24 hour light vs. 18/6.

Just because everyone thinks something is correct...

You should grow with your plants and use your own research. Up above I went in good detail why dark does nothing for cannabis but sets time to flower. I also gave a crash explanation why some plants do not need dark and grow continuously in the presence of light.

Do not take my word or anyone's but follow the science. There is too much anecdotal wisdom in the grow community most of it wasteful junk layman misinterpretation . The 18/6 and pre flower flushing being 2 big farces that some just do not want to admit they have been setting themselves back all those years so they rather swear the junk wisdom works
What is the pre flower flushing?
C3 plants don't need darkness..and plants don't sleep.This isn't conjecture it's FACT.I'm so tired of people claiming stupid stuff like "all living things need sleep"...honestly that's some of the stupidest shit ever.If you want to save power then by all means,don't use a 24hour light cycle.If you dont care and want more aggressive growth the go 24/0.Just don't do it because "my plants need sleep" that's just straight up ignorant and stupid.
Anything OVER 13 hours a day will keep it in veg.
But i stick with 18/6 for my autos ....

Flowering i go with 12/12 to start then go to a lower 11/13 then 10/14 for mid to finish .
It is so easy to do ... I have 3 timers on a strip socket , i just plug into the appropriate timer im using and it does its business.
Plants do need dark ... Mother nature runs it that way .... Daytime AND nightime.
Plants power up during the day and shut down at night. How can that be wrong ?

I dont keep my outside bushes on 24/0 ...
Plants do need dark ... Mother nature runs it that way .... Daytime AND nightime.
Plants power up during the day and shut down at night. How can that be wrong ?

I dont keep my outside bushes on 24/0 ...

Science proves they do not all need dark. what you see mother nature do does not always follow lay logic. Her complexities need to be understood through careful experimentation and fact gathering.
Plants do need dark ... Mother nature runs it that way .... Daytime AND nightime.
Plants power up during the day and shut down at night. How can that be wrong ?

I dont keep my outside bushes on 24/0 ...
I just think when we grow in doors we try to provide the greatest day every day. Basically trying to create the greatest mother nature, better then mother nature.
Plants do need dark ... Mother nature runs it that way .... Daytime AND nightime.
Plants power up during the day and shut down at night. How can that be wrong ?

I dont keep my outside bushes on 24/0 ...

Well you are wrong...C3 plants don't NEED darkness....they have merely adapted to cope with it.Again it's FACT that C3 plant don't NEED a dark period and that plants never,ever "sleep".Modern day botany...science... not your bullshit reasoning.

Try reading a book someday.
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Opinions are like assholes ... They all stink .

This pretty much sizes up the psuedoscience. The overthinking of shit is amazing.

Yes, plants do need darkness to grow.

First, in the photosynthesis process itself, there is a reaction known as 'dark reaction' pathway or lately known as 'carbon reaction' pathway where the free energy of ATP and reducing power of NADPH, are used to fix and reduce CO2 to form carbohydrate. This is very important process to release Oxygen into the air. This happens in the dark or at night.

Secondly, for inducing the plant to initiate flowering process. This phenomena is known as photoperiod, ie based on the ratio of the daylength to night length over 24 hours. Plants reaction to photoperiod can be divided into 4 groups.

a. Day-neutral plants - the plants has no effect on photoperiod, They will flower when the plant reach physiological maturity.

b. Short day plants - plants will only flowering when daylength is shorter than nightlength. This group of plants will only flower in late summer or fall or very early spring, when day length is shorter than the night period. e.g. strawberries, potatoes, chrysanthemums etc.

c. Long day plants - Plant that flower in spring or early summer. eg lettuce, spinach, radish etc. Flower initiation will begin when the daylength is getting longer than the dark period.

d. Intermediate day plants - These group of plants will grow vegetatively when daylength is either too long or too short. They will only flower when the day length is about 12hrs of daylight and 12 hrs of darkness.

* grabs bong
Because you may hurt someones feelings. Then one may cry, then they start having a bad day. Then they get home and the wife starts acting strange...... See how it goes bro? Its just plain awful.
So he goes and smacks the wife....kicks his dog..
And walks about in his yard aimlessly...whaling incredible tears of sadness......dude i hear ya. Yer rite. But your post was so incredibly funny. Iam eating cereal rite now and almost shot a cheerio outy nose. Wow. So frikin funny.
Again Fact not opinion c3 plants don't need a dark period to complete the Calvin cycle,in c3 plants the ATP cycle runs regardless of darkness...this is WHY they are classified as C3 plants bro.C4 plants DO need a dark period to complete the ATP cycle...this is WHY they are classified as C4 plants.These are not my opinions bro...this is PROVEN science and well known to modern day botany.

If cannabis REQUIRED a dark period to complete the ATP cycle then they wouldn't fucking grow under 24/0 at all.ATP is REQUIRED for life bro,REQUIRED for the creation of energy within the cell.There is proof all over these forums that cannabis CAN AND DOES complete the ATP cycle in the presence of 24 your light.The plant in my avatar is proof you are wrong,it was grown seed to harvest under 24 hour light.

Again try reading a book instead of just copy paste from Google,you might learn something.
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Since you like cut and paste I'll just drop this here for ya...

C4 plants: The plants exhibiting C4 pathway are called C4 plants. C4 plants live in hot moist or arid and nonsaline habitats. It occurs in grasses, sugar cane, maize, sorghum,Amarathus and Atriplex. C4 cycle is the alternate pathway of Calvin cycle (C3 cycle) taking place during dark phase of photosynthesis . In the C4 cycle the first stable compound is a 4 carbon compound, namelyoxaloacetic acid. Hence it is called C4 cycle. The C4 plants show a specific type of leaf anatomy (Krans anatomy). C4 plants are more efficient in photosynthesis than the C3 plants.

Again bro C3 plants don't require darkness to complete the ATP cycle.95% of plants on earth are classified as c3 plants,they don't NEED a dark cycle for cell respiration...they merely cope with it because they have to.