EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Take another toke JJ, nobody is biting on your trolling line.
it ain't me he's got to worry about, if he get the nom I'll vote for him. But I watched that latino lady from the audience in the debate today that asked a question about deportation and could see she had no connection with Bernie. Hillary was at least a woman & a mother i didn't need an interpreter for that


Well-Known Member
it ain't me he's got to worry about, if he get the nom I'll vote for him. But I watched that latino lady from the audience in the debate today that asked a question about deportation and could see she had no connection with Bernie. Hillary was at least a woman & a mother i didn't need an interpreter for that
I'm hearing the same thing from others. Vermont is hardly a melting pot. Do they even have a city?


Well-Known Member
Bernie is not Obama. Again the numbers show this. Bernie is to be such a movement, but yet we so not see this in turnout support.
Please the mods had to start combining Bernie threads. Hell He barely wins in Michigan and guess what we get. A new fucking thread. Ron Paul all over again.
Ron Paul won Michigan? When?

Clinton won Michigan over Obama? When?


Well-Known Member
it ain't me he's got to worry about, if he get the nom I'll vote for him. But I watched that latino lady from the audience in the debate today that asked a question about deportation and could see she had no connection with Bernie. Hillary was at least a woman & a mother i didn't need an interpreter for that
she sure didn't need an interpreter when she greets her secret service detail in the morning with a cheery 'fuck off'!

did she have crocodile tears in her eyes too?


Well-Known Member
Now let's say your house is on fire (no not threatening arson!). Would you be upset when that GD socialist fire department showed up? Are you angry every time that socialist school bus stops out front? On that socialist toll free road you live on....

Idk but if my place caught fire I'd be really happy those socialist Union fire fighters showed up! No I wouldn't!!! Lol, I'd tell em "Government can't do anything right, I'll call the privatized fire station... Hope they aren't busy fighting a Richer guys fire, but if they are i'll understand... To think I deserve the same as him would be ludicrous he choose better in life so was able to afford the platinum package where yours is their only priority."

Whomever said America has Stockholm syndrome nailed it! A socialist democrat is not a Marxist wanting to bring the joys of the USSR here! We have always been a blend of capitalism and socialism... Those that think like me just want to move things a bit more the left direction... Pure capitalism is just as ugly as pure socialism...

We live out in the middle of no where so we drop our kids off at a private school in town and have a pre-action sprinkler system in our home just in case because the fire department simply wouldn't make it. One time I called the police years ago because someone was actively running off our property after trying to break in to the barn and it literally took them til the next day to show up.
