Well-Known Member
I don't need to press pause. I was a structural mechanic and corrosion control in the military. I wouldn't be worried about galvanic corrosion in a grow light. Galvanic corrosion is more of a problem with sea water and structures that sit in weather and get wet a lot. Soaking wet. There will be enough warmth from the cob to drive moisture from the threads.
I used to work in Military Avionics industry..
Galvanic corrosion does take place in a grow light .
As also takes place in relatively dry environments ,with presence of electrolytes or ions from gasses.
It just needs more time ,than " sea water and structures that sit in weather and get wet a lot. Soaking wet."
How does moisture drives away from a " blind hole " ,
with a screw tightly tighten at the " open " end ?And a plastic COB case /holder over it ?
Anyway ..
I 've already mention : ": You have every right to do as you wish with your lights . "
As I 've with mine ...