Club 600

I totally agree. I don't use them in water extraction as there is too much chlorophyll leached into the water. However I would not throw them away if making butter or something like RSO. And if you really wanted to be anal you could chop the leaves and leave the stem and stumps of the fan leaves and I doubt it would make the hash that dark/green.

Edit. And the question related to butter not hash as far as I can remember the post.
The dry ice has is what I use to make cannabutter and it is stout. 14 grams of quality product with 500 grams of butter make for strong refreshments. It yields about 225+ small cookies that will rival the best of Colorado's according to those that have tried both.
Quote from text "last 2 bakes are A plus plus".
...and I'm probably loosing some trics, but the ones I keep are pretty damn good.
One of the reasons that I went to dry ice, besides the ease of operation, was that I could see oil in the runoff water from the bubble.

.im growing carrots and collared greens right now. I planted a few on each side of a pot and have one sprout and didn't label lol so now I have now idea if its a carrot or what. either way im happy. bought a lot of seeds.. mellons, peppers , corn, going full out farmer this year.

the packs of seed tell you when its prime time to plant in your area of U.S.A. so right now is carrots and callards dine hurr
Can anyone sum up what's going on within the 5k+ pages of this thing in a nut shell?

Basically the greatest 7+ years any thread on any forum on any internets has ever seen. Stick around and you might learn something, might make a friend, and most likely have a laugh.

Reminds me of the show Cheers... except we all smoke weed and not everyone is white. :P

EDIT: not everyone smokes weed... some of us only grow it.
Worlds wide family-friendly one stop shop for information/opinions on anything from plantspecies ALL the way to baby making...

Sweet! Going there and done that...well have had those that is... I hope to learn more about different strains and what I like. So far from my test run here I'm having fun just trying to grow for the first time. With this being the 600 club ...why is it I feel like those 1000 watts are yielding bigger sized buds? Not sure I'm view everything from the internet for the first time.

Basically the greatest 7+ years any thread on any forum on any internets has ever seen. Stick around and you might learn something, might make a friend, and most likely have a laugh.

Reminds me of the show Cheers... except we all smoke weed and not everyone is white. :P

EDIT: not everyone smokes weed... some of us only grow it.

I've seen some of your posts from the first few pages! Nice to hop on the ride and chat it up :D
Welcome to the club. Shame the pictures from the first few years disappeared. I hope you find some great strains to grow. We've grown a lot of different strains in here, that's for sure.

Your grow is looking good. :) Keep it up.
Yep after the need to have the 1000w higher up par at the tops is about the same, you can get a 600w much closer. The 1000w does give more coverage so if you are in a larger space the 1000w may be a better choice ove a 600w. Or you can run 2 600w instead of a 1000w.
Yep after the need to have the 1000w higher up par at the tops is about the same, you can get a 600w much closer. The 1000w does give more coverage so if you are in a larger space the 1000w may be a better choice ove a 600w. Or you can run 2 600w instead of a 1000w.

Running the 600 in a 4x4. I have about 30 or so screenshots and over 80 pages bookmarked on how I learned what I needed and what I wanted to grow in. The rest was me just ordering my seeds and grow set up...then hope for the best!
@Zspy1985, here's my opinion and description of the Club 600
We are a large group of open minded people with a common desire to grow great smoke and great relationships
with other growers. Information flows like water around here, just ask and you'll get a deluge of answers.
These are the best guy's and gal's on the net without exception! they are my online family and great friends.
From growing probs. to my wife going through surgery these folks have been here for me no questions asked and
it means the world to me. That's what the 600 is.
So welcome aboard.

DAMN!!! Pregnant ladies are so fucking HOT! lol... bald guy likes em too it appears.

Looks like a blast dude.

@oldman60 beautiful description. You brought a small tear to my eye. I'm so glad we all found each other here. Hang tight long enough and I'll swing by and smoke you out. My extended vacation will end one day.... I think.