Terpenes enhancement and manipulation

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i dont agree with the OP's arrogance but there are numerous studies about the manipulation of terpines in basil (occilum supp.) based on n-p-k ratios in the soil . also on root exudates and heavy metals , modulating terpine responce . a lack of nitogen seems to force a plant to exude pineline (sp?)
will link some if you dont wanna google :)
I had no arrogance but I give what I get. Hope you have an amazing grow.
[QUOTE="GrowerGoneWild, post: 12282413, member: 881564"
... I have to be skeptical, its very possible that some of your suggestions could cause damage or unwanted effects

If adding terpenoids that are already in cannabis are going to hurt you then sir I say don't smoke it. If you don't like my idea then don't use it. Like I said I am done I gave you all the tools and that's all I am willing to do.
NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I have had enough of you all. You just want to be wiki warriors and key board gangsters. I was going to give you guys my formulas and share the info but you all just want to hijack someones info and call it your own. I gave you all the info its in the posts. Do your own research and spend the next two years doing you own trial and error. To think I was almost dumb enough to be cool and share but I see now you all just want to be skeptical. If you are not received you dust the dirt off your feet and never look back. So have a nice day all. That is all I am willing to share on the info. You add all kinds of shit to your grow already and you are complaining about natural plant matter. Give me a break, what world do you live in death is my set. Guess my religion. lol

Dont try to flip the scrip on me.. I'm on to your bullshit. you're the one posting enhancement and manipulation, when your method seems to be about adulteration. And now you're calling me a thief..

To find a way to make it more economical I devised a spray with purified water and a few drops of essential oils commonly found in sativa strains in a spray bottle and misted the air.

Mixing oil and purified water.. So you tried dissolve a non polar material with a polar solvent. Ah.. nevermind.. And this spray lands on the plant and thats enhancement and manipulation.?.. No its not.

Goddamint.. wheres the negative rep for this motherfucker... do us all a favor and ban yourself. Do me a favor and click my icon and ignore me..
Dont try to flip the scrip on me.. I'm on to your bullshit. you're the one posting enhancement and manipulation, when your method seems to be about adulteration. And now you're calling me a thief..

Mixing oil and purified water.. So you tried dissolve a non polar material with a polar solvent. Ah.. nevermind.. And this spray lands on the plant and thats enhancement and manipulation.?.. No its not.

Goddamint.. wheres the negative rep for this motherfucker... do us all a favor and ban yourself. Do me a favor and click my icon and ignore me..
I think he left :).
Wouldn't it be better to investigate how Light, Environment, and Nutrients effect terpene production rather than pursuing inoculating your plants with essential oils? Also DNA sequencing the terpene profiles then learning how to active production?

If you equalize relative humidity of a bit over dried bud with some fresh blue berries you are going to get the smell and taste of the blue berries in the bud. This seems similar that you are artificially enhancing the terpenes...
So let me get this straight. Your saying that I should add essential oils that have the terpines in them to my soil so that my plant will produce those terpines? Unless the cannabis plant produces it with a different chemical profile, wouldn't your body process it the same as taking the oil a bit before you smoke? It all gets processed in the same place and your body isn't going to treat the chemicals any differently just because the source is different. I know I'm oversimplifying but I think that's the reason that people add it to their concentrates. It seems to me like a waste of time and energy to add it to the soil.
Mixing oil and purified water.. So you tried dissolve a non polar material with a polar solvent.
FINALLY!! After all the talk about science in this thread, it's nice to see actual science! Other than the talk of having a method that produces unbias, repeatable data. So props to GrowerGoneWild, thanks for trying to make these forums more than just people saying "I've done it, so it's science"
Roots absorb ions (and small amounts of some small molecules non-specifically) through protein channels. The largest channels are about the diameter of a small anionic dye ion. Most channels are specific for a particular nutrient ion or water. Outdoor soils contain essential oils, you can smell them when cultivating moist organic soils. I don't think roots absorb very much e/o.

E/o, resins and alkaloids are the most common medicinal compounds found in medicinal plants. Used in pharmaceutical preps for 1000s of years. Shortages of thymol in WW2 forced them to use less effective carvacol for wound dressing. Still used extensively today, many e/o's are now produced in chemical factories. New uses like Rosemary extract (rosemarinol) to preserve meat.

E/o's (mono, sequi and a few di-terpenes) and resins (mostly di-terpenes) are very important for cannabis medicinal effects. E/o is readily absorbed by the lungs, moves through most tissues easily, across the blood brain barrier a few minutes later.

Add e/o to bud? I guess a small amount of e/o might cross the cuticle to enter into solution in the globular head.
Why bother adding e/o. Breeders should make varieties with high e/o content, not stealth varieties. Growers gotta learn their trade to make bud with high e/o.

Cannabinoids alone have medicinal value and you get a little high. Mixed with the right blend of e/o and resin, potential for much more medicinal value. And you can get very high.

I wonder about some LP's, almost no e/o, like they don't want people to get high.
I did a half-assed little research thing on plant defense responses to insect herbivory. Basically, plants can respond to say, spider mites, by producing and releasing reactive compounds, some of them terpenes. The cool part is that the exact mixture is different depending on the source of the damage. Spider mites attract predatory mites. Caterpillars attract parasitic wasps.

I posted it to my facebook linked on here. It's probably a bunch of BS, I was a 1 crop newb with all kinds of ideas, but it wouldn't be a useless adulterant. Possibly just useless. And it's really just elaborating on some of the stress responses we sometimes intentionally try to evoke.

It would be fun to try the sacrificial limb idea though.
Then test it, before you know its wrong!

Somethings you dont have to test to know its bullshit...like turning lead into gold.Its totally contrary to the rules of nature.Go read a basic botany text on root ion absorption,and you will understand why this cant happen.
The burden of proof is on you. I literally need a lab printout showing you were able to say increase limoline or whatever terpene with your treatment, you procedure isn't well written on how to "enhance and manipulate" 1ml of oil per liter?. how often.. .etc

Write a procedure, show some lab results, make it so we can reproduce the results... I have to be skeptical, its very possible that some of your suggestions could cause damage or unwanted effects.
OP had a suggestion to try, you don't have to try. Why so much bashing?