% of the world population.

I like the Chosen One's plan to make the U.S. energy independent in 10 years. I would like to see some details on exactly how this would be done, and create 5 million sustainable energy jobs in the process.

However, crippling the oil companies to pay for cash benefits to a population of parasites is not the answer.


Well-Known Member
I'm voting for mcain on the basis that i wanna bang palin
That's funny! She is hot. And now going to be a grandma! Her 17 year old daughter who is starting her senior year is 5 mos pregnant! Palin has a baby also. We might need to build an addition on the White house for all 10 of them if the boyfriend moves in!

I think it is funny that anyone on this site would actually want a republican in office. They hate Cannabis! Reagan said "Marijuana is probably the most dangerous drug known to man kind" And he is like their God!

I live in the conservative stronghold of California (SD) They refuse to uphold the law that 56% of Californians voted for. Most stoners, myself included (got to post office to register to vote for prop 215 1 day late) did not get off the couch to even vote. There are no dispensaries in SD the local piss ants let the feds come in and rip them off.

If you are worried that the dems are going to take away your guns, don't. What are you going to do GIVE them to them? Not me!

The only reason I can think of for someone on this forum wanting to support McCain is that Cannabis being illegal, keeps them selling buds.
I have given way to much of my money in the last 25 years to people trying to get rich off the herb! that's why I started the Seldom Seen Garden!

I am not trying to ruffle any feathers here...Peace to my conservative Brothers and sisters.

I have quit smoking twice in 25 years for about 1-2 years (I do not recommend this). Each time I become more conservative in thinking, and drink a little. If you are having feelings of needing to vote for McCain (assuming it is not just because you want to bang the VP) I would highly recommend you have another bong hit! If these feeling should return in the next couple of hours.... well you know what to do!


Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting tidbit: oxygen levels in the atmosphere are around 21%. In prehistoric times they were around 35%. In some industrialized urban areas (think China's polluted cities), the level is now down as low as 15%.

In the Pacific, oxygen-producing phytoplankton levels are down 30 percent just since the 80s. (Phytoplankton is a very large part of our oxygen supply.) So, in 30 years, we've killed off 30 percent of our ocean-borne oxygen-generators, or around 1 percent per year. Thus, in around 70 more years, there won't be any more phytoplankton in the oceans. The result of that is that nearly all oxygen-breathing species on this planet will become extinct, or evolve to handle a low-oxygen environment.

The fact that at some time in the past, ocean levels were 20 feet higher doesn't mean that carbon wasn't to blame for it. There could have been one or several mammoth volcanic events. There could have been a big asteroid that landed and ignited a few billion acres of forest. Or either one of those might have blotted out the sun for a period of time, causing massive death to vegetation, releasing all that carbon back into the atmosphere. In other words, what caused the large carbon increase and sea level rise back then was undoubtedly a natural event, but just because a natural event can cause such a thing doesn't mean that a manmade event cannot cause the same thing. A fire is a fire is a fire, whatever the cause.

Welp, I'm done trying to convince anyone. The future will show what it will show. There will always be deniers in the face of science. Some people just take longer before the evidence kicks their asses so hard that denial becomes the functional equivalent of insanity.


Well-Known Member
Must I explain everything?....
So instead of counteracting anything I've said, instead of researching any of the alternatives, you try to personally attack me? Again with no research for yourself, I mean, who needs to think, someone else has already done it for you right? lol. I know your type- whatever the government bodies say must be correct- why ever would they have an agenda with their hand in the cookie jar eh? I see. Believe what you will my friend, sure, the governments trying to get more money from you-they would never skew things to their bias. No outside sources needed.

I don't want to argue- this global warming debate has happened a million times here, go read one of those threads. Believe what you will, I care not to convince you otherwise.:peace:


Well-Known Member
That's funny! She is hot. And now going to be a grandma! Her 17 year old daughter who is starting her senior year is 5 mos pregnant! Palin has a baby also. We might need to build an addition on the White house for all 10 of them if the boyfriend moves in!

I think it is funny that anyone on this site would actually want a republican in office. They hate Cannabis! Reagan said "Marijuana is probably the most dangerous drug known to man kind" And he is like their God!

I live in the conservative stronghold of California (SD) They refuse to uphold the law that 56% of Californians voted for. Most stoners, myself included (got to post office to register to vote for prop 215 1 day late) did not get off the couch to even vote. There are no dispensaries in SD the local piss ants let the feds come in and rip them off.

If you are worried that the dems are going to take away your guns, don't. What are you going to do GIVE them to them? Not me!

The only reason I can think of for someone on this forum wanting to support McCain is that Cannabis being illegal, keeps them selling buds.
I have given way to much of my money in the last 25 years to people trying to get rich off the herb! that's why I started the Seldom Seen Garden!

I am not trying to ruffle any feathers here...Peace to my conservative Brothers and sisters.

I have quit smoking twice in 25 years for about 1-2 years (I do not recommend this). Each time I become more conservative in thinking, and drink a little. If you are having feelings of needing to vote for McCain (assuming it is not just because you want to bang the VP) I would highly recommend you have another bong hit! If these feeling should return in the next couple of hours.... well you know what to do!
Man, I'm glad I'm not alone! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I know your type- whatever the government bodies say must be correct- why ever would they have an agenda with their hand in the cookie jar eh?

I believe until the election, our governments official stance on this was that Al gore is a Kook. The only scientist disputing the anthropogenic link to higher carbon in the atmosphere are employed by oil and gas companies. It is becoming hip to be green and big bizz is finding out that there is money to be made out of what will probably only be a trend.

The planet is ok it will be here long after we are scratched off its back like a flea.

Many naysayers turn their backs on good science, because on Sunday someone told them that scientist don't have all the answers, (they don't, that's why they do what they do) and they say that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old. Apparently God is not that old so it can't be true! These people think the Flintstones was a documentary, people, dinosaurs living together. (Black 2007)

I really wish people would not stop listening to reason just because a Dem cares enough to speak out.

And using the Hussein...come on now, we know what this is for.


New Member
I wanna know if these politicians are still being paid for their existing jobs while they're running around campaigning. Seems like that would be stealing. If you aren't doing the work but still raking in the check.