is anyone else an active stoner?


Well-Known Member
I'm with you man, I can get some serious stuff done when I'm stoned. It's like a hit of adrenalin for me.


Well-Known Member
Same here....I hit the gym everyday. Mon-Mon
Thats terrible. Your body doest work like that. Ask your gym trainers to help you with some sort of lift schedules. If you continue what your doing, your going to severely hurt yourself. And you are trying to make it better correct? 3-5 days much healthier


Well-Known Member
Hey piece....u need to stop working out and start eatin....your a skinny mutherfucka....

in a good way tho....

ya fuck you! lol i hate bein skinny man! you dont understand!!!! i eat everythin! but now its catchin up to me and im slowly turnin into one of those nasty saggy skinny girls hahaahaha so thats why i run and work out. need to tighten things up a bit lol. 3 months ago i was 110 now im 121 haha so im slowly gaining weight. so im happy


Well-Known Member
i think its because i buy cheap shit, which ends up being indica, but i always feel really weak and tired after i smoke. i can force myself to walk to the arboretum cause i know its fun once i get there, but there is no way i can run or weight lift...
which is why i am trying to grow my own haze :)
yea alotta cheap shit here is mostly indica too ive discovered. good luck with your grow man!!

I work with a bunch of hippies on an organic produce farm and thats 10 hour, manic-ass days so I'm forced to be an active stoner even on the mornings that I don't want to be hehe. I think I get more out of it than I did working out, too, because when I started there I was sore in places I didn't even know existed.

hahaha thats good tho:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ya fuck you! lol i hate bein skinny man! you dont understand!!!! i eat everythin! but now its catchin up to me and im slowly turnin into one of those nasty saggy skinny girls hahaahaha so thats why i run and work out. need to tighten things up a bit lol. 3 months ago i was 110 now im 121 haha so im slowly gaining weight. so im happy
must be around 5'2 - 5'6. and cute...

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
yeah i am like this, i skate every single day, although i have taken a break from smoking pot for a while. but when i do start smoking again i will be skating and smoking, also does anybody feel that when they havent smoked for a while when they do they get FUCKED and you are extremely happy and jokey? or is this just me?


Active Member
Yea, I guess I consider myself an active smoker. I get shit done all the time while I am high and do my work stoned too. I don't think its affected my life in any negative way. I run my own business so thats a plus but if I was working for someone I wouldnt smoke before work.


Well-Known Member
My exercise regime totally depends on how much liquid I've taken in, as my routine only includes multiple 40 foot trips to relieve myself.
I must give kudos' to those of you who remain serious about your health and bodies while smoking.


Well-Known Member
Allday i Do is blunt after blunt, but I always find time to get exercise, at least pushups if i dont have time, I love pLaying sports and staying me a active smoker


Active Member
Thats terrible. Your body doest work like that. Ask your gym trainers to help you with some sort of lift schedules. If you continue what your doing, your going to severely hurt yourself. And you are trying to make it better correct? 3-5 days much healthier

You can work out 6 days a week effectively. Just do upper one day, lower next day. Rinse repeat. Take one day off per week of no workout imo. or do something active, but don't lift.


New Member
this is my daily exercise:

when my brother is spinning hip hop or drum and base and i am freestyling im usually movin with the music movin around you know b4 i know it im sweating plus i'm exercising my mind as well. a physical workout and mental workout all in 1:clap:


Well-Known Member
i love this thread idea cause everyone thinks stoners are lazy bums, HOWEVER i work out daily and when i dont have shin splints i run 4 miles a day, if i got shin splints ill ride my bike around instead of running, i smoke every day too


Well-Known Member
peacemane, you seem like a cool ass chick. you in florida?
ya im a pretty weird one lol well thats what everyone tends to think... but FUCK EM! they can never get on my level lo.l yep im in south florida mane chillin

this is my daily exercise:

when my brother is spinning hip hop or drum and base and i am freestyling im usually movin with the music movin around you know b4 i know it im sweating plus i'm exercising my mind as well. a physical workout and mental workout all in 1:clap:

oooo i love dancing!!! stripper dancing is fun... if anyone knows what that means. no its not dancing like a fuckin stripper and pole dancing. its totally different. when i used to stay in detroit these little cute black girls were doin it and they taught me. if any of you seen the movie Rize then you know what im talkin bout.
its like this YouTube - My version of The Stripper Dance...Inspired by the movie Rize
its fun and works your leg muscles to the core! LOL