Gayest Thread everz..

I always went by " it ain't gay unless your dicks touch " so I can honestly say I never did anything gay. bongsmilie

My dick touched once.
I believe dicks can touch and it not be gay.
It was a foursome. It was with my best friend and our girlfriends. We didn't think anything of it at the time.
Afterwards we questioned if we were gay, but since we were both getting some, we deemed it not gay.
Its purely circumstantial
Do you enjoy BBC porn?

I like watch shemales smash tiny hot teen girls.. Does that make me gay?

My fiance is transgendered and I couldn't be happier. It is funny as hell watching all the "straight" guys hit on her constantly. She is more beautiful than 95% of women on this planet and I couldn't be happier to have her in my life. She is my best friend and yes, I love to go down on her and according to her I am really damn good at it.