Club 600

From what I heard from the seed reps they get more bad feed back on BC than anyone

hell yea his garden is! My slymer will be week 3 of 12/12 next week when it goes outside
Really, I smoked some of a buddies and it was some excellent smoke hummmmm... food for thought.

Had to hook up a timer today because the one one my controller already went out .

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Cherry Pie all nutted up:)
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Dam, I assume you get some sort of warranty on that Dr.? Nothing is made the way it should My Gran use to say, "people dinny do their joabs right these days son" in a very high pitched Scottish accent lol.
Fucking timers.. Cant live without them but they can sure ass hell fuck things over. I have zero trust for them and need to check them daily. Damn bitches.. I mean timers..... :D

Sweet Cheese reveg to nice momma. Cant tell i took 16 clones a few days ago.
Hope everybody has a good start to the weekend!
Looking for info relatively asap.

I got pulled over tonight going 78 in a 55. I had a few drinks over the night so I slured a word or two, but I was honest to him about my few drinks; he did the finger in front of the eye with a flash light test; i feel I passed very well.

I was gracious to the cop, when he let me off he said he gave me a ticket for going 65 instead of 55 because of my cooperation.

When I looked at my "ticket" it was only a warning, with the "did not show legitimate insurance" box checked off, and the warning had nothing to do with speeding.

^Thats awesome.


(I am not in a legal state)

I had a cannabis pin on my hat, with a grodan rasta flat brim on. While I was flipping through my wallet I passed a few cannabis related business cards and one that mentioned a garden shop "HTG garden supply" to be specific.

My current paranoia is that he let me off with a warning even though I was clearly speeding and he said he even gave me a ticket because he saw all that cannabis related stuff and will start an investigation on it.

Am I just being paranoid? Or do I need to clean up all my shit asap? Like I said, he told me he gave me a ticket but then it ended up being a warning. I was extremely kind to the officer, it could have genuinely been him giving me a little "easter egg" per say.

Worry or not?
I am a bit confused Gemu. So did the cop actually say he was going to start an investigation, or is that the little paranoid gremlin in your mind thinking that?
Surely if he was suspicious and had eagle eyes that could speed read business cards, he would have booked you and started to ask more question with the aim of getting you to slip up so he could then get some bullshit search done on your house? Either way, I see no real reason why the police dude is suddenly going to think you have a grow op.......
Word to the wise, don't fukkin drink and drive ffs!!!
I am a bit confused Gemu. So did the cop actually say he was going to start an investigation, or is that the little paranoid gremlin in your mind thinking that?
Surely if he was suspicious and had eagle eyes that could speed read business cards, he would have booked you and started to ask more question with the aim of getting you to slip up so he could then get some bullshit search done on your house? Either way, I see no real reason why the police dude is suddenly going to think you have a grow op.......
Word to the wise, don't fukkin drink and drive ffs!!!
Thats just my paranoia. He was friendly, i was friendly.

My only concern is that he definitely saw the blue pot leaf pin on my hat and possibly saw some pot related business cards in my wallet.

I'm just concerned that him letting me off from a speeding ticking (i was 23 over the speed limit) was because he has bigger things in mind.

I never drive drunk, but "often" after a few beers over a night. Its tough when I don't smoke weed and i live 25 miles from my social life o:

Its probably just me being paranoid hah
Yup, I think so.
Start smoking weed ffs, :)

I called one of my buddies who has been in the legal business for a while, he won a cup for one of his products. He suggested I move my stuff o:

I'm chopping a tent tomorrow, i'm considering taking down 1 of my tents, leaving my 3x3 up and getting rid of every pot related (old containers and shit) that i don't need around.

If I get raided for a 3x3 tent I can't imagine that being a huge deal.

The tent im chopping tomorrow was already planned to be chopped tomorrow.

I have some extra clones sitting around; i'll probably get rid of all but 1 (cuz i literally only need 1)

Getting cought with a 3x3 and 1 clone cant be too big of a deal right?

Or maybe I need to start smoking pot. hah.

In all seriousness if i get cought with weed it honestly might be better for me to test positive for THC.... I most definitely wouldnt test positive right now /: Especially if its just a 3x3. I literally don't have a bowl or know where one is right now though...
Bro, it's only my opinion, but in my opinion you have absolutely nothing to worry about. In my head cops don't go letting you off easy because they have some notion of going after you later. Do what you have to do, but to me the thought of them coming to get you after seeing a few pot related things is going into real paranoid thinking. And I'm a real paranoid person saying that. I don't think you have anything to worry about. And it's an interesting point you bring up about having THC in your system. I think it might be a good idea for you to smoke once in a while just to keep it there. How you gonna explain growing for yourself, when you're clean.

If it were me, I'd just be counting my blessings he didn't give you more static for going that fast with liquor on your breath.
I wouldn't worry man, your average pulls you over cop will only fill out the minimum required paperwork, he won't bother going into the full description of the contents of your wallet, your biggest concern will be going to the station to prove you were insured(at least in my state) if that little box was checked you have 30days to prove you did have insurance or you get a little letter saying your licence is suspended

I called one of my buddies who has been in the legal business for a while, he won a cup for one of his products. He suggested I move my stuff o:

I'm chopping a tent tomorrow, i'm considering taking down 1 of my tents, leaving my 3x3 up and getting rid of every pot related (old containers and shit) that i don't need around.

If I get raided for a 3x3 tent I can't imagine that being a huge deal.

The tent im chopping tomorrow was already planned to be chopped tomorrow.

I have some extra clones sitting around; i'll probably get rid of all but 1 (cuz i literally only need 1)

Getting cought with a 3x3 and 1 clone cant be too big of a deal right?

Or maybe I need to start smoking pot. hah.

In all seriousness if i get cought with weed it honestly might be better for me to test positive for THC.... I most definitely wouldnt test positive right now /: Especially if its just a 3x3. I literally don't have a bowl or know where one is right now though...
No worries bro. No judge would issue a warrant for pro marijuana memorabilia. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.
If he wanted to bust your ass a dog would have been called in to search the car, after he asked your
permission for search.
You did the right thing being polite and courteous it will get you a lot further than being a smartass.

Hotdog x Sour Cherry, maybe the most resin I've ever seen this early in flower (less than 10 days).

:peace:DSCN0248.JPG DSCN0247.JPG DSCN0246.JPG