bodhi seeds

Anybody know of a dread bread grow anywhere
I can't find nothing on it
Got me a pack for 2016 outdoor
How y'all think they'll do outdoor
I think they will kick ass, true f1 hybrid with Colombian and Afghani genetics (i believe ) should be amazing vigor and and hardiness. Im willing to bet you find some flavors you've never experienced as well seeing as these lines have roots dating back before commercial seed lines were so readily available. If you are in to pollen chucking a nice male would throw some unique expressions mixed with modern hybrids, i personally would hit a bubba or cookies cross to speed up veg time and boost yields or clones if you have access. Hope this isn't too long winded but yeah i think it will do excellent as long as you have a decent growing season, though if you get a mangobiche leaner it may run a little late but being a true f1 the afgan should tame it enough.
@limonene i just realized how big those plants are in relation to the container size are those 3 gallon? Thats impressive as hell with all that gowth from the size of the roots and still so green. Well done and thanks for sharing i hope you pull some funk friend though i doubt you will have any trouble.
I was about to ask the same thing. Lol That's insane.

That has to be on some kind of drip...don't think I've ever seen a tree like that coming out of a pot that size. Beautiful plant, Limonene.
And here I thought Dream Beaver was your grail.......:wall:
Cant be a must-have if I already have it? Makes sense to thee? And the Dream Beaver had its ass kicked by the Affie x Dragonsblood by the by. I did mention this a bit ago, i have a new favorite now. Once dialled in yields are going to be downright RUDE. Cant wait to see what some Beaver pollen will do to these girls.

@Mad Hamish do you do outdoor or stick to indoor? From what ive gathered you're in a location with a longer season that us in the states. If i am not mistaken you have had the pleasure of Malawi and other choice landraces directly from the source. Thanks for your response and funk blessings. Also how are those affiexpipline sativas doing?
I miss outdoor big time maybe next season again if I am very lucky and play my cards right. Going from 2 to 6 pound bushes to runs measured in zips was bit if an adjustment for me.

I can highly recommend travel to Malawi. Not for the weed. Just google 'Lake Malawi' and see if you dont want to go. Dirt cheap to live there. Locals earn a dollar a week. No bullshit.

I screwed up on the first run with the Affie x Dragonsblood. Light leak, balls, beans, totally my bad and lack of vigilance. However the tops I did finish exceeded all expectations even as Bodhi gear. Raw mean power and a flavor that sticks to the nose and tongue the way tasty Hazes and Skunks do. The high is super well rounded literally hits EVERYWHERE.

Hit flower on some clones yesterday so the next bit will tell exactly... stoked!
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I like to use the structure and do stem/leaf rubs to get a feel for terp profile and resin production. Visible trichome production is a good indicator of potency/resin production the progeny it will produce.

Ya that's pretty well in line with what all the experienced breeders and pollen chuckers that I've been bothering for the last two weeks have been telling me. The problem is, I can be painfully indecisive when it comes to this hobby.

The big fella in the back has the strongest smell but not the best structure. It has the same number of nodes as the other three except spaced much farther apart. I like some stretchiness to my plants but that guy is literally the stretchiness/fastest growing plant I've ever seen.

One male is short and stocky and the other two are in the middle. I was going to toss the giant for being too stretchy but I like the smell. I was going to toss the short and stocky one because of its stature and lack of smell but then I'm thinking...what if this plant produces some kickass crosses, how do I really know? I think I'm just going to clone them all, collect some pollen from each, and give them each a designated bud site on an Ak47 plant that I've had for a decade and know very well, collect the seeds, and grow them out to see how their individual traits show through in their progeny before I start f2ing the Gojis.

Aaaand, that's yet another reason why I should only be allowed feminized seeds. lol
Ya that's pretty well in line with what all the experienced breeders and pollen chuckers that I've been bothering for the last two weeks have been telling me. The problem is, I can be painfully indecisive when it comes to this hobby.

The big fella in the back has the strongest smell but not the best structure. It has the same number of nodes as the other three except spaced much farther apart. I like some stretchiness to my plants but that guy is literally the stretchiness/fastest growing plant I've ever seen.

One male is short and stocky and the other two are in the middle. I was going to toss the giant for being too stretchy but I like the smell. I was going to toss the short and stocky one because of its stature and lack of smell but then I'm thinking...what if this plant produces some kickass crosses, how do I really know? I think I'm just going to clone them all, collect some pollen from each, and give them each a designated bud site on an Ak47 plant that I've had for a decade and know very well, collect the seeds, and grow them out to see how their individual traits show through in their progeny before I start f2ing the Gojis.

Aaaand, that's yet another reason why I should only be allowed feminized seeds. lol
Your thinking seems very solid to me.
Im with hamish i like the idea of diversity and before i finished reading was actually gonna suggest the same lol. It creates more work and time involved, but i don't mind i love digging into the genetic treasure chest actually i wish i were able to be more involved in breeding but life doesn't allow it at this point but the plant isn't going anywhere. Respect for committing yourself to this kinda undertaking i look forward to seeing what you find.
I dont know if i am gonna have two posts about this because i typed one and posted it and saw another response about clone only ogs being tall so it should be fine to use the big guy but they both seem to have disappeared but i like your approach and repsect your willingness to commit to being sure you make the right selection for what you want. If this is your first time chucking i think you will find a whole new appreciation for the plant, its exciting to see what you can create at home. Best wishes to you and i look forward to seeing what you find @unwine99 .