Obama's executive order

I have some news for the chuckleheads that think Obama can do shit. He doesn't have the ability to nudge the 2nd, let alone topple it. You keep celebrating whatever you think was accomplished. We like that, it keeps the mongoloids busy and we don't have to listen to your stupid shit for a while.

Meanwhile, (ironically and laughably) gun sales will surge beyond belief...again. Gun stores and gun manufacturers will make ridiculous money. Millions of people who probably wouldn't have and probably shouldn't buy a firearm, will do exactly that. That's right, even more untrained fools will have firearms in their hands, thanks to Obama. He's the greatest thing that's ever happened to the firearm industry.
Why is everyone so scared they will take your guns.... they have plenty of guns on the black market. Buy them and stash them or bury them.off your property. If they do "raids" and remove guns then get a paper sign print date etc showing you sold this AK to this person or that person. If you know a dead man or men say he or they bought your guns about 3 years ago a course before the died. They have no one to ask if it's truth or a lie as the buyer is now dead

Or better yet get everyone to stop paying fed taxes etx and then they have nothing left.... no one is going to work for free so which means no.governemnt eventually. They can come after every us citizen that's for sure
Too bad- if O ran again, he'd win. Just sayin'.
you may be right, but what does this say about the american electorate. bambam has shown that he is an incompetent tyro. time and again he has failed to live up to even the limited expectations of his own party. from the unaffordable care act to his decision to simply look the other way as iran fulfills its nuclear ambitions, his every decision has weakened america's economy, productivity and global standing. still, the drones of american society might be willing to endure even more of his abject failure. just how stupid are y'all???
Dumb fucks in Texas.

I asked in the other thread and you didn't answer.

Texas IAS the 45th state to allow open carry.

Which of the five states, that don't allow it, do you live?

I bet you live in a state that allows it.
Also Texas is one of the most gun restrictive states... people always skim over that.
I don't mind Texas. While I have been there many times, the ignorance and bravado is too thick for me, but Texas gives those who espouse ignorance some place to collect and congregate. Keeps them south
I used to be pro some gun control, but I no longer feel that way given the events of the last few years. No I feel there should be no gun control and anybody who can afford one should be able to have and carry one. And I mean everybody, (ie: no matter what you did in your past, etc). This is the only way I now feel we can fix the gene pool. Arm everyone and eventually it will take care of itself.
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That's your deluded opinion, however.

Most don't share it, is all that means. He'd be re-elected

Do you think he could drone enough brown children and militarily occupy enough other countries he could get another Nobel Peace prize?
That's cool. Remove all laws while you're at it. That'll bring gang mentality forward like Mad Max.

"They'll take our guns" has been the foolish battle cry of the ignorant for decades.

The NRA = gun and ammo manufacturers. It's not people
ignorance runs rampant, as is witnessed by your post. the nra IS people. the gun and ammo manufacturers ARE people. everything from the white supremacists to nbpp IS people. this "us and them" mentality that divides society must stop or at least altered to reflect reality. US is just folks. we want to protect ourselves. we want to accumulate stuff to make our lives better. we want to live our lives free from the interference of busybodies and know-it-alls. THEM is the enemy of the individual. it is the collectivist anti-soul that seeks to sublimate our individuality in favor of some utopian daydream.

in those few instances of political honesty, the political animals that represent modern american liberalism have made it quite clear. their goal is to disarm the populace in the name of safety. well, safety is an illusion. while most folks have never had to face the reality of some miscreant kicking in their front door with the intent of disturbing the peace of their home, some of us have and we're damn glad we had a piece of hardware to equalize the situation. we've been put on hold when calling 911. we know the cavalry isn't waiting around the corner to save us in our hour of need. the nra isn't intent on handing out guns to homicidal maniacs and terrorists and i haven't the slightest interest in running down the street blowing the heads off of people i may deem criminal or evil. we just want to make sure that the average joe has the opportunity to keep himself and his family safe if the worst case scenario comes to pass. we aren't monsters, interested only in perpetuating the cycle of violence. if anything, we are most interested in ending that cycle by allowing the common man access to the means of his own defense.
That's cool. Remove all laws while you're at it. That'll bring gang mentality forward like Mad Max.

Would that be like going to a Trump rally and being stuck outside with 2k people in the snow because the arena is full. And then the secret service escorts a heckler out the front door into a crowd that is looking for red meat? We need cameras out side Trump Rallies so we can see the action.
The common man has always had a means to protect himself.

You're working yourself into a cappuccino froth by repeating the hollow battle cry