Is Pot Addictive?

Anything can be addictive, so yes pot can be addictive. Smoke pot every day for a year then stop suddenly, you'll have withdraw symptoms. Not as bad as other substances though eg tobbaco withdrawals
Actually, this is an interesting topic. From a physical standpoint it is not supposed to be addictive, not in the sense that other drugs like those damned cursed opiates and such that attach to the receptors in the brain.
.....But on the other hand, my mrs is badly and hopelessly addicted. She hasnt gone a day without blazin for I dont know how long and she gets antsy as hell when its lookin like the jars are going to go empty before I harvest.

...Damned she keeps me workin hard at this. Meantime, I quit smoking it myself a few years ago and I'm the one that got her into it all those years ago.
anything that alters receptors can be addictive. serotonin dopamine gabba opiate cb etc

most common withdrawal symptoms are therefore related to the areas hit. insomnia, agitation or anxiety, body aches, temp regulation, vivid dreams or nightmares, loss of appetite...

but because thc is only a partial agonist, not very potent. symotoms are mild compared to other drugs.
Over my 37 years I have had to quit a few times cold turkey and it hasn't effected me. I think? Where the hell did I put my phone. Shit it's in my hand.