Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

None of the union personal are innovating in these companies because the positions which are apart of the drivers of innovation are considered management... So, basically you get an environment where union employees guard their work, and function while architects, engineers, and business operations personnel have to fight and work around representative employees... The representative employees are tasked with only functions that are strictly defined creating a silo work environment which does not allow them to expand beyond their function...

This is what we call Corporatism... Trade Unionist are corporatist in the classical sense that they believe you are defined by your work, and your work is defined for you...
Presidents aren't kings, they don't get to make laws.

The candidate claiming he'll figure it out when he gets there is just as valid as the guy making claims about some wet dream that has zero chance of getting through the legislature.

You're voting for a personality that resonates and appeals to your thought process. Has nothing to do with the eventual outcome once the dude is in office.

This would be way different if we voted on a plan tied to an implementation team that could be held accountable for their campaign claims.

But that's not the way any of this works. This process is a shot in the dark at best.

Face it, you're just inspired by this old fart because he's made a living sucking on the government tit and now has a chance to bump his pension payout.

If either of you took your own retarded advice, neither of you would be voting for Trump

If you think he can get his fuckin' wall between Mexico and the US built, you're dreaming
The union mentality transcends into their personal lives simply by what they wear when not working and how they define themselves by what they do... I define what I do, and what I do for a living doesn't dictate who I am...

If either of you took your own retarded advice, neither of you would be voting for Trump

If you think he can get his fuckin' wall between Mexico and the US built, you're dreaming

I believe the Chinese built a 5,500 mile wall without tractors and the Israeli's built a 400 mile wall that varies between 11 ft and 20 ft with guard towers, and automated gun placements as did the South Koreans along the DMZ which is 160 miles...

I believe with automated targeting systems, fiber optic placement along the wall, gigapixel surveillance and seismograph's we can have a pretty interesting delineation...
The union mentality transcends into their personal lives simply by what they wear when not working and how they define themselves by what they do... I define what I do, and what I do for a living doesn't dictate who I am...

I believe the Chinese built a 5,500 mile wall without tractors and the Israeli's built a 400 mile wall that varies between 11 ft and 20 ft with guard towers, and automated gun placements as did the South Koreans along the DMZ which is 160 miles...
Sanders can't get anything passed through congress, but you think Trump will get a fucking wall between Mexico and the US through?

Plus we are not paying for it, so it doesn't need to pass Congress... LOL! That is foreign relations which the president has control over....
Neither is Mexico, so I guess along with the support issue, you'll be dealing with a much bigger finance issue to boot

Mexico is at the mercy of the United States... Literally we could pay for the wall with the subsidies we give them...

You have to remember they wouldn't have a country without the mercy of the United States... We took Mexico City, and gave them half their country back...
Mexico can be totally destroyed economically by a single US presidential speech...

I don't think you guys realize how powerful the United States really is...
By the way... I don't think Trump has any intention what so ever of building a wall, but it is funny because he is very very clever...
Mexico is at the mercy of the United States... Literally we could pay for the wall with the subsidies we give them...

You have to remember they wouldn't have a country without the mercy of the United States... We took Mexico City, and gave them half their country back...
The American people don't support it, did you forget that part? It doesn't matter wtf Trump wants, he's not running for King of America
The American people don't support it, did you forget that part? It doesn't matter wtf Trump wants, he's not running for King of America

You don't understand the 3 branches of government do you? The executive branch has total control over foreign policy... The president can conduct military interventions around the world as long as he has funding the funding comes from congress, and the legality from the judicial.. With a 630~ billion budget to work within you can do a lot of things... lol...

If you don't understand what Trump is doing then you won't get it... He is a moderate, but he requires republican support to get the nomination... If he gets the nomination he will change his tune...
Think of it like this

The president is the dictator responsible for foreign policy, etc, and approval power over the oligarchy which is the congress and controls the money etc, however the oligarchy can over rule the dictator if they have the votes among themselves and the judicial is the tyranny of councils which makes sure everyone plays by the rules and the oligarchy or dictator don't seize power.. They all tug back and forth..

In that scenario Bernie Sanders is an Oligarch trying to become the dictator....
If either of you took your own retarded advice, neither of you would be voting for Trump

If you think he can get his fuckin' wall between Mexico and the US built, you're dreaming

Trump isn't an ideolog. The wall is just more bait. He's a social liberal, fiscal conservative. If congress dumps the wall, so will he. He'll trade for fiscal policies conducive to increasing economic growth.

I'm not convinced he really wants to be president --- but he does like the idea of winning.
Trump isn't an ideolog. The wall is just more bait. He's a social liberal, fiscal conservative. If congress dumps the wall, so will he. He'll trade for fiscal policies conducive to increasing economic growth.

I'm not convinced he really wants to be president --- but he does like the idea of winning.

I think this is how alot young republicans are... We smoke weed, and live liberally, however we are fiscally conservative... It is really hard to find a place in American politics when you have that view point, and obviously Trump doesn't represent all of that however he is a great improvement over NEO Cons...

Many of us support or are apart of the MPP, NRA, CRA etc etc however fiscally conservative...

Guns, Cannabis, and Tobacco!

If alcohol was under attack I would join a lobby to support them however, alcohol is cheaper than water in some cases...
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Depends how you define war... Military intervention isn't always considered war, and neither is policing actions...

Have to remember we are a nation of used car salesmen and lawyers, so would policing actions along a border be considered war?

How do you define war?
Depends how you define war... Military intervention isn't always considered war, and neither is policing actions...
Who declares war?

Is it congress that declares war or is it the president?

It's congress

Is war foreign policy?

Yes, war is foreign policy

Is congress part of the executive branch of government?

No, congress is part of the legislative branch of government

Therefore, the executive branch does not have "total control over foreign policy"
Who declares war?

Is it congress that declares war or is it the president?

It's congress

Is war foreign policy?

Yes, war is foreign policy

Is congress part of the executive branch of government?

No, congress is part of the legislative branch of government

United States has only declared war 11 times out of 300+ major military campaigns... Last declaration of war was in 1942. The declaration of war gives the president extended powers, and nothing has been ruled by the supreme court that would say policing actions or intervention is considered war...
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