The AK47 Project on Hempy Buckets


Well-Known Member
a shot of my homemade cloning chamber, perfect size...
this is an experiment, the clones are already on perlite, i was getting sick of the little wheels so I'm trying baby hempy to root the clones for an easier non shoking transplant.....
i'll keep you all posted



Well-Known Member
a shot of my homemade cloning chamber, perfect size...
this is an experiment, the clones are already on perlite, i was getting sick of the little wheels so I'm trying baby hempy to root the clones for an easier non shoking transplant.....
i'll keep you all posted
you will be fine with the perlite to clone in just make sure you keep it moist......:joint: I like the jiffy oeat pucks for clones and seeds personally, just have to take that netting stuff off, I am using those instead of rocwool now.....


Well-Known Member
lol I remember callin you that like over 3 months ago... seems like so long ago!! I still had my grow going at that point :D


Well-Known Member
not a lot of updates, 2 weeks of flower and looking good, i moved 2 of the mothers to the flower closet (1 sativa and 1 ak47) just so I have a harvest every 2 weeks...that leaves me with 3 mothers(1 ak, 1 sativa, 1 indica) and 13 new clones of all 3 kinds, as soon as the strong ones show and i get rid of the weak ones I will be starting some seeds to add a new flavor to my grow....4 flavors will be like John, Paul, George and Ringo...


Well-Known Member
just developing nugs and eating every other day,one more week and they'll get their first taste of mollases....
I'm also working on producing my own worm poop but that's another project and another website...
the clones look strong but I'll give them a couple of more days until they actually start growing a bit and transplant them into their bigger and permanent hempies



Well-Known Member
clones are 9 days and they still look almost the same but no yellow leaves, they look as good and fresh as if they had been taken a day ago...


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking very nice. I give my plants molasses and they love it. it's suppose to fatten up the buds and it produces more crystals on the plants.


Well-Known Member
clones are 9 days and they still look almost the same but no yellow leaves, they look as good and fresh as if they had been taken a day ago...
Yo Dark Star i"m having trouble with my clones.
Don"t know what i"m doing wrong but they just don"t seem to be taking.
I cut them at 45 and leave them in water for about a min dip them in cloning gell and then into them round things that you soak in water that look like fat turds but they just don"t seem to be taking ?
Cut plastic drinks bottles in half and put them over the clones.
I read a thread on here about cloning where you take your clone and leave it in water and they just start rooting i put one in a shot glass its been in there for over two weeks and thats not doing anything ? i even took it out of the water last week and dipped it in clone gell then back into the water still nothing.
Can you help what am i doing wrong ?


Well-Known Member
the problem with the pellets is that they hold to much humidity and it just rots the stem and wont root, it's happen to me a few times so now I'm doing what you are doing but instead using the little fat turds I use very small party cups wich I cut a little and fill them with perlite, just put your clone in there after dippin it in rooting gel or powder, I never heard of just putting it in water, just make sure you spray them everyday and keep them in a humidity dome, I just transfer mine to the flower closet, I'll be poking holes on the bottom of the cups and bury them into bigger hempies


Well-Known Member
I just used the peat pellets for cloning and had no problem at all, I didnt even use any rooting gel or powder, I am going to try straight perlite next see if I notice a difference, looking great darkstar