Don't give up! It just might make it!

I wasted a lot of time and money battling these spawns of satan. What worked for me was a few Forbid dunks over the course of a week or two. You can buy small, reasonably priced quantities on ebay. Prepare according to instructions in a bucket, place something over the soil to keep in place and dunk the whole plant in it. It should kill the eggs too and is residual for 45 days, so should keep them off your crop until harvest. I'd never use it past the 12/12 flip, it isn't pleasant stuff.

I've also heard about decent success with predatory mites if you're interested in going a more organic, natural route vs the organophosphate pesticide kill them all right now method using Forbid. Not sure the details but just throwing it out there.

Good luck. I hope you can win the war.
On my last grow I noticed two mites and some small webbing on one of my plants. I uswd a combination of azamax and some mighty wash. After a couple weeks they were gone. Cant say if it was the azamax or the mighty wash or I just caught them early. Whatever it worked.
The raspberry cough looks to be a male so it's getting hardened off for outside pollen harvesting. IMAG2408_1.jpg

One of the bubblegum plants is female and has been transplanted. Still waiting on the other one to show sex. IMAG2405_1.jpg

Will be watching the bubblegum closely @vostok
This is rare, tell me you cloned it.
This is mite damage the plant grew faster than the mites could keep up but that will change if you don't get it taken care of. This is going to be expensive. Usually growing from seed you wouldn't have this problem. Did you get a clone from someone or go in somebody else's grow? If not they could be in the soil. This can keep them from coming out of the soil
I've used this product ultimate wash with pretty good success. Mites don't seem to build an immunity to it. I think it suffocates them. You wont need a mask or gloves its pretty safe stuff unlike other sprays. You'll need to treat every 4 days for two weeks then once a week after that for about a month. make sure you let them dry before putting them back under the light. because it's so expensive only use as much as your going to spray for the day. What I would do, is tilt the plant so its over a catch tray to collect the over spray, filter the used spray through a nylon stocking and use it again until gone. I say this because the dead bugs that wash off will rot and make the solution smell if it sits. You may want several products because they can build an immunity to damn near anything and I could be wrong about them not building an immunity to this. Learn the life cycle of the mite it will help in your treatment plan. Definitely do not flower anytime soon, if you need to keep the plants small chop the tops. I say this because you cant spray flowering plants and if you flower with mites you'll have webs and mite shit all over your buds by the end. Feel free to ask me questions. Another thing you could use because they're not flowering is a few hot shot no pest strips along with the wash treatment. hang them on a fan and just blow them at the plants. upload_2016-4-28_8-1-17.jpeg I'm sure some tree huggers will say this is dangerous but they use it in flea collars for dogs, cattle feed ect. Don't chew on it don't lick your fingers don't use it in a room that you frequent often such as bedroom/living areas.
On to the males
This one looks good because of the resin content but it could have some ruderalis in it. It has mites and sprays will ruin the pollen so you shouldn't treat it. Things to look for in a good male are resin content, hollow stems and you want one that doesn't flower too fast or too slow. Same with the vegging you don't want one that grows too fast or too slow. When you harvest pollen cut a branch off and see if its hollow. Male plants with pithy branches that grow tall and fast tend to be more hemp, those that stay short tend to be more ruderalis either of those are undesirable for the drug trade.
@Bbcchance I did put it back in the soil, but I didn't pull up the other side because I didn't want to break the stem. It's gonna take more force than I'm willing to apply right now to free the opposite end from the soil. Maybe I'll do that later today because it seems to be wanting to grow. IMAG2784_1.jpg

@Dr.Pecker thanks for the advice on bugs and selecting a male for breeding. I have since increased the "war on bugs" and it's really helped. As for the bud in leaf lady, I did clone her and will be running the clone in a few weeks.
Another example of how tough these plants are:


The lady above is a cross of amnesia haze x mystery strain from a previous harvest. She was a runt so I put her straight outside into the sun, no hardening off. The leaf damage in the picture is a direct result of that. She was in the middle of 5 males and one or more pollinated her. Once I noticed the seed pods forming, I put her back inside to allow the seeds to develop properly. She'll get a tea this weekend and she is now in a prime spot for lighting. Interested to see what comes of this cross. IMAG2787_1.jpg IMAG2786_1.jpg
I love this thread joe, great idea. People need to know how resilient these plants are cause a lot of people fawn over their plants like their new born babies and while yes it is good to take care of your plant caring too much is an easy way to kill it


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So I carefully dug up the seedling that sprouted upside down. IMAG2800_1.jpg The shell was loosely attached IMAG2800_2.jpg

I created a support for the stem and placed it in the clone areaIMAG2802_1.jpg

Only time will tell now.

Strain: MWS Misty (reg)
The two in the front are clones from a plant that flowered and was harvested. afterward it turned completely brown except for a few green leaves. I gave it some nitrogen and put her outside after about a month I was able to clone her and run it again the next year. I still have this plant and she's a rock star in my garden. grow pics 095.jpg grow pics 108.jpg
When you get a chance get away from those peat pots. They mold on the inside and will kill the roots. What I like to do is use a over sized pot to start a seedling only filling it half way. As the plant grows I start filling it in. The less you play with it the better. Then when you pot up break up the roots and spread them out to wake them up. Usually I do this three to four times in a plants life cycle from seed. Plants from seed like longer deeper pots, clones like shallower wider pots.