Can you dry 3 days cure 1 week

As long as the weed is really dried out itll work. I smoke buds right off hanging plants after a week from chop but theyre really dry. A three day dry would be hard to get it all the way dried out.
Especially with any stem attached. I would worry about over drying ank killing the cure
Especially with any stem attached. I would worry about over drying ank killing the cure
Im always looking for super smelly strains because i always end up having most...or all;) of mine overdried. I rehydrate it in a cooler with a paper towel in a cup placed in there for a couple days and bag it up, the smells great, full plant hang dry trim. I would way rather over dry than deal with bags of white mold any day.
Yeah I think most of us have our own rituals around dry and cure.
I hang branches with trimmed buds for about a week, then cut buds and jar or turkey bag for a day to equlize moisture. Depending on moisture content I either dump them out for a day or so or continue moving and burping. It is kind of involved but it works for me so I don't mess with it.
If it is small harvest and airy, not tight buds u may be able to get away with 3 day dry, depending on your temps and ventilation, im talking about small buds and not packed tight., with perfect rh and perfect rt and good ventilation around buds., u "maybe" will b aight
Good smoke is in the proper drying and curing. I would think if you dry the weed in 3 days it will smell like hay and be harsh. I dry until the stem just starts to snap, jar with a Boveda 62 and burp every day for 2 weeks and then once or twice a week.
You will regret drying too fast.
Trim wet, rh ~60%, decent airflow ~500cfm, no light, temps 65-73°f, Hopefully this takes roughly 10-14 days before outside of buds becomes dry. Do not let any part of the bud become dry. if this happens to soon; up rh, lower temp, and/or decrease air flow. If a hay or foul odor arises increase air flow..the hay is anaerobic fermentation essentially, and what happens in the inside pf a bail of hay. When drying is complete, Jar for minumum of 16hrs to get moisture back to the tips. You can now add boveda packs and or "burp" for 30 minutes and give airflow to the bud. Airflow is very important to the cure but so is maintaining 55-60%rh

After 2 weeks drying and 1 week "cure" you can start to sell or smoke, 2 months ideal.

i burp every other day for 2 weeks then weekly for 2months... then its good to go head stash

my penny.... what you should do.

in other words, no to op
imo you could. but there wont be much of an official cure. youd need a big dehumidifier and a lot of airflow, and the taste will suffer.
Some stank strains taste good regardless if you cure tho, just not as good. my 2c
as they said above, be patient and take your time
I live in an area where average humidity is about 60% for a large portion of the year. Right now, with below 32, I have around 45%. It takes me at least a week of hanging branches until I cut bud off, (I don't like compacted bud which happens if it ain't dry and you start mushing the shit together) Then I put the bud on racks, and let it dry for another 3-5 days BEFORE I jar it. Once it is in a jar, it will finish getting rid of all the excess moisture (with burping) and become perfect. Once I cut, without adding extra heat, like from a small heater (which I do sometimes) it takes me a 3-4 weeks before it is really smokeable. And if you have ever dried your herb too much, toss a slice of apple in the jar, seal it and shake it for a day, and you will re-moisture the herb, give it a nice flavor, and then eat the apple slice and suck off all that kiff. It's all good.
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Yeah I think most of us have our own rituals around dry and cure.
I hang branches with trimmed buds for about a week, then cut buds and jar or turkey bag for a day to equlize moisture. Depending on moisture content I either dump them out for a day or so or continue moving and burping. It is kind of involved but it works for me so I don't mess with it.
Yup, that's exactly how i used to do it when i only ran six plants......way back in the day. Now i dont have that option but if i could do it this way still i would.
I have dried for 3 days but always have to empty the jar sit them out on newspaper for a day as the buds look and feel too wet. Id say 4 days is minimum with heavy burping and rotation of buds. Mold and ammonia smell is the risk you are running.
Do it right!
Further on this, I am dumbfounded as to why folks spend months on tending, pruning, tying, topping, feeding and then they get to harvest and try to rush it.
This is by far the most important part of the grow in my opinion, this is where flavour and smell really come into play!
You've invested all this time, why would you want to fall over just as you are reaching the finish line? Seriously think about it, does it make sense?
I have dried for 3 days but always have to empty the jar sit them out on newspaper for a day as the buds look and feel too wet. Id say 4 days is minimum with heavy burping and rotation of buds. Mold and ammonia smell is the risk you are running.
Do it right!
Hmm. Have you ever smelled something that had just a slight ammonia odor? My first plant I ever cured smelled sort of...biologic, but just barely. Like the buds smelled like lemons with undertones of the back of somebody's neck. I wonder if it was a bit of ammonia smell.
Ammonia smell is generally a sign of too much moisture and the curing process stops right there as the chrophyll that covert to sugars and necessary for decarboxylation convert to noxious gas and that is the end no amount of storage will fix it once it happens. I just either make butter or bho if I screw it up. You can snoke it but it's not my idea of a good smoke.