EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Do you like factual knowledge?

Here is a set of links to Bernie Sanders views and/or statements on virtually every topic:

To donate: http://tinyurl.com/donate2bernie

Official Bernie Merch: http://tinyurl.com/BernieMerch


Short documentary:

To register to vote: http://tinyurl.com/z2omvnt

How & when to vote for Bernie: http://voteforbernie.org/

Platform: https://berniesanders.com/issues/

Agenda: http://www.sanders.senate.gov/agenda/

Democratic Socialism: http://tinyurl.com/about-dsa

Time as Mayor: http://tinyurl.com/MayorBernie

GMO's and Monsanto:

Opposing Keystone Pipeline: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6470716

Women's Rights: http://tinyurl.com/Bern4Women

Animal Rights: http://tinyurl.com/BernieFriends

Climate Change: http://tinyurl.com/BernClimateChange

Black Lives Matter:

Civil Rights:

Gay Rights: http://tinyurl.com/BernieLGBT

Opposing fracking: http://youtu.be/2qYzwDbBHZM

Racial Justice: http://tinyurl.com/Bernie4Justice

Ending the War on Drugs: http://youtu.be/FEZF3s5ZVrE

Making College Affordable: http://tinyurl.com/AffordableCollege

Raising minimum wage: https://berniesanders.com/issues/a-living-wage/

Marijuana legalization: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/7337454

Opposing the Koch brothers: http://tinyurl.com/Bros0Koch

Walmart greed: https://youtu.be/kryWiCpcwZI

Wall Street Reform: http://tinyurl.com/ReformWallSt

Opposing NAFTA: http://tinyurl.com/BernOnNAFTA

Pay equity: http://tinyurl.com/EqualPayBernie

Unemployment: http://tinyurl.com/BernUnEmp

Social Security: http://tinyurl.com/BernieSS

Opposing the Patriot Act: http://tinyurl.com/BerniePatAct

Medicare for all: https://berniesanders.com/medicare-for-all/

Veterans Affairs: http://tinyurl.com/Bern4Vets

Women's Rights: http://tinyurl.com/Bern4Women

Breaking Up Big Banks: http://tinyurl.com/BreakUpBanks

Pledge to not accept super PAC: http://tinyurl.com/NoSuperPac

Rebuilding infrastructure: http://tinyurl.com/Bern4Infa

Closing Tax Loopholes: http://tinyurl.com/CoTaxReform

Opposing Iraq War: http://tinyurl.com/BernNoIraq

Opposing Wall Street Bailout: http://tinyurl.com/NoBernOuts

Opposing Offshore Oil Drilling: http://tinyurl.com/NoOffshore

Opposing TPP: http://tinyurl.com/NoTPP4Bernie

No Child Left Behind Reform: http://tinyurl.com/NCLBernie

Original Link List Courtesy of Laurel DeForge

Also, if you want a little more clarity on how Bernie purposes we pay for some of his policies...

Free college for all?
Tuesday, May 19, 2015, Sanders introduced legislation to help make public 4-year colleges and universities tuition free, called the "College for All Act."
Funding for this legislation would come from a 0.5% tax on stock trades, a 0.1% tax on bonds, and a 0.005% tax on derivatives. "It has been estimated that this provision could raise hundreds of billions a year."

Universal Healthcare?
Funding for this bill (starting pg 166) would be paid by a 6.7% payroll tax on employers a, 2.2% - 5.2% income tax on employees (dependent on income bracket from less than $200k a year to over $600k a year), an 5.4% tax on modified adjusted gross income exceeding $1 million, and a .02% tax on securities transactions.
It is also worth noting that with all the programs Bernie bill would eliminate, the costs of those programs would essentially transfer to Bernie's health program, providing additional funding.

Green energy initiatives?
Funding for this proposal would be paid on $20 carbon tax per ton of carbon emissions, rising by 5.6% per year over 10 years.

"This fee would apply to only 2,869 of the largest fossil fuel polluters, covering about 85 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Congressional Research Service. The Congressional Budget Office estimates this step alone could raise $1.2 trillion in revenue over ten years and reduce greenhouse gas emissions approximately 20 percent from 2005 levels by 2025." (bill summary)
Imported fuels would be charged the same carbon fee, unless the exporting country has a similar climate program and already charges a fee on carbon. The bill would also end fossil fuel subsidies. From this, "approximately $300 billion would go to debt reduction over ten years".

Increased wages?
This bill proposes the follow wage adjustments:
+ Minimum wage - $9 in 2016, $10.50 in 2017, $12.00 in 2018, $13.50 in 2019, and $15 in 2020.
+ Tipped min wage - $3.15 in 2016, then increased $1.50 each year until matching standard minimum.
+ Youth min wage - can be no less than $3.00 less the standard minimum.

Bernie Sanders also has proposals to reduce the deficit. These include:

+ End offshore tax havens
+ Establish .03% tax on Wall Street speculators
+ End tax breaks and subsides for big oil, gas, and coal companies
+ Establish as estate tax on inherited wealth over more than $3.5 million
+ Tax capital gains and dividends the same as work
+ Repeal 2001 and 2003 Bush tax breaks for the top two percent
+ Establish a currency manipulation fee on China and other countries
+ Reduce unnecessary spending at the Pentagon
+ Require Medicare to negotiate for drug prices
+ End mass incarceration (costs billions of dollars a year)
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I noticed you failed to mention even the poorest will face new income taxes, including those on welfare and social security. The carbon tax will be paid by anyone using electricity, even the poorest of the poor. Most entry level jobs will disappear. Bernie's commie experiment will turn us into a third world nation. Might solve the illegal immigration problem tho,
I noticed you failed to mention even the poorest will face new income taxes, including those on welfare and social security. The carbon tax will be paid by anyone using electricity, even the poorest of the poor. Most entry level jobs will disappear. Bernie's commie experiment will turn us into a third world nation. Might solve the illegal immigration problem tho,

Any citation of any nature?

We're already almost a third world nation..where've you been?
Since when do we look at individual cities as a representation of a state?

Last time they did that?:lol: Chicago..and how did Illinois work out for Hillary?

There is something to be said and learned from examining ALL the data.
New York State has Hillary ahead by 17%. They broke it down geographically and its only in upper state NY where she is about even with Bernie.
New York State has Hillary ahead by 17%. They broke it down geographically and its only in upper state NY where she is about even with Bernie.

Well, in 72 hours we'll know and it won't be a double digit point spread..it's going to be razor thin.

NYC has her up +17%; NY state has Sanders up by +1%.

I personally put no credence into these polls..you shouldn't either.

Her defense for destroyed documents was clearly her staff did it without her knowledge or consent. An impenetrable defense.
Dude, 1500 FBI agents are poring over these files to see if anything untoward happened. Nothing found thus far. Just because you don't like her doesn't mean your made up shit has any validity.

And this has nothing to do with her charity foundation. Nobody erased accounting files associated with the charity.
Well, in 72 hours we'll know and it won't be a double digit point spread..it's going to be razor thin.

NYC has her up by double digits; Upper NY state has Sanders up by +1%. New York State overall has her up by 17%

I personally put no credence into these polls..you shouldn't either.

Fixed it for you. Believe what you want. You are right in that the only numbers that matter are counted on Tuesday. Just saying, don't be too disappointed. Bernie has to win by a lot more than a few percentage points to stay on track for the candidacy. I'm pulling for him but in my backwater state of Oregon, the vote will only be symbolic by the time it happens.
Well, in 72 hours we'll know and it won't be a double digit point spread..it's going to be razor thin.

NYC has her up +17%; NY state has Sanders up by +1%.

I personally put no credence into these polls..you shouldn't either.
Bernie needs a huge win for it to mean anything in delegate count.