EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Yeah.. Sanders would too... I don't see any scenario where the GOP win this election..even if Sanders had a grabber n died tomorrow n Hillary got indicted ...O'Malley would squeak out a win against any Conservative.
O'Malley can't get any voters to even show upp.
no, she's the rigged, crooked establishments choice..you know those guys..steals billions..crashes economy..gets bailed out..no one goes to jail and now donates millions to a certain candidate with no expectation of a ROI..that establishments choice.

That's funny. When I told you she was already chosen, that Sanders was just for show, you disagreed.
First trump never filed A chapter 11 he filed a chapter 13. Big difference.

Super delegates have voted against the popular vote several times. That's nothing new.

How is my tax shit unreadable?. It makes perfect sense the current tax on Medicare is 2.2% to employers and 1.4% to employees with incomes below $200,000 or joint incomes under $250,000. You still with me? Under bernies Medicare expanison. It will raise taxes to 6.7% for employers and 2.2 % for employees. You still understand? Now that 6.7% percent tax will be worker costs so employers will charge that 6.7% to their employees making employees pay 8.9% for the Medicare expanison tax. That's for incomes under $200,000 or joint incomes (married) under $250,000. You get it now? That's just for Medicare expanison alone. Plus all his other plans. He in no way planned to have the 1% pay all those taxes. That was just a pipe dream that the senate would never let happen. He already knew this so Bernie lied. That's what is known as pandering. Telling the people what they want to hear to get their vote.

. The current universal health care is flawed. You can't keep your doctor or your preexisting plan. It's just like having an hmo. You can only use certain doctors. You still get billed. It's not free. It's mandatory healthcare. Bernie plans to repeal obama care and have Medicare expansion to where everyone gets Medicare instead of the 65 and older. Obama lied to push that through. Everyone knows that now.

You forget bernie is a career politician. He's been in Congress for 30 years. He's not an outsider. He just got the public to pay for his campaign like he will do with everything else. You millenials fell for his b.s.

Honestly don't comment unless you know what you are talking about.

Please go educate yourself.
That's another thing that's wrong with you guys. You refuse to educate yourself so you believe what you are told. You just proved one of my points.
dude you just regurgitated wingnut echo chamber shit that was made up in the first place. It was just the same old idea that by cutting taxes is somehow great for the economy. If that were true, then after the Bush tax cuts, how come we had the 2nd worst economic crash in this country's history? The rest was bullshit right wing echo chamber drivel almost straight from the quivering triple chin of Limbaugh's fat mouth. Including some racist shit about Obama that I couldn't bear to read. I wouldn't call any of that an education. You are grandiose in your vision of yourself.
dude you just regurgitated wingnut echo chamber shit that was made up in the first place. It was just the same old idea that by cutting taxes is somehow great for the economy. If that were true, then after the Bush tax cuts, how come we had the 2nd worst economic crash in this country's history? The rest was bullshit right wing echo chamber drivel almost straight from the quivering triple chin of Limbaugh's fat mouth. Including some racist shit about Obama that I couldn't bear to read. I wouldn't call any of that an education. You are grandiose in your vision of yourself.

Lmao so you result to insulting instead of debating facts. Nothing there was made up. All of it was actually reported by every news outlet and magazine and paper. You make me feel sad for the younger generation. You don't like what you hear or refuse to read because it differs from your beliefs and the b.s. you fell for.

Once you grow up and move out of your parents house you will become republucan. I'm sure what you just posted you copy and pasted from someone else.

The racist part sad to say is true regardless of it being racist.
Lmao so you result to insulting instead of debating facts. Nothing there was made up. All of it was actually reported by every news outlet and magazine and paper. You make me feel sad for the younger generation. You don't like what you hear or refuse to read because it differs from your beliefs and the b.s. you fell for.

Once you grow up and move out of your parents house you will become republucan. I'm sure what you just posted you copy and pasted from someone else.

The racist part sad to say is true regardless of it being racist.
There weren't any facts to speak of in your post. Nothing. Oh, and too funny you are. So, you saw it in the media, therefore it wasn't made up shit. Treating taxes as though they are anathema to the economy is completely disproven. What are the taxes going to? Healthcare spending is an extremely good way to spend money. The worst way to spend healthcare dollars is how we did it before Obamacare, If you wanted to discuss how we spend military dollars, which are extremely inefficient in terms of economic benefit, then I'm ready to go there with you. Also corporate welfare costs almost ten times what we currently spend on healthcare for the poor. Maybe we should eye some of those dollars before we talk about hacking up Obamacare because "cost".

Oh yeah, this quote from you is so completely not racist::
The only reason obama got the votes is because he's black not because of his policies.
There weren't any facts to speak of in your post. Nothing. Oh, and too funny you are. So, you saw it in the media, therefore it wasn't made up shit. Treating taxes as though they are anathema to the economy is completely disproven. What are the taxes going to? Healthcare spending is an extremely good way to spend money. The worst way to spend healthcare dollars is how we did it before Obamacare, If you wanted to discuss how we spend military dollars, which are extremely inefficient in terms of economic benefit, then I'm ready to go there with you. Also corporate welfare costs almost ten times what we currently spend on healthcare for the poor. Maybe we should eye some of those dollars before we talk about hacking up Obamacare because "cost".

Oh yeah, this quote from you is so completely not racist::

No they're all facts. Especially the Obama care. My family has dealt with that first hand. What are taxes going to do you ask. Well my point was that just Medicare exoanison alone raises your taxes by 7.7% I can get in detail about his other plans but I thought Medicare alone made the point. So 60% of your paycheck will go to taxes if bernie becomes president. Yeas media reported it. I'm not just quoting cnn or foxnews. Every outlet reported. Even factcheck.com and politico.i don't watch either. Cnn makes more retractions than any outlet. Recently O'Reilly said fox news reports mostly opinion.

Put your money where your mouth is and donate your entire tax return to the needy. That's basically what's going to happen.
No they're all facts. Especially the Obama care. My family has dealt with that first hand. What are taxes going to do you ask. Well my point was that just Medicare exoanison alone raises your taxes by 7.7% I can get in detail about his other plans but I thought Medicare alone made the point. So 60% of your paycheck will go to taxes if bernie becomes president. Yeas media reported it. I'm not just quoting cnn or foxnews. Every outlet reported. Even factcheck.com and politico.i don't watch either. Cnn makes more retractions than any outlet. Recently O'Reilly said fox news reports mostly opinion.

Put your money where your mouth is and donate your entire tax return to the needy. That's basically what's going to happen.


Oh yeah, this quote from you is so completely not racist::
The only reason obama got the votes is because he's black not because of his policies.
Expect it to increase 4 times under bernie the 30 year career politician
Expect what to rise? Corporate welfare to rise? What are you trying to say?

Your party has still not dealt with the hole in the budget created almost 14 years ago when it cut taxes and increased spending. All the republican presidential candidates thus far are promising to cut taxes without any spending cuts to offset them. Most want to step up defense spending and maybe occupy a country or two. Just like George Bush Jr did. So here we go again, you'd give nothing in terms of efficient spending on health care but would support the same old shit that wrecked our economy 9 years ago. And you think you are giving pearls of wisdom? Haaaahaahaaahaaahhaaa!

Unfunded tax cuts are just another tax in disguise. The main problem is that they are deferred taxes that will come due on the next generation. Do you call that "conservative"?

. So, yeah taxes need to go up. Mostly taxes need to go up on the wealthy and subsidies need to get cut for corporations. What a shitty political party you support.
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Expect what to rise? Corporate welfare to rise? What are you trying to say?

Your party has still not dealt with the hole in the budget created almost 14 years ago when it cut taxes and increased spending. All the republican presidential candidates thus far are promising is to cut taxes without any spending offset. Most want step up defense spending and maybe occupy a country or two. Just like George Bush Jr did. So here we go again, you'd give nothing in terms of efficient spending on health care but would support the same old shit that wrecked our economy 9 years ago. And you think you are given pearls of wisdom? Haaaahaahaaahaaahhaaa!

Unfunded tax cuts are just another tax in disguise. The main problem is that they are deferred taxes that will come due on the next generation. Do you call that "conservative"?

. So, yeah taxes need to go up. Mostly taxes need to go up on the wealthy and subsidies need to get cut for corporations. What a shitty political party you support.

The problem there is the new taxes proposed by bernie won't be on the wealthy. It will be on everyone who makes less than $200,000 a year. So yeah expect your taxes to go up. It's moot anyway. Hillary already has the nomination in the bag
The problem there is the new taxes proposed by bernie won't be on the wealthy. It will be on everyone who makes less than $200,000 a year. So yeah expect your taxes to go up. It's moot anyway. Hillary already has the nomination in the bag
In Bernie's tax "plan", taxes go up for everybody making more than 50k. The increases are indexed with income. It's as fair a deal as anybody has put forth in a long time. At least Bernie put it down in black and white. Clinton hasn't said how she will pay for all her pork. same for all the other GOP presidential candidates.

Do seriously think that we can balance the budget, do all the things these candidates promise and pay down the debt without raising taxes?
You left out corporate subsidies in your table. Corporate subsides account for more than 10x spending for defense or medicare. You've been duped.

I couldn't fit it all in one screen shot. That was in 2012 because of the bail outs. That was under obama and I didn't vote for him ever. So no I wasn't duped. I'm not a democrat I'm a republican . You showed a meme from facebook. So I showed a more recent and more accurate table from Whitehouse.gov

I couldn't fit it all in one screen shot. That was in 2012 because of the bail outs. That was under obama and I didn't vote for him ever. So no I wasn't duped. I'm not a democrat I'm a republican . You showed a meme from facebook. So I showed a more recent and more accurate table from Whitehouse.gov

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You are still missing the line item known as corporate subsidies.
You are still missing the line item known as corporate subsidies.

Go to the link I posted they're broken up under each category. Now you're attacking obama. I find that funny. You support obama yet you attack the taxes his administration created.

I bet you give him credit for the low gas prices too even though it's Qatar, Venezuela, Russia and Saudi Arabia that control the crude oil prices. Gas is about to go up too. They just froze production to raise prices.
we all knew you are an angry racist.

Its the truth. If he was white he would have never been president. He turned out to be the worst president ever. Ask any black person why they voted for Obama they will all say the same thing. I actually asked all my neighbors when he was elected back when I lived in San Bernardino , a predominantly black city
You think he was worse than Bush? Is there a carbon monoxide leak in your house?

Oil is staying low for awhile, Iran is about to start dumping huge amounts... Not to mention that vehicles are increasingly more efficient n the U.S. has doubled our production over the last several years.