This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

I totally understand and am on the same track. That problem needs to be solved by the Population. The one candidate this time around that is not affiliated with the squeeze play that puts the same ole routine use the People get rich players running our corrupt government is Trump, that`s it. All and I mean All of the other candidates are in some kinda bed or play with the Two party system that deliberately cancels out any attempt to change the normal screw the folk get rich government we have today.

Right now our parents are on crack or alcoholics/moneygrabbers. We need parents that care, not parents that pay a babysitter and go out and play. The two party system and electoral college has to go, it works in favor of corruption and that`s why it`s allowed to stay by the corrupt. Trump is the first step in ridding us of this burden.

Obama can shed a tear all he wants, he still sold out to corrupt big pharma and screwed the American people of the healthcare program that solved all of our problems. I will never forget he did that to us. Obamacare/market didn`t have to happen, it works in favor of health insurance, not you and me. It should be the other way around like Obama had the first time before selling us out to big insurances.

Imagine if all those over charging high health costing companies went down the tubes,.....ya, they couldn`t either.

I haven't thrown my vote behind any candidate, yet. But I will say very clearly, in text for the whole forum can see it, that I can't disagree with anything you said in this quoted post.

I think there is more to the conversation, but I can't disagree with any of this post.
Starting a firefight would be about their only method to turn up the heat. However, if there's no one to shoot at, then what?

I think the Fed strategy is great. Let them take over and occupy a big stone outhouse in the middle of a bird sanctuary

The venue is interesting. It allows both sides time to sort out issues but being public property also limits their time.

If they were on private land they could hold out until deemed a threat essentially, however, by taking over public land they are subject to swift action.

The fed position is great, gives the perception of good faith and taking the high road, but again gives them the chance to do what they want to secretly and possibly take measures to ensure death or a lifetime behind bars.

I'm interested to see how long it lasts and how it will end, but tbh I wouldn't trust either side and history has shown the probability of a fire fight is far greater than a peaceful resolution.
I haven't thrown my vote behind any candidate, yet. But I will say very clearly, in text for the whole forum can see it, that I can't disagree with anything you said in this quoted post.

I think there is more to the conversation, but I can't disagree with any of this post.

Trump is the squeeze play. He is one of the super rich who influences politics via cash through any of his means whether it's personal or corporate.

Why would anyone allow him to steer the ship when he is so clearly out of touch with the general public?

I don't understand why trump is so popular when he obviously didn't get to be in his position by being nice or even caring about other people.

Benjamin's my friends, he's all about it and not much more.

The fed position is great, gives the perception of good faith and taking the high road, but again gives them the chance to do what they want to secretly and possibly take measures to ensure death or a lifetime behind bars.

I'm not thinking the fed is secretly scheming / longing to kill these guys. Everyone has better shit to do and these doofuses are not worth a bullet, much less a conspiracy theory
I'm not thinking the fed is secretly scheming / longing to kill these guys. Everyone has better shit to do and these doofuses are not worth a bullet, much less a conspiracy theory

Not claiming conspiracy, but they do have to protect the public and its property.
They surely have a plan, best and worst case scenarios.

They will have to take back public land if it's not vacated by any means necessary, which takes us back to first shots fired.

It's gonna be interesting to see.
Long story short...You missed the rhetorical nature of my faux ignorance.
They did NOT try the case. The notoriously left-leaning 9th, (who famously are beaten back often by the Supreme Court) on appeal by that strangely punitive BLM,opined on the waiver and the minimum sentencing for the terrorist charge. The original sentencing was done in the face of the terrorism charge because the judge and prosecutor closest to the case thought it obtuse.

Regardless, funny we have a government court handing out a decision that the plaintiff, a government agency, did not like so they appealed to another govrrnment court for the government agency's strangely punitive, case...muddied with their own conflict of interest.
Once again, it is obvious...

"The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen"


Except this time the Supreme Court denied certiorari by the Hammonds.

Let's also ignore the fact that the Ninth Circuit Court hears much more cases than other Circuit Courts making your wikipedia look up about the Supreme Court reversing or vacating their rulings illusory.
Sara palin is an idiot. She has nothing to do with news or factual reporting of any kind

Regarding the liberal media monitoring all of this- well Fox news is out there too because... It's news. How could you fault a news crew for being on hand of a rather large news event?

Except this time the Supreme Court denied certiorari by the Hammonds.

Let's also ignore the fact that the Ninth Circuit Court hears much more cases than other Circuit Courts making your wikipedia look up about the Supreme Court reversing or vacating their rulings illusory.
That is the yawn. Some are too poltically blinded to recognize government oppression and overreach...until it happens to them.

Unfortunately, the rest of the planet is seeing them as complete buffoons Rebel wannabes without a cause that they can iterate
Trump is the squeeze play. He is one of the super rich who influences politics via cash through any of his means whether it's personal or corporate.

Why would anyone allow him to steer the ship when he is so clearly out of touch with the general public?

I don't understand why trump is so popular when he obviously didn't get to be in his position by being nice or even caring about other people.

Benjamin's my friends, he's all about it and not much more.


That's what troubles me about him, partly.

I understand what Oddball is saying though, about needing change. And he is the only one that I see bringing change from the status quo. The question is, what kind of change would the egotistical guy bring? That's a scary thought to me.