Highest you have ever been


New Member
reminisce about the time you were the most fucked up you've ever been.....these are my top two from back in the days(the days that lo noger exist)... 1. it was one of my first binges on some real good ice. i had done maybe a gram and a half over the course of three days with no sleep and very little food. right at the end of the binge my buddy decided to wip out a 5 pape oil joint and light er up... we smoked this massive gooey doob and i am telling you i have never been more fucked!..... and my 2. is when i mixed pure MDMA with ice,, i about hit the fucking roof on that one,, high grade ice with pure MDMA will make you wanna fuck anything that you can,, good luck getting it hard though


Well-Known Member
the first time i smoked a blunt i got the spins so bad that i vomited.
another time i was smoking a bong in some guys storm cellar and got so super high that i didnt want to be that high anymore. i was so high that i got scared.


Well-Known Member

I try to avoid getting that fucked. But over a gram in one sitting crossed with 2 vicodines (don't remember dosage, I think they were middle-dose pills) and I could not MOVE

edit: I had that experience where I was so high I didn't want to be that high also. Now I usually just stay weed "buzzed" I prefer it, as I'm fully functional still.


New Member
the first time i smoked a blunt i got the spins so bad that i vomited.
another time i was smoking a bong in some guys storm cellar and got so super high that i didnt want to be that high anymore. i was so high that i got scared.
that must have been when you first started smoking eh?


Well-Known Member
smoking white russian in the middle of a snow storm driving a big caddy in the country:

ok so we had a big ass blunt of some white russian rolled up (prolly bout 70-80$ worth of weed in this blunt) and it was me and 2 of my friends we were in my dudes 94 caddy sedan deville black gold editon with the 32 port northstar v8 (hell of a engine) we had no place to smoke so we decided we were gonna go on a country cruise we didnt really realise how hard it was snowing until we were already in the country sure we coulda turned around but fuck it so my freind (the one who owns the car) is in the back seat wit another freind of ours and the dudes cousin is driving im sittin shotty (dont ask how that happend) and we are crusin bout 50 in this white out conditions (if we turned our brights on) snow storm and there just happens to be a turn coming up the driver doesnt see the sign that says turn 15 mph and there is a hill just before the turn he slows down to about 40 and goes up the hill we litterally launch off into the air and land on the turn needless to say we cant make this turn so we shoot off into the corn feild luckily the car has that big engine and getting outta the field was no prob but still we was all so high that every1 in the car (including the dude who owns it) was laughing our asses off


New Member
oh yeah. years ago. still vivid though because i was sooooooooo scared.
on that note i guess i should throw in my first time with weed,, i was really fucked
i was smoking weed for the second time but getting high for the first ( my first smoke i just took a few puffs, dont remember feeling much) and me and my buddy were way deep into some trail and we were hitting a homemade pipe (ghetto: water bottle with a hole melted in it and some tin foil with holes,, yes this was back in the day, lol... anyways,, i was sitting on a fallen over tree and my buddy was standing and moving around slightly, he smoked a couple small bowls and was high and i could tell,,, i still fealt nothing (as i did the first time) so i continued smoking bowl after bowl untill i heat about bowl 8 and said fuck it.

and then i got up

hooooolllleeeeey fuck was i blasted! i ended up mentally greening out on the bike ride home, remembering nothing of the 30 minute trip back home... when i got home i did a full green out and passed out with this dirty ass water bottle bong on my floor... i woke up to my buddy eating all my fucking tositios


Well-Known Member
i had that standing thing happen to me last week. I matched my 2 buddies. (I hit, friend 1 hits, I hit, friend 2 hits, I hit, friend 1 hits, not to mention I'd always clear what they left behind first. they don't smoke much) and I felt fine. til I stood up. spins until i threw up. I honest looked later for the marks in the gravel because I was honest convinced I was spinning in place. it was so crazy.


New Member
i had that standing thing happen to me last week. I matched my 2 buddies. (I hit, friend 1 hits, I hit, friend 2 hits, I hit, friend 1 hits, not to mention I'd always clear what they left behind first. they don't smoke much) and I felt fine. til I stood up. spins until i threw up. I honest looked later for the marks in the gravel because I was honest convinced I was spinning in place. it was so crazy.
yup especially if you have bad blood circulation like i do... that sudden upward motion sends all that blood that has just been getting more and more filled with thc straight to the brain,,, gets you fuuuucked

oh shit,, and that brings me to my next one
nicotine patch on, i was standing (legs straight) with my body bent over as if my top half was upside down and my head is almost between my legs and a take a huuuuge drag off a smoke and hold it in while i jerked my head up and the exhaled... jesus mother of murphy what a rush,, im never going to be able to quit smoking after all that nicotine though


Well-Known Member
My most fucked moment was first time I smoked :joint:
Me and 3 friends picked up like.. 10g's or something? We took our homemade bong (Made out of a salad dressing container LOL) and took it under the bridge into the long-grass. Started smoking up. I got fresh green 'cause It was my first time smokeing. So I take the hit, hold it in my lungs. I'm like I don't feel nothing.. They tell me to finish the bowl, I did, they packed a new one for me. I smoked it all. Then we started passing it around. like the 5th time it gets passed around I just stare and am like 'Guys.. I think i'm going to pass out' Then one kids' like. 'Fuck you, you're not passing out like when you were fucking drunk, if you fucking die again, I swear to god Ill fucking kill you' I just started laughing my ass off haha. then they were like 'Awwh, he's alright haha' So we keep going untill we got no more bud. I stand up and I feel like I'm walking on the fucking side of the earth. Feels like I'm fucking sideways. It was awesome, I kept loosing balance 'cause it was so hard standing sideways :P. So we go to a park.. I can't remember walking there, When I got there, I said 'Man.. I love flying..'. Anyway's I'm to lazy to type the rest, it ends up with me grabbing down my ex-girlfriends shirt hha. Was fun.

Another time was.. Nawh too lazy to typ.e.. :P


Well-Known Member
the most fucked I have been was easily the first time I ever got high. another time that got pretty close to that was a while ago. got high with a friend of mine and all I really remember from that night was passing around a grav to a couple first timers (they didn't get high though...). the room was all hazey and filled with smoke....I think. I also remember someone turning on The Happiest Days Of Our Lives-Pink Floyd and we were all kind of dancing (there were five us...four of us smoked, two of us got high, and the other friend is straight edge).
when I say dancing, we were moving at the "dun" parts if those of you that have heard the song know what I'm saying. and when it got to the part where it kinda leads into the singing, me and my other high comrade started rubbing our nipples lol. it kinda went like this

"DUN(moved).......Dun(moved to a different position...get the pattern?).....dun(with echo).....dun(dadadun dadadun dada...)dun.............dun.....dun........dun....main groove kinda part(this is where we started rubbing our nipples) and I barely remember the rest of how we "danced" to this song lol.

I know how bad I described that, but that's all I could come up with. I remember that I fell asleep and I woke up again sometime later and I was still high as a mofo haha. it was an amazing time....


New Member
it kinda went like this

"DUN(moved).......Dun(moved to a different position...get the pattern?).....dun(with echo).....dun(dadadun dadadun dada...)dun.............dun.....dun........dun....main groove kinda part(this is where we started rubbing our nipples) and I barely remember the rest of how we "danced" to this song lol.
lmao,,, you are one class act stoner,,



Well-Known Member
reminisce about the time you were the most fucked up you've ever been.....these are my top two from back in the days(the days that lo noger exist)... 1. it was one of my first binges on some real good ice. i had done maybe a gram and a half over the course of three days with no sleep and very little food. right at the end of the binge my buddy decided to wip out a 5 pape oil joint and light er up... we smoked this massive gooey doob and i am telling you i have never been more fucked!..... and my 2. is when i mixed pure MDMA with ice,, i about hit the fucking roof on that one,, high grade ice with pure MDMA will make you wanna fuck anything that you can,, good luck getting it hard though

I hear ya man. I don't if it was the highest I've ever been but it had to be close. When I was 18 we didnt have access to medicinal grade, just canadian beasters for a while and I think this was like the third time I'd done meth because I only had like a quarter gram on me which seems like such a cocktease now but I was up in the city and a friend was able to get white widow. So of course went for it, I'd moked orange crush and apollo 11 before but it was like an annual thing that it came around so the speed combined with superior smoke just annihilated me. I was thinking in like 6 different directions but couldn't move in one hehe.


New Member
I hear ya man. I don't if it was the highest I've ever been but it had to be close. When I was 18 we didnt have access to medicinal grade, just canadian beasters for a while and I think this was like the third time I'd done meth because I only had like a quarter gram on me which seems like such a cocktease now but I was up in the city and a friend was able to get white widow. So of course went for it, I'd moked orange crush and apollo 11 before but it was like an annual thing that it came around so the speed combined with superior smoke just annihilated me. I was thinking in like 6 different directions but couldn't move in one hehe.
yea it can be a nasty mix if you dont treat it properly... i know exavtly what you mean by the "I was thinking in like 6 different directions but couldn't move in one" i remember that feeling


Well-Known Member
oh man!! the first time i smoked purple haze... outta a fuckin soda can. i was sittin on my friends porch sinkin into the chair and i put my head back. i seriously thought i was in a dream!
another time me and my friend rolled tthree of the biggest blunts ive ever seen at that time (prolly 3 to 4 grams each) we sat in his car at a church parking lot at like 3 in the mornin and baked out the car. i had a fuckin panic attack and thought i was gunna die hahaha. i was sooo fuckin stoned i couldnt talk straight so i went home and puked everywhere in front of my front door and just passed out outside. i woke up with my mom standing over me sayin "wtf" and laughin cuz i sleepin in my puke. it was pretty nasty HAHAHAHA


Well-Known Member
I loved it, man, those were the days when drugs were still fun and there were still a few left under the sun to be done. After awhile I only smoked weed to stop that stomach eating itself feeling speed gives you after awhile, or when I was crashing, which almost turns a rough crash into a wild trip. Nasty stuff as I'm sure you know, but I'm not gonna lie about the fun I had with it either hehe.Only live once, right?


Well-Known Member
I loved it, man, those were the days when drugs were still fun and there were still a few left under the sun to be done. After awhile I only smoked weed to stop that stomach eating itself feeling speed gives you after awhile, or when I was crashing, which almost turns a rough crash into a wild trip. Nasty stuff as I'm sure you know, but I'm not gonna lie about the fun I had with it either hehe.Only live once, right?

tru tru well thats good you dont do that stuff anymore.


New Member
oh man!! the first time i smoked purple haze... outta a fuckin soda can. i was sittin on my friends porch sinkin into the chair and i put my head back. i seriously thought i was in a dream!
another time me and my friend rolled tthree of the biggest blunts ive ever seen at that time (prolly 3 to 4 grams each) we sat in his car at a church parking lot at like 3 in the mornin and baked out the car. i had a fuckin panic attack and thought i was gunna die hahaha. i was sooo fuckin stoned i couldnt talk straight so i went home and puked everywhere in front of my front door and just passed out outside. i woke up with my mom standing over me sayin "wtf" and laughin cuz i sleepin in my puke. it was pretty nasty HAHAHAHA
lol, cool story,, i am fortunate enough to be a person who doesnt throw up... altho some times when i take a big nasty hit from a dirty bong i have to hold it in....
I loved it, man, those were the days when drugs were still fun and there were still a few left under the sun to be done. After awhile I only smoked weed to stop that stomach eating itself feeling speed gives you after awhile, or when I was crashing, which almost turns a rough crash into a wild trip. Nasty stuff as I'm sure you know, but I'm not gonna lie about the fun I had with it either hehe.Only live once, right?
yep, i think i almost ruined weed using it to crash off crystal,, after experiencing that intense of a weed high nothing even compares
this wasnt no speed tho,, im talking about glass here,, speed is that white powdery kinda shit isnt it? id had speed a few times that was trying to be passed of as glass and its junk,, well its all junk but you know what i mean... the shit you used to get clear or white?
this stuff was rockin' ,, i could stretch a point the whole day if i needed but this shit was bomb

here is another short really high story from back in my old days...
9 day ice binge... i was so loopy people thought i was retarded,, and i did too,lol


Well-Known Member
Ice, glass...I just call it speed outa preference, we always got ice, big shiny-clear chunks or if it was towards the end of dudes stuff like little shards. Got the white crap your talking about once from some old guy who dressed like a biker but drove a car, burned worse than hell and barely took the edge off. Wouldnt even think about smoking it. Yeah dude, when I was just starting out and railing it it lasted forever. Smoked it, loved it, never looked back. Now I can't even get it but for once in a blue moon when someone hits me up and usually most I can get is a gram, which is enough across a weekend to remind me not to do it for another year hehe. It just doesnt do it like it used to, but its good for when I have alot of projects to get done. Or when I want to play gears of war for three days straight.

peacemane, yeah man, or mane, kinda glad it just left our area. Only time I see it is when one of my friends goes out to visit his family in iowa and brings a bit back. My friend had that same expereince you did one night when she ate a bunch of brownies, she didn't smoke all that much and we made ours pretty heavy...she went to go home, an hours drive..and I'm so baked its almost a mild trip, laying in the floor with massive attack blaring through the house painting giant eyeballs playing with my cat and I hear this feeble smacking on my door..I'm like..the fuck? So I open the door and she kinda melts into the house, she'd been leaning on the door. She made it a few feet to the bathroom and started puking. She was fucking through, i'd never seen anything like it but she was panicing really bad, too. She calmed down after a while and just road it out but she swore off edibles. Sorry for the long rambling, hash makes me do that.