Good news for Canadians


Well-Known Member
So we just had an election up here and our new prime minister is making good on one of his promises. Apparently he had a meeting his first week to discuss with a colorado official what it takes to legalize marijuana.

from the news:

VANCOUVER -- A Colorado official has some sobering words of advice for Justin Trudeau if he fulfills his promise to legalize pot in Canada.

"It's going to be a lot harder to implement than you think. It's going to take a lot longer to do it. And it's going to cost more than you think," said Lewis Koski, director of the state's Marijuana Enforcement Division.

Colorado is one of four U.S. states to fully legalize recreational bud. Their challenges -- including how to regulate edibles like brownies and cookies and a rise in drug-impaired driving -- could be instructive for Canada's incoming prime minister.
So we just had an election up here and our new prime minister is making good on one of his promises. Apparently he had a meeting his first week to discuss with a colorado official what it takes to legalize marijuana.

from the news:

VANCOUVER -- A Colorado official has some sobering words of advice for Justin Trudeau if he fulfills his promise to legalize pot in Canada.

"It's going to be a lot harder to implement than you think. It's going to take a lot longer to do it. And it's going to cost more than you think," said Lewis Koski, director of the state's Marijuana Enforcement Division.

Colorado is one of four U.S. states to fully legalize recreational bud. Their challenges -- including how to regulate edibles like brownies and cookies and a rise in drug-impaired driving -- could be instructive for Canada's incoming prime minister.
We legalized recreational in AK. Starting next Spring our license for under 500 square feet of grow space is $1,000 a year. No biggies really. But, following the lead of Colorado (like OR and WA did as well) every grower MUST have video surveillance 24/7 covering the entire area. No blind spots allowed. My homestead is off the grid by Healy. Powering a surveillance system could be done but transmitting the feed to the state is not possible.

The reason? The one reason? To "prevent diversion". Okay I guess that is understandable in Colorado. People buy it and drive across the state lines anyway from retail though. But Alaska? Who in Hell is going to fly, much less drive, from the Lower 48 to Fairbanks for pot?

Familiarize yourselves with ALL the info available from all legal states here so when the time comes for all the talking about regulations they are needed and realistic.
We legalized recreational in AK. Starting next Spring our license for under 500 square feet of grow space is $1,000 a year. No biggies really. But, following the lead of Colorado (like OR and WA did as well) every grower MUST have video surveillance 24/7 covering the entire area. No blind spots allowed. My homestead is off the grid by Healy. Powering a surveillance system could be done but transmitting the feed to the state is not possible.

The reason? The one reason? To "prevent diversion". Okay I guess that is understandable in Colorado. People buy it and drive across the state lines anyway from retail though. But Alaska? Who in Hell is going to fly, much less drive, from the Lower 48 to Fairbanks for pot?

Familiarize yourselves with ALL the info available from all legal states here so when the time comes for all the talking about regulations they are needed and realistic.
I'm curious, do you know the Name of the organization that got the law passed in your state? Here in Oregon national groups like The Marijuana Policy Project, who were actually funded by a huge insurance company funded the legalization movement here. The reason I ask, is I saw a conspiratorial post about the MPP that normally I would have dismissed. However, after seeing the wacky things that have happened here in Oregon, and the issues that you are discussing; I don't know.
Wow, that article sure glazed over the issue. The proposed rules or what I call the "temporary/ permanent" rules,' lol, have been coming in by the hundreds of pages. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission ( who is issuing the rules) has a very complete and easy to download document section. However, those rules are getting more complicated by the minute. In business it's called barriers to entry. I'm crying foul! There has already been all sorts of skulduggery at the OLCC. The Oregonion newspaper has all of that well documented.
I'm curious, do you know the Name of the organization that got the law passed in your state? Here in Oregon national groups like The Marijuana Policy Project, who were actually funded by a huge insurance company funded the legalization movement here. The reason I ask, is I saw a conspiratorial post about the MPP that normally I would have dismissed. However, after seeing the wacky things that have happened here in Oregon, and the issues that you are discussing; I don't know.
One of the most powerful and influential groups — Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project — was behind successful recreational measures in Alaska and Colorado, two of four states that now allow recreational use. MPP organizers hope to replicate those efforts in five other states during the 2016 elections, an undertaking they say will — if successful — prove significant for the effort to end marijuana prohibition.
One of the most powerful and influential groups — Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project — was behind successful recreational measures in Alaska and Colorado, two of four states that now allow recreational use. MPP organizers hope to replicate those efforts in five other states during the 2016 elections, an undertaking they say will — if successful — prove significant for the effort to end marijuana prohibition.
MMMMMM.......... Thanks. I would have responded sooner but I'm just figuring this whole forum thing out.


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We legalized recreational in AK. Starting next Spring our license for under 500 square feet of grow space is $1,000 a year. No biggies really. But, following the lead of Colorado (like OR and WA did as well) every grower MUST have video surveillance 24/7 covering the entire area. No blind spots allowed. My homestead is off the grid by Healy. Powering a surveillance system could be done but transmitting the feed to the state is not possible.

The reason? The one reason? To "prevent diversion". Okay I guess that is understandable in Colorado. People buy it and drive across the state lines anyway from retail though. But Alaska? Who in Hell is going to fly, much less drive, from the Lower 48 to Fairbanks for pot?

Familiarize yourselves with ALL the info available from all legal states here so when the time comes for all the talking about regulations they are needed and realistic.
Fairbanks? No way why would they ? But Girdwood Homer talkeetna Seward Valdez cooper landing plent of folks
Fairbanks? No way why would they ? But Girdwood Homer talkeetna Seward Valdez cooper landing plent of folks
You see Canadians and Lower 48 cheechakos heading to Homer or Girdwood to buy pot? Really? Bud must cost tons in Canada because airfare or the ferry alone would break most.
You see Canadians and Lower 48 cheechakos heading to Homer or Girdwood to buy pot? Really? Bud must cost tons in Canada because airfare or the ferry alone would break most.
canada is actully much cheaper than in the states, and the weed is always top of the line. i was hearing as expensive as over 350 an oz in new york! thats where my brother lives and it blows my mind!
canada is actully much cheaper than in the states, and the weed is always top of the line. i was hearing as expensive as over 350 an oz in new york! thats where my brother lives and it blows my mind!
nearly 500$ canadian for a ounce of weed??!! enough to make you sick
i duno where those fools been buyin weed but they gotta be talking bout a dispensary charging that much.. the cost of weed aint that much at all here, like in the mid hundreds for an ounce.. anywhere from 100-180 depending the time of year and how dry it is out there.. but 490 lol i dunno what the fuck that dude smokin..
i duno where those fools been buyin weed but they gotta be talking bout a dispensary charging that much.. the cost of weed aint that much at all here, like in the mid hundreds for an ounce.. anywhere from 100-180 depending the time of year and how dry it is out there.. but 490 lol i dunno what the fuck that dude smokin..
must be bud laced with coke for 490$ lol, its 350$ for a ounce of dense ass dank here and thats twice the price cause its a small rural town
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must be bud laced with coke for 490$ lol, its 350$ for a ounce of dense ass dank here and thats twice the price cause its a small rural town
wow! that fucking sucks!! no way in hell would i pay over 240 for the dankiest! i barely pay 160-200 for kush now. thats why you gotta grown ur own shit i guess