SourPatchSeeds USA

Thing is, Ive read numerous peeps speak about the "different" releases and how they supposedly differ (old release supposed to be OJB f1 as opposed to newer release allegedly OJB f2) and the talk about how "greenhouse" use in newer releases may have contributed to herms...

BUT, then I just read today on IG where Select Genetics said this about Franchise's OJB crosses, and specifically, Orange Cookies:

"I was gifted (Orange Cookies) pack from the stock Obsoul33t had at Chalice 6 months ago."

"Dont believe half of what you hear, (Obsoul33t) would not misrepresent any of his products. The (OJB) male he uses is the same he always uses. All the parents are the same unless he tells us different. I did have to throw a few herms away but that is to be expected from a forum cookie cross. Almost all phenos came out with some type of orange or tangerine terps. Old stock or new stock it's all the same."

good detective work dude i love seeing how deep the rabbit hole goes. lol
what the fuck???

whatever ya say Jay!

and for second post I included in this quote?????!!!!!! what the fuck???!!!! you know way too much about my business. no way you would know this without being jay, and if h told you??? NOT COOL. none of your god damn business. all he had to say was taken care of.

in the end it was taken care of, but shouldnt have been a prob in the fucking first place. now here we are 3 months later still talking about my business.

Relax...NONE of your personal, individual info was discussed or disclosed to me... You were simply referred to as "guy who complained about Alien Rift."

I have no hard feelings towards you, I stand nothing to gain or lose from your interactions. I gave you plenty of time from the moment I learned you received your pack for you to share that part w RIU (as you did first part of your story), but at a certain point Im like "keep it Realz, Velvis, if your gonna tell a story at least tell the whole thing!"

Blessings to you, friend!
I call Bullshit! Jay on IG writes just like you and is long winded like you. You are waaaaaaaaay too invested in this BS.

Get my name out your mouth.
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what the fuck???

whatever ya say Jay!

and for second post I included in this quote?????!!!!!! what the fuck???!!!! you know way too much about my business. no way you would know this without being jay, and if h told you??? NOT COOL. none of your god damn business. all he had to say was taken care of.

in the end it was taken care of, but shouldnt have been a prob in the fucking first place. now here we are 3 months later still talking about my business.


Why not share the full story then? You can't come on here bitching about a seed bank doing you dirty and then say nothing when they go above and beyond to make it right.

I wrote this seed bank off because of your testimonial....and now I'm gonna give them a shot considering what they did to make you whole.
thats all fine and dandy. good for them. I wasnt out to ruin them! And i did let people know it was taken care of. months ago!!!!!

its only fair for them to earn more sales and right the ship hopefully my story helped fix their Bullshit method of listing stff thats not in stock.

Alien rift is probably still available on their page. my only goal was for them to change their method, and to spread caution.
and for anyone who cares, I was told to pound sand for a month. until I got a hold of breeder. they got on their case and then they made it right. was told to make alternative choice until then. should have never happened in first place when you ask proper questions and mail immediately like I did.
thats all fine and dandy. good for them. I wasnt out to ruin them! And i did let people know it was taken care of. months ago!!!!!

its only fair for them to earn more sales and right the ship hopefully my story helped fix their Bullshit method of listing stff thats not in stock.

Alien rift is probably still available on their page. my only goal was for them to change their method, and to spread caution.

Right on. I must have missed your post about them making it right.

Either way, I'm glad you put this out there. Good experiences, bad experiences, and everything in between should be shared imo. Where I spend my money, and who I spend it on is based almost entirely on threads like this.
meanwhile dude has 415 posts, and 350 plus are about sour patch.

im telling ya. it is him if you read alot of instagram comments you can tell its same guy
meanwhile dude has 415 posts, and 350 plus are about sour patch.

im telling ya. it is him if you read alot of instagram comments you can tell its same guy

lol. I dunno. Not like I'm stalking for realz or anything, but I've read quite a few of his posts. If he is the Sour Patch dude, he needs to rethink his online strategy. I've seen him rep quite a few different seed banks, multiple times.

Unless he owns them ALL!! :shock:
what the fuck???

whatever ya say Jay!

and for second post I included in this quote?????!!!!!! what the fuck???!!!! you know way too much about my business. no way you would know this without being jay, and if h told you??? NOT COOL. none of your god damn business. all he had to say was taken care of.

in the end it was taken care of, but shouldnt have been a prob in the fucking first place. now here we are 3 months later still talking about my business.

In all honesty brother you sent your money in the slowest way possible and then got mad that the packs had sold out. I told you that i would see if i could find you another pack and you were incredibly impatient and decided to contact Ocean Grown which called the same guy i called to get your pack that you wanted. You wrote a hasty review that was all conjecture and not much fact. simply assuming the worst of my character without giving the proper amount of time before making a huge report about this. The fact that I called you to inform you of the situation and that i did not just send you whatever i had lying around like a pack swapper. I went out of way, above and beyond for your preferred pack, all the while you were on here talking mad negativity about me and then getting all hostile with a customer that is on my side. He was not me i can assure but he did buy alot of beans off me this year and got them all in hand as he confirmed stock and paid instantly, order shipped same or next day and if over a few hundred it free priority shipping.

You gave the situation less than one week from the moment i informed you i did not have those Alien Rift anymore. I had only 3 packs because that is what they gave me brother. I did not announce a big drop like you had said in a previous post. I simply let the people know what i have so that those who want them can contact me to acquire.

Honestly I have the most spotless record in this industry. Great relationships with the breeders, alot of very happy customers ( you cant please everyone though right?), i try but i guess its just not possible.

This post has caused me a great deal of trouble and explaining and for what man? what did it accomplish. I didnt work harder to get you taken care of than i would have otherwise, you got your order just as you wanted but yet you still caused a ripple of damage onto my company image to where if anything happens now like a delayed package which is totally normal people read this post and assume the worst. So i really want to thank you for that bunch of unnecessary slander. I never told you to just "pound sand, suck it up", or anything else combative or otherwise uncalled for. I was very honest and available if i do recall. I answer the phone when you call and respond to emails. IF i was trying to screw you why would i do it to a customer over $150 lol thats such a small amount of money its hilarious. Why wouldn't i do it to the guys sending me $1k or $3k not less than half the cost of my phone service or the cost of one month of my website service.

Just saying bro this was completely uncalled for. If you dont want people all up in your business i personally suggest not putting other peoples business in the streets with the intent iof ruining or tainting their reputation. I have alot of really happy and satisfied customers and many of them have become friends as they treat me like a person and not a corporate Walmart or amazon type entity. I suggest deleting the thread as it is obviously causing you more trouble than its worth. you got your pack just like you wanted and yet you leave 6 months worth of negativity hanging around on the internet and are now upset that it has backfired on you. Dont make posts like this until sufficient time has gone by to alow the situation to work its self out, then you can report the news to the people. The play by play in your perspective is not reporting the truth. Your experience is not a typical experience with my shop but you were not the typical customer. Aggressive, confrontative, overzealous to make a post and contact the breeder all within 7 days lol cmon bro were all stoners here and we try to keep a relaxing type vibe in this community. Not sure where all the hostility came from or continues to come from.

If you were attempting to destroy my reputation you did a great job, kudos to you for accomplishing the goal of tainting the reputation of a good man. I actually have 2 different people at this time that were not customers of mine but had contacted me about orders with other banks where they had paid 3-5 months prior to speaking with me and had still not received their orders. I contacted the other banks in question and demanded that they take care of these customers. One incident occurred two days ago so no resolution as of yet, the guy a couple months ago received a tracing number within a couple weeks and extras in his order and an apology from the seed bank, the bank also apologized to me for having to take my time to handle his customers.

I have an account now and will be very responsive to any other comment s about me.


Jay Frost aka Reason
Thing is, Ive read numerous peeps speak about the "different" releases and how they supposedly differ (old release supposed to be OJB f1 as opposed to newer release allegedly OJB f2) and the talk about how "greenhouse" use in newer releases may have contributed to herms...

BUT, then I just read today on IG where Select Genetics said this about Franchise's OJB crosses, and specifically, Orange Cookies:

"I was gifted (Orange Cookies) pack from the stock Obsoul33t had at Chalice 6 months ago."

"Dont believe half of what you hear, (Obsoul33t) would not misrepresent any of his products. The (OJB) male he uses is the same he always uses. All the parents are the same unless he tells us different. I did have to throw a few herms away but that is to be expected from a forum cookie cross. Almost all phenos came out with some type of orange or tangerine terps. Old stock or new stock it's all the same."

Obsoul33t is not just a breeder o my label he is also a friend and we have had many personal convos about his issue. Here it is all layed out directly.

First Orange Cookies release was F1 Stock, the second was an F1 Orange Cookies male to make the f2 which is what was released everywhere it was released in 2015. There was only a small release of orange cookie f1 back a couple years back but that is what he used to make the 2015 version. They were produced in a greenhouse and tested there as well which would explain some possible hermie issues (nanners not males and female parts altogether) I have a buddy who did 130 orange cookie f2 seeds and found 4 hermies. Thats pretty good i must say. My buddy also runs a very high tech and well put together grow operation with no environmental issues at all. I cant say the same about the majority of grow houses out there as i have seen my fair share of folks who garden at night with green lights as a normal thing to do.
i only contacted Ocean Grown after a week of not hearing back from you. AFTER couple weeks of promises.

and yes you did announce drop on instagram. why announce a drop for 3 packs?

In checkout I asked to confirm inventory. you responded all set. I sent priority next morning.

you could have said 2 packs left!!

it was your fault I was pissed. and then you say make an alternative choice!

its your fault we are still at it. in the end I got my pack, cuz you were wrong in the first place. The hostility and anger comes from months of anticipating ALien Rift, getting the all set from you... then being told make another choice... nobody fucks with my money.

and drop the stoner shit. youre making bank. youre a damn businessman.

quit typing like for realz.

you wanna overcome this????

take alien rift off of available list.
Obsoul33t is not just a breeder o my label he is also a friend and we have had many personal convos about his issue. Here it is all layed out directly.

First Orange Cookies release was F1 Stock, the second was an F1 Orange Cookies male to make the f2 which is what was released everywhere it was released in 2015. There was only a small release of orange cookie f1 back a couple years back but that is what he used to make the 2015 version. They were produced in a greenhouse and tested there as well which would explain some possible hermie issues (nanners not males and female parts altogether) I have a buddy who did 130 orange cookie f2 seeds and found 4 hermies. Thats pretty good i must say. My buddy also runs a very high tech and well put together grow operation with no environmental issues at all. I cant say the same about the majority of grow houses out there as i have seen my fair share of folks who garden at night with green lights as a normal thing to do.
bongsmilie WELCOME, Brotha !!! bongsmilie

Im am happy you are on RIU now, dont let a little negativity taint your perception of peeps on RIU, because there are more cool peeps, than not, who will be grateful you're a member!!!

Thanks for always handling my orders like a pro! Speaking of orders...I think I hear couple Cookie Tech packs calling my name, hit ya shortly!