Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yeah no shit. The fucked up thing is she's an awesome employee- probably the hardest working one here without a doubt. Lol I feel like I got punched in the gut. Man, I swear you can't trust anybody these days.
She was probably hard working so she could keep the job that gave her a loophole to exploit. Anybody can be chipper and gung-ho when they are pulling an extra 150 dollars a day.

When I was 16 I had a job where I pocketed 40 bucks a day because I applied the 20% off coupon a couple times a day to big parties.

I compartmentalized it as no harm done. I also got really into shop lifting and selling stuff.

Around 19-20 I had this huge crash and realized that I was being a horrible person. I had an alcohol problem and sex addiction. I realized that stealing was a way to make my life seem more exciting just like the drinking and sex. But I was hurting others and hurting my self.

I stopped drinking and stopped stealing. I still battle sexual urges on the daily, but every little victory makes me feel better about myself.

Plus my husband let's me have Sex with him when ever I want too now. He used to have anger and depression issues that would prevent him from getting aroused.

I was lucky I was never caught. That girl is gonna be in for a quick bottom out and awakening hopefully.


Well-Known Member
cocaine habit?

if all else fails, pm me.. i can tell you where to drop her off, or work out other arrangements. no payment for her though..

jk...... kinda

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I just keep shaking my head, wtf. I can't wait to come back tonight and see how far back this shit has been happening. I'll keep y'all posted, it'll be fun as fuck to watch her get arrested. She's got 3 young kids too.
She's a fool. I bet she collects cash aid and foodstamps too.

Once you have kids, your duck ups affect you kids. I hate auto spell.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hey bush, you should be able to see if others are stealing from you too. If no one else is, you should give those a raise or offer overtime until you find another employee.

Probably should keep an eye out once a month for theft too. Check inventory and coupon/promotions etc.

Announce a zero tolerance policy that if you are caught stealing any product or cash you will be immediately fired and losses over 50 dollars will be reported to the police. Might scare any thieves that are slipping under the radar.


Well-Known Member
cocaine habit?

if all else fails, pm me.. i can tell you where to drop her off, or work out other arrangements. no payment for her though..

jk...... kinda
what are you letting your balls go for over there? also...PM me if you have the time and inclination. I would like to pick your brain for a minute...


Well-Known Member
what are you letting your balls go for over there? also...PM me if you have the time and inclination. I would like to pick your brain for a minute...
bill-125 if your talking pearls

if not... depends how good you look and umm sexuality , might be free ;)


Well-Known Member
Going to hace another slice of lasagna I made last night.

Probably best to eat before stomach pains and I probably dose up some dank mdma. Then it will be edm music, cleaning and watching the sun fall from my balcony


Well-Known Member
@quizo - I've been trying to log in to send you a fucking message. I am on discourage, and I can't seem to get a fuckin' message off. My bad. Maybe you will let me bug you after my punishment is up?


Well-Known Member
What's the girl's IQ?

Anybody with half a brain knows you can't skim that much without management noticing...
No shit. I'm not a saint either I've stolen my share in my time but holy fuck she's an idiot. How long did she think she could go on for? I'll find out tonight when I investigate further. I'm guessing it's like 15k. That's a felony I'm sure