I would have to agree with Amos on this one, but don't claim to be right. I could be dead wrong when it comes to fem seeds, as I have no personal experience on breeding and just going off the countless hours of reading I have done. But from what I can tell there is absolutely no more herm risk involved with fem seeds then regular seeds. It is just one of those internet rumors that gets started and the die hard fans of regular seeds will always keep saying it for decades to come. I think one reason Fem seeds have that reputation is because a lot of the seeds in the beginning were probably made with plants that hermied or plants that were made to herm instead of using. Those same plants that you talk of Herming from certain breeders wouldn't be any different if they were to use males from that same genetic line. That is a breeders responsibility to make sure a line is stable before selling it, and if it is not then to at least be honest about it when listing it for sale.
And as Amos said, I wasn't saying everyone should switch to fems and start breeding with them. Just that I am surprised more people don't do so for their own personal use. And that more Fem breeders don't start picking up the better genetics instead of the old lines they all seem to use like watered down Critical, White Widow, Skunk, etc etc. But with that said, I am not convinced that it would hurt anything by breeding with fems and only using fems with no males. But I don't know enough to say for sure one way or the other on that issue. But what I do know is, is that it is probably very pointless for me to even try and argue my point because you are very clearly biased towards any fem seeds just the way you talk. I could be very wrong, but at least I am open minded enough to accept that and want to learn what the truth is. I just think it is crazy to think that if I were to Fem some Gojis that it would instantly turn them into garbage.