Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Thats morph sulphate..standard release. The blue ones i mean
Roughly as potent orally as hydrocodone mg for mg,
But throw a few in yiur cup of drank and all is good in the world....

And ive been munching klonopin like crazy.. about 3(2mg)=2bars of xanax(2mg)
So i can eat a good handful...
The powdee out here is so good, its not just tp keep yiu from nodding off.
Thats morph sulphate..standard release. The blue ones i mean
Roughly as potent orally as hydrocodone mg for mg,
But throw a few in yiur cup of drank and all is good in the world....

And ive been munching klonopin like crazy.. about 3(2mg)=2bars of xanax(2mg)
So i can eat a good handful...
The powdee out here is so good, its not just tp keep yiu from nodding off.
Ime morphine is not that great recreationally, oxy all day. I can grab generic for super cheap. Been clean for not too long in retrospect but for veing a user since I was around 17(talking like hard use) I am doing good. Had a few relapses mostly just a night or two in a row when feeling shitty.

Thinking of breaking out some rails and chilling at the pool in my apt while the kids and lady are gone.
Thats morph sulphate..standard release. The blue ones i mean
Roughly as potent orally as hydrocodone mg for mg,
But throw a few in yiur cup of drank and all is good in the world....

And ive been munching klonopin like crazy.. about 3(2mg)=2bars of xanax(2mg)
So i can eat a good handful...
The powdee out here is so good, its not just tp keep yiu from nodding off.
Wait, you are not saying that one would get the same effect from 10mg of MS as hydro, are you?

this is probably not the place for this convo.
Ots different.
Different metabolites. Dif feel

Compare codeime to morph
Hydrocodone to morphone-dilaudid
Dif metaboltes and bimding ratios.

In general yes analgesic potency is about the same mg fpr mg oral use not iv... morph has a horrible bioavailability causing it to be as "weak" as hydro even though we view it like codeines cuz...
morph is more itchy and for some not as euphoric...somewhat similar to codeine.. but imo it has a more wholesome feel than just warmth from hydro... dilaudid is my fav, complete bliss, itll have yiu chatty in dream land talking Boit future kids with some bitch

I like oxy alot too...just didnt have any on hand... i only got what i got man, but i do have a nice selection
Oxymorphone is a great one too, but needs a little 'ron for the legs. Overall probably up there as one of my favs.

Euphoric and warm feeling and at the right dose is kinda speedy feeling.

What is your dose of morph lookinh like qwizo? With no tolerance I enjoy 45 mg crushed then parachuted and 8mg kpin. That is one hell of a good time for me.
I dont even feel 6mg kpin..
I like aboit the same (45) and i toss in 100 mg of tramadol its antidepressant properties long half life and dif bit complimenting buzz is great . I dont have a super high tolerance to opiates. But ill take that before i go to work
...but thats nice combo
I might pop 20mg of klonopin fpr a good time
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@qwizo I would party with you anytime man and ya 8mg aint a strong dose of kpin at all but is quite enjoyable with the morph.

Seems I lost the keys to my apartment. Crap sitting in the trap next door waiting on mu girl to drive over with the spare.

Going to place some money on her not going back to work. All good pretty sure it was beer delivery day.

Bish best be cooking me something to being before she leaves.

Country trappin.. just got this new spot, came with wild chickens

And i posted my street corner. Come down to 208 Monterrey Hottest block in my one of my favorite towns
Come fuck wit a boss,.you know where you can find me..or atleast someone who can get in contact with me


I remember when doors used to lock..

Oh your actual house?
I feel like im always in a dif trap. I should just sell my houses

Man i been havin serious female probs...
So dropped 3 .. picked up a new set. Seeming pretty good. But no mex this time and i love mex cooking and well spanish women.

Dude im high as fuck

What kinda beer you finna get?
I was bout to just walk up to the corner store and grab some mickeys or some bs and chill today

Im still feelin good from.yesterday.

Prolly just gonna smoke till tomorrow
My fav spot is 208-a Monterrey st elgin tx 78621

Come on friday nights its goin down, block party every fri

Real talk. Look for matching blue and silver dodge magnums or a benzo.

Fourth house on the right...cant miss it.... thats where yiu can find me

If anyone thinks they can handle it....
Probably going to pick up a cheap case of molson dry or get 40s of olde E. I got a lot of homebrew but on a day like today jusy want to rip some rails and get wavy.

My lady officially moved in not too long back with the kids and shit. Nice having them aroynd and when I want quiet my bail says I can be at my other house so I jump between them.

Thinking of getting an apartment not too far from here. Know a girl living in there and the penthouse floor is pretty sweet. Also needs a certain key to get up there so it feels right.