Great insults to memorize


Well-Known Member
Q 1. "Ready for Round 2" is a phrase that:
A) Ms Sunshines' wife will never hear from his limp dick having self.
B) Vostok's Kindergarten teacher said when she informed him he would be held back.
C) Penile Fungus' doctor said to him after his first penile implant was a failure (hence the fungal infection).
D) Jose Aldo never heard last night.
E) All of Above

Correct Answer: E). If you guessed E), well it was pretty obvious but give yourself a star for the day anyway!
dunk close.gif


Well-Known Member
you were such an ugly baby when your mother took you out in your pram people thought it was a mobile punch and judy show.
ken dodd


Well-Known Member
I am a particular fan of:

Maybe if you got a good dicking in your sad, lonely, bagged out vagina you wouldn't be acting like such a cunt all the time.


Well-Known Member
Or something along the lines of:

You must be a sad, miserable POS if you feel the need to bother strangers on the internet that in no way effect your daily life.

There is something VERY wrong with you if you feel the need to do this. Like a compulsion. Lay off the fucking crack pipe, go for a walk outside the house, and try to let go of your anger. Because it's toxic and it is turning you into a toxic person.

Oh, and then also:

You fuck your mother with that mouth?



Well-Known Member
The best really is, when someone unloads something on you, whatever that might be...

"Sounds like a personal problem to me"


It's sassy. Usually gets a laugh. In a real fight, it would be such a dick thing to say. hahahahaha