The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
What soil are u using btw? I've run bio bizz light,all mix n the canna soils n never needed to add lime. Actually didn't even add vermiculite to the canna this time around n it's grand
Lol lax your memory is shocking. Crap soil westlands all purpose compost. You told me to add dolomite lime (im getting gardeners lime from b&q this same thing?) And perlite which im also getting from b&q.


Well-Known Member
Loool yeah the lime will help you out but itll take some time to start working but if ur shits all over the place the lime will only help...usually ppl add it when turning their soil.if ur not phing ur nutes then i suggest doing that lol seen some funny shit on the other uk thread about someone phing the water before adding the nutes cant remember if it was u but incase it is..stop it!


Well-Known Member
Loool yeah the lime will help you out but itll take some time to start working but if ur shits all over the place the lime will only help...usually ppl add it when turning their soil.
Ill see what happens lol, one more question.. The 25 percent perlite, is that by weight? Eg. 1 kg perlite for every 3 kg of soil and mix. Or mass like fill my pot 1 quarter way with perlite and top with soil and mix? Is that a stupid question? I am pretty slow lol


Well-Known Member
I usually mix like half a bag per 50 ltr of soil...just mix it to 25 % of whatever is in the bag ur mixing. U cant really fuck up the pert lol but here's a pic of how much u should be shooting for
get urself some better soil next round man it won't break the bank n will save u all the ball ache


Well-Known Member
I usually mix like half a bag per 50 ltr of soil...just mix it to 25 % of whatever is in the bag ur mixing. U cant really fuck up the pert lol but here's a pic of how much u should be shooting for
get urself some better soil next round man it won't break the bank n will save u all the ball ache
I intend to get better soil, just saw 20litres for 1.50 and was like ,"Hell yeah" ill get biobizz next time.


Well-Known Member
Anyone able to help me diagnose this issue I'm having with my Glue cut? It was taken and rooted at the same time as the Exo beside it and as u can see there is a big difference now. It rooted fine like the Exo and was lovely and green but in the last 6 days since being potted up it hasn't grown at all and is now looking terrible even all the new growth shoot have sort of dried and blacked off and not growing, I've never had this prob with cuts of any strain before so don't know what to do about it. I'm thinking just chuck it and see if I can source another glue cut, but if it is possible to rescue her then I'd rather do that !
I've got a glue in flower now but it's 4 weeks in so can't be fucked taking a cut and trying to root and reveg it !
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Well-Known Member
Low PH, too much Nitrogen and a big Magnesium deficiency.
I don't ph test never have. I haven't fed any nutes yet and it's only been potted 6 days like the Exo beside it so I don't get how that could happen. The Exo is fine and doubled in size,
Also the last glue cut that I've got in flower now went into the same type of soil straight from rooted clone and it grew fine with no issues.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I don't ph test never have. I haven't fed any nutes yet and it's only been potted 6 days like the Exo beside it so I don't get how that could happen. The Exo is fine and doubled in size,
Also the last glue cut that I've got in flower now went into the same type of soil straight from rooted clone and it grew fine with no issues.
"I don't ph test never have" - That'll be why the PH is too low (very low PH is obvious by the purple striped stems), low PH locks out Calcium and Magnesium at the same time but Magnesium defs take hold sooner.

The big magnesium deficiency is obvious from the yellow striped leaves where the chlorophyll is being stripped from the leaf margins.
Calcium deficiency symptoms will soon show if the low PH is not sorted.

"I haven't fed any nutes yet and it's only been potted 6 days like the Exo beside it so I don't get how that could happen." - Then either the plant was over fed with Nitrogen at some point before cut was taken or the soil the cut is in is too hot. Most likely (given the only 6 days) the cut came from a plant with too much Nitrogen in it.

"The Exo is fine and doubled in size" - That's irrelevant, the Exo is a different plant in a different pot.

"Also the last glue cut that I've got in flower now went into the same type of soil straight from rooted clone and it grew fine with no issues" - Same as above, different plant in a different pot.
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Well-Known Member
"I don't ph test never have" - That'll be why the PH is too low (very low PH is obvious by the purple striped stems), low PH locks out Calcium and Magnesium at the same time but Magnesium defs take hold sooner.

The big magnesium deficiency is obvious from the yellow striped leaves where the chlorophyll is being stripped from the leaf margins.
Calcium deficiency symptoms will soon show if the low PH is not sorted.

"I haven't fed any nutes yet and it's only been potted 6 days like the Exo beside it so I don't get how that could happen." - Then either the plant was over fed with Nitrogen at some point before cut was taken or the soil the cut is in is too hot. Most likely (given the only 6 days) the cut came from a plant with too much Nitrogen in it.

"The Exo is fine and doubled in size" - That's irrelevant, the Exo is a different plant in a different pot.

"Also the last glue cut that I've got in flower now went into the same type of soil straight from rooted clone and it grew fine with no issues" - Same as above, different plant in a different pot.
You seem very knowledgeable. Do you know what is wrong with my little plant?


Ive been giving crap nutes really low in nitrogen. Got some higher nitrogen nutes now. I ph water to 6.5 (only been doing recently since i got pen) last 2 waterings or so. Temps between 20 and 29 degrees c.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Nice I got the vibe space 6 3d wired up to 1k amp and my 12" sub lol.
Eventually will have that component set in the front and back, amped.

Possibly an 8" sub (to not drowned out the mid/top) in the boot but the boot is pretty small on our car and those mid woofers go down to 40htz anyway so the expense and space sacrifice doesn't weigh up for the lower extra 10htz gain of a sub going down to 30htz.

We'll see yet.


Well-Known Member
Yman u know I've been growing for years mate I've never had this sorta problem before and I've not changed any of my equipment or methods so I don't think there is too much water in the pot. It's only had the initial soil soak and left to drain all run off before I potted the cut its not had anything since, the plant I took this cut from was in soil for 2 weeks from rooting before I took this cut and it hadn't been on any feed by then so again can't of been too much nitrogen in it before the cut was taken.

And anyway can u suggest a solution to fix it or just tell me what a load of problems I already have with the plant.