O Me, O My

Uncle Buck is an aggressive fellow. Always picking a fight.
Not sure why.
Marijuana mellows people out, so I can only assume he'd be shooting people on a weekly basis if he was sober...
Doze were the days LOL That pic came from my first book, I actually have a chapter on how to grow old school swag LOL
Brother wasn't nothing swag in those days....the cartels messed shit up when they threw the Indica's in to add weight...funny how money will change shit for the worse in most cases .
I can only remember as far back as $120 qp's. I'd sell three of the four ounces for $40 each, make my money back and have an oz for my head. Had a great connection for what was at the time top quality stuff. Back then I could do that once a month and always be good. Statute of limitations? I think that was 1982. But I could be remembering wrong, that might have been someone else...