Goodbye forever

They put flouride in water to calcify your pineal gland. Fuck society i want to be free
DMT is crazy. Everyone should try it at least once. Had a buddy who used to make it, I tried it a few times and thought it was amazing. Didn't see him for a couple years, and when I saw him again he gave me some more. The first time it was a yellowish brownish color, which is the indication it wasn't very pure and was fairly unrefined. When I saw him a few years later it was almost snow white. Holy cow, that stuff was way better. I spent about 20 minutes in a total dream. I can hardly remember it but what I do remember was beautiful. Wish I could still get my hands on some to keep around for a rainy day. Sigh...
It can be extracted from lots of different things, and then smoked. It should actually be freebased but I always put it on some weed in a one hitter, and used a torch lighter to get it to a high temp. The most common thing to extract it from, if I remember correctly, is a type of tree bark.

DMT is created naturally by your body, I believe in the pineal glands, but is also naturally occurring in almost anything that grows. The grass in your yard contains DMT.
Read Terence Mckenna too.

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