Limo's CXB3590 build


Well-Known Member
I've placed an order for...

>8 - CXB3590 3500K CD 36v
>8 - Ideal holder 50-2303CR
>2 - MW driver HLG-185H-C1400B

Still open to heatsink & design ideas.
Hey there, just wondering what diameter bit I need to drill holes for ideal holders for the 3590s? I'll be getting some soon. Also I've been told to use 3M screws for everything basically? Fans, cob holders, drivers, etc. Is this correct? If so what length or do they only come in one size? If not, what size bits needed for which holes and screws accordingly?


Well-Known Member
2.5mm or #46 drill bit worked very well with the tap a little cutting fluid while drilling the holes and more when tapping them. Measure 3-4 times, drill once and patients is a vertue... Good luck... :)


Well-Known Member
And to don't break a drill bit you need to...don't use a drill it is better with an electric screwdriver (not a sonic screwdriver unless you are the Doctor!) It is easier with it and you need to make a first hole with a smaller bit...keep yojr arm straight as possible and keep the same pressure all along...
So E screwdriver smaller bit straight same pressure...and no problem you don't even need oil to do it this way...!