Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I hope I get atleast 40 hrs at work next month. Not because I need I just want it.

Work consists mainlu of winter maintenance. So once tenps are right I just sit around blowing lines smokinh joints waiting for work.

Paid anyways as Im on contract but work trucks jist feel so fun

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I was running around a couple different stores yesterday buying groceries etc. Around rush hour, holiday season, pretty busy. It wasn't until I got home unloading shit in the cold that I felt a strange breeze coming through the back of my jeans.
From above the tail bone side of my back pocket all the way a couple inches past my ass cheek was a large tear.
It wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't going commando.

At first I was paranoid and embarrassed, thinking about the little butt high children that were dashing around and what graphic images of my not so hairy ass I may have instilled in their adolescent brains. Or the laughs I may or may not have heard in the background, not thinking for a second that it could have been aimed at me.
After 24 hours, and a day of stupor, I am now proud of myself for enduring such a tragedy.
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Well-Known Member
I fought my brother. It's official, the holidays mean we have to fight.

I don't know the problem, i got drugs to share like aa bos. Usually ozs of all I use.

Insteadd he gets mad when I neeed more blow. Sorry blow is a problem for me lately hig bro. Lets huv it out



Well-Known Member
Had a day.

It was 60f today, I should mention that's inane for my area. Found a disk I lost 6 months ago on my walk from the beach. I was waiting for the leaves to die and for this prize to reveal itself... but the thorns where still there. Got the friz. tossed it around at the site of the first non-natives to the Americans homsted... Went on to shatter said frisbee on said historical land marks finely thatched roof.. I'm assuming it was the frisbees exposure to uv and extreme temp. changes that made it so shitty (unbelievable throw). So once we where asked to leave we went back to the compound to warm up a tid... Inzi end I went to multiple bars and played multiple rounds off pool. We never lost. My last game was about six minutes ago from when I started typing this (roughly an hour and a half (American))). It was for $160 (superior American currency), albeit I was coincidently down 160 sufficient American dollars.. Still a great day

Hope your hollandasie are saucy

Ya fruit cups


Well-Known Member
This kids parents obviously never had cable..
Those parents really imparted their wisdom of how to act in a functioning society.

Edit: I tried to be nice and watched this video in full...I'd knock this nigglet out


Gah I have to edit this again, even if it was a girl I'd still throw something at her from the crowed anonymously... Cuz it's a chick and I do respect women
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Well-Known Member
I just spilled some Pommery Meaux mustard on my new white Gaga T-shirt. What gets shitty fake french mustard out?

Pls advise, ASAP....

Zig-Zag Blue

Well-Known Member
I just spilled some Pommery Meaux mustard on my new white Gaga T-shirt. What gets shitty fake french mustard out?

Pls advise, ASAP....
Use ketchup on the mustard spot smear it around good ,may have to apply a second coat if you can still see the yellow showing through.glad i could help