Club 600


Well-Known Member
sup everybody.. checkin in aint been around in a while.. glad to see every bodys still at it. I got a couple lil plants outside trying to get a spring harvest.. take some pics tomorrow.. I lost track of all my seedlings strains.. lol been so lazy.. I hardly even care anymore I just remember whats dank or high prority.. but from here on out gunna be more organized.. cant wait for spring.. im gunnna go ham


Well-Known Member
What about pressing my little tub crystal I saved in the straighteners with grease proof paper would that get me roison?
I have I little bit and my m8 has 5g haha


Well-Known Member
By all accounts yes it will. And probably better product. From what I have gleened, with extract you need to keep the temperature of the straightners or press much lower (like 150 or something like like half setting on ye olde straightners).

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Up and down dude. Wife is going through some serious mental health things right now, so it's a daily kinda battle. :/ Today was a good day though. Yesterday sucked. Let's hope for tomorrow being good again.

I hope the whole year isn't rocky waves for us all. Some smooth sailing would be appreciated right about now. Lol... I guess life being married with children is mutually exclusive with smooth sailing. :)
Hello jig. Hope wife getting better.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Black shit in cloner...... FUCK OFF haha

Fuck Nas what happened like av well lost me touch.

Maybe I'm shaving to much of the stem away?
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Bud I have exactly the same cloner as your old round one ('Aerodome', paid exactly the same price off Ebay too) and I've been paying attention to this as I have exactly the same problems.

That's root rot/damping off, it's caused by too much water with not enough oxygen.

My theory as to why this is happening with that exact cloner (and maybe other cloners) is because the company who make those cloners have recently uprated the water pump that is used.

If you look at the other cloners on the market that do around 20 clones like that unit does you'll notice that they nearly all use a water pump rated at something like 450L per min, but that water pump in the cloner you and I have is rated at about 650L per min.

I think it's pumping too much water for the size of the unit and it's drowning the clones making them rot.
(If you think about DWC there is no such thing as too much water, the problem is too little oxygen)

My plan to fix the problem is either......

A) Have an air pump hooked up to an air stone in the bottom of the bucket to have more oxygen in the water.

B) Have the water pump hooked up to a cheap timer and have it say on for 5 mins, off for 5 mins.
(This would half the amount of water being sprayed overall)

C) Make or buy a tubing frame to attach to the water pump with more spray heads so that the pump sprays the same amount of water but over a larger area (like Dr. 81 has on his).

Give it a think mate. ;)