Forced Shelter?


King Tut
Just read that New York will be rounding up all homeless and bringing them to shelters when the temps drop below 32 degrees. Voluntarily or not.

Great idea to make enough room available to all that want it, but forcing them into it? Just don't sit right with me. Is there something that I am missing?
Just read that New York will be rounding up all homeless and bringing them to shelters when the temps drop below 32 degrees. Voluntarily or not.

Great idea to make enough room available to all that want it, but forcing them into it? Just don't sit right with me. Is there something that I am missing?
Enemies of the Reich and "das Untermensch" will be rounded up for the good of ze Reich.

Ve are ze Government, ve'd never send people to concentration camps...
The asshole governor said it was the loving and compassionate thing to do or something to that effect.

You don't threaten violence against a person that isn't threatening violence against you "for their own good".
i guess sheltering homeless people is now being compared to hitler. ok.

and republicans wonder why they are loathed by normal people.
The asshole governor said it was the loving and compassionate thing to do or something to that effect.

You don't threaten violence against a person that isn't threatening violence against you "for their own good".

Most of them, especially NY, will get drunk and pass out under a bridge, It costs a lot of your dollars to scrape up, burry, and id the corpses. In East Hog Pond Iowa,...not so much. Which is why East Hog Pond Iowa didn`t mandate it.
Most of them, especially NY, will get drunk and pass out under a bridge, It costs a lot of your dollars to scrape up, burry, and id the corpses. In East Hog Pond Iowa,...not so much. Which is why East Hog Pond Iowa didn`t mandate it.

Please stop collectivizing the thoughts of a group of thugs as if they speak for everyone.

East Hog Pond can't mandate anything, only people can. The same kind of people as that douche boss thug in N.Y. , he thinks you can threaten a person and that it is somehow the equivalent to being "compassionate and loving".
Please stop collectivizing the thoughts of a group of thugs as if they speak for everyone.

East Hog Pond can't mandate anything, only people can. The same kind of people as that douche boss thug in N.Y. , he thinks you can threaten a person and that it is somehow the equivalent to being "compassionate and loving".

NY has City Ordinances, East Hog Pond Iowa, Maybe not.

You just don`t like rules and regulation and laws. I used them to raise my kids and can say it works when they obey.

You can be a law abiding "outlaw" but like you said, you deal with the consequences.
NY has City Ordinances, East Hog Pond Iowa, Maybe not.

You just don`t like rules and regulation and laws. I used them to raise my kids and can say it works when they obey.

You can be a law abiding "outlaw" but like you said, you deal with the consequences.

So if a law tells you to go kill people you don't even know, you feel compelled to obey it ?
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
So if a law tells you to go kill people you don't even know, you feel compelled to obey it ?

No, Ordinances are written and changed often by the city Counsel and cannot conflict with City, County or Federal laws. In other words, you can`t write an ordinance to kill someone.

You are really, really reaching now, don`t capsize.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

Both of the robber barons points you point out are horrible to the living and because of the dead they killed.

Bad all the way around any way you look at it.
No, Ordinances are written and changed often by the city Counsel and cannot conflict with City, County or Federal laws. In other words, you can`t write an ordinance to kill someone.

You are really, really reaching now, don`t capsize.
I see you missed the point, as usual...
Most of them, especially NY, will get drunk and pass out under a bridge, It costs a lot of your dollars to scrape up, burry, and id the corpses. In East Hog Pond Iowa,...not so much. Which is why East Hog Pond Iowa didn`t mandate it.

So in this case it's the "Dollar" not the person who has the rights.
So in this case it's the "Dollar" not the person who has the rights.

Rights have nothing to fucking do with it. The City does not want to go around picking up stubborn corpses at my expense. They`d rather use those dollars to feed and shelter them.

Only people from the sticks wont understand why laundry marts, kwik marts, D-n-D`s, train stations, and many more places will be crowded for a couple.

More people will complain about wasted tax dollars than show up at the burials........or bonefire....