Straight thuggin

I take it you never been to Detroit Eastern Europe is sissified.
I take it you've never been to eastern Europe. The Armenians and Georgians eat our street gangs alive. Chechens are literally the closest thing on this planet to a demon you're ever going to come across. In 2009 I met a woman who was left in an acid bath until her feet had dissolved, then she was crisscrossed and forced to walk up and down the street for the purpose of humiliation. Why? She didn't support the 'cause'. I've been to Detroit it's sad and rough but I didn't feel scared, but when I was staged in bondsteel for a debrief, I was surrounded by armed friendlies but the Chechens still worried me.
These stupid f#cks say THUG is racist... Usually racist white panthers with no black friends..

Keep it gangsta AF..

I'm white and still thugging, never once have I tried to act like someone I am not. I swear to god I will get more respect in the hood than any of you so called democrats..

What do you know about that trap life..

Come f*ck with me
booker, or villaraigosa, or julian castro. all up and coming rock stars. that would seal the election.
Ultimately I would love to see a Cagney and Lacey(Clinton/Warren) ticket :-)
But yeah, Booker, Castro, or Villa fo sho tho
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i'd love to see that too, but i want to look toward accelerating more stars in the deomcratic party.

warren is already a star.
We are looking good bro.
I'm so excited! This should make up for Gore. Can you(i know you can, but everyone else)imagine where we would be on real issues like climate change if Gore had been pres intstead of retard? Not that the smaller democratic wedge issues don't matter, but I sware to fucking god still!
Damn you Nader! The dude is hella cool, but shit!
And some people are hoping Sanders would run independent? Fuck me running

*Still not sure if the OP was trolling us all or not
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